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India's total population is now 1.21 billion


New Delhi: India's total population stands at 1.21 billion, which is 17.7 per cent more than the last decade, and growth of females was higher than that of males.

According to the final census released by Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde today, India's total population as on March 1, 2011 is 1,210,726,932 or 1.21 billion -- an increase of 181.96 million persons in absolute number of population during 2001-11.

There was an increase of 90.97 million males and increase of 90.99 million females. The growth rate of females was 18.3 per cent which is higher than males -- 17.1 per cent.

India's population grew by 17.7 per cent during 2001-11, against 21.5 per cent in the previous decade. Among the major states, highest decadal growth in population has been recorded in Bihar (25.4 per cent) while 14 states and Union Territories have recorded population growth above 20 per cent.

Altogether, 833.5 million persons live in rural areas as per Census 2011, which was more than two-third of the total population, while 377.1 million persons live in urban areas.

Urban proportion has gone up from 17.3 per cent in 1951 to 31.2 per cent in 2011. Empowered Action Group (EAG) states have lower urban proportion (21.1 per cent) in comparison to non EAG states (39.7 per cent).

Highest proportion of urban population is in NCT Delhi (97.5 per cent). Top five states in share of urban population are Goa (62.2 per cent), Mizoram (52.1 per cent), Tamil Nadu (48.4 per cent), Kerala (47.7 per cent) and Maharashtra (45.2 per cent).




Indian industries are growing at a faster pace and so the accidents. Industry managementsinvest & benchmarks against global standards in areas like product development, energyconservation, ERP, Occupational Health, Environment and is yet to adopt & achieve global benchmarking in the area of Electrical Safety, such as:
Adopting / re-aligning /
Electrical O&M practices based on national / international standards on electrical safety (applicable Indian Standards/ NFPA 70 E & B, IEEE standards, etc.).
 Risk-Based Maintenance
practices for electrical installations. Presently electrical maintenance schedules & periodicity are made applicable to all electrical equipment.
Protecting life & property; carrying out O&M of electrical installations using the latest
 Electrical Safety Products
/ concepts.The table below summarizes the status of 
 Electrical Safety
in Indian industries, Technology / systems – ERP, management systems, production, fire protection, research, etc. updates happen in all areas except electrical.
Electrical pre-dominantly remains as behind the scene pure support team, to ensure un-interrupted production.
Fatal / periodic Electrical accidents or electrical breakdowns leading to production losses promptmanagement to take reactive steps such as aelectrical safety audit / ES training.
ES awareness requires improvement in both electrical engineers as well as safety engineers. Safety engineers are not able to break into electrical issues. For electrical engineers, ensuring continuity of power to production is the prime target. Mostoften they are not able to strike a balance between Power Availability and Safe Operation

Electrical Safety Week Program 01-07 May 2013 at NFCL NAGARJUNAGROUP -KAKINADA

Electricity is a firmly established part of our daily life at home and office. It is therefore very essential to be aware of how to properly use electricity.  

With this intent we are celebrating Electrical Safety Week from 01.05.2013 to 07.05.2013.  This program is also in line with a request from our Electrical Inspectorate.

We specially request active participation of all associates in the
1)  Quiz Program on 02.05.2013 and
2)  Lecture on Electrical Safety for Non-Electrical  on 04.05.2013

The complete program sheet is attached.

We request cooperation from all for successful conduct of the program.

Electricity: The Basics

Electricity: The Basics

What affects the flow of electricity?

Electricity flows more easily through some materials than others. Some substances such as metals generally offer very little resistance to the flow of electric current and are called " conductors." A common but perhaps overlooked conductor is the surface or subsurface of the earth. Glass, plastic, porcelain, clay, pottery, dry wood, and similar substances generally slow or stop the flow of electricity. They are called " insulators." Even air, normally an insulator, can become a conductor, as occurs during an arc or lightning stroke.

How does water affect the flow of electricity?

Pure water is a poor conductor. But small amounts of impurities in water like salt, acid, solvents, or other materials can turn water itself and substances that generally act as insulators into conductors or better conductors. Dry wood, for example, generally slows or stops the flow of electricity. But when saturated with water, wood turns into a conductor. The same is true of human skin. Dry skin has a fairly high resistance to electric current. But when skin is moist or wet, it acts as a conductor. This means that anyone working with electricity in a damp or wet environment needs to exercise extra caution to prevent electrical hazards.

What causes shocks?

Electricity travels in closed circuits, normally through a conductor. But sometimes a person's body -- an efficient conductor of electricity -- mistakenly becomes part of the electric circuit. This can cause an electrical shock. Shocks occur when a person's body completes the current path with:

  • both wires of an electric circuit;
  • one wire of an energized circuit and the ground;
  • a metal part that accidentally becomes energized due, for example, to a break in its insulation; or
  • another " conductor" that is carrying a current.
When a person receives a shock, electricity flows between parts of the body or through the body to a ground or the earth.

What effect do shocks have on the body?

An electric shock can result in anything from a slight tingling sensation to immediate cardiac arrest. The severity depends on the following:

  • the amount of current flowing through the body,
  • the current's path through the body,
  • the length of time the body remains in the circuit, and
  • the current's frequency.
This table shows the general relationship between the amount of current received and the reaction when current flows from the hand to the foot for just 1 second.

Effects of Electric Current in the Human Body

Current Reaction

Below 1 milliampere Generally not perceptible
1 milliampere Faint tingle
5 milliamperesSlight shock felt; not painful but disturbing. Average individual can let go. Strong involuntary reactions can lead to other injuries.
6–25 milliamperes (women)Painful shock, loss of muscular control*
9–30 milliamperes (men) The freezing current or " let-go" range.* Individual cannot let go, but can be thrown away from the circuit if extensor muscles are stimulated.
50–150 milliamperes Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contractions. Death is possible.
1,000–4,300 milliamperesRhythmic pumping action of the heart ceases. Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur; death likely.
10,000 milliamperes Cardiac arrest, severe burns; death probable
* If the extensor muscles are excited by the shock, the person may be thrown away from the power source.

Source: W.B. Kouwenhoven, " Human Safety and Electric Shock," Electrical Safety Practices, Monograph, 112, Instrument Society of America, p. 93. November 1968.

What kind of burns can a shock cause?

Burns are the most common shock-related injury. An electrical accident can result in an electrical burn, arc burn, thermal contact burn, or a combination of burns.

Electrical burns are among the most serious burns and require immediate medical attention. They occur when electric current flows through tissues or bone, generating heat that causes tissue damage.

Arc or flash burns result from high temperatures caused by an electric arc or explosion near the body. These burns should be treated promptly.

Thermal contact burns are caused when the skin touches hot surfaces of overheated electric conductors, conduits, or other energized equipment. Thermal burns also can be caused when clothing catches on fire, as may occur when an electric arc is produced.

In addition to shock and burn hazards, electricity poses other dangers. For example, arcs that result from short circuits can cause injury or start a fire. Extremely high-energy arcs can damage equipment, causing fragmented metal to fly in all directions. Even low-energy arcs can cause violent explosions in atmospheres that contain flammable gases, vapors, or combustible dusts.

Why do people sometimes " freeze" when they are shocked?

When a person receives an electrical shock, sometimes the electrical stimulation causes the muscles to contract. This " freezing" effect makes the person unable to pull free of the circuit. It is extremely dangerous because it increases the length of exposure to electricity and because the current causes blisters, which reduce the body's resistance and increases the current.

The longer the exposure, the greater the risk of serious injury. Longer exposures at even relatively low voltages can be just as dangerous as short exposures at higher voltages. Low voltage does not imply low hazard.

In addition to muscle contractions that cause " freezing," electrical shocks also can cause involuntary muscle reactions. These reactions can result in a wide range of other injuries from collisions or falls, including bruises, bone fractures, and even death.

What should you do if someone" freezes" to a live electrical contact?

If a person is " frozen" to a live electrical contact, shut off the current immediately. If this is not possible, use boards, poles, or sticks made of wood or any other nonconducting materials and safely push or pull the person away from the contact. It's important to act quickly, but remember to protect yourself as well from electrocution or shock.

How can you tell if a shock is serious?

A severe shock can cause considerably more damage than meets the eye. A victim may suffer internal hemorrhages and destruction of tissues, nerves, and muscles that aren't readily visible. Renal damage also can occur. If you or a coworker receives a shock, seek emergency medical help immediately.

What is the danger of static electricity?

Static electricity also can cause a shock, though in a different way and generally not as potentially severe as the type of shock described previously. Static electricity can build up on the surface of an object and, under the right conditions, can discharge to a person, causing a shock. The most familiar example of this is when a person reaches for a door knob or other metal object on a cold, relatively dry day and receives a shock.

However, static electricity also can cause shocks or can just discharge to an object with much more serious consequences, as when friction causes a high level of static electricity to build up at a specific spot on an object. This can happen simply through handling plastic pipes and materials or during normal operation of rubberized drive or machine belts found in many worksites. In these cases, for example, static electricity can potentially discharge when sufficient amounts of flammable or combustible substances are located nearby and cause an explosion. Grounding or other measures may be necessary to prevent this static electricity buildup and the results.

Protection Against Electrical Hazards

Protection Against Electrical Hazards

What is the best way to protect yourself against electrical hazards?

Most electrical accidents result from one of the following three factors:

  • unsafe equipment or installation,
  • unsafe environment, or
  • unsafe work practices.
Some ways to prevent these accidents are through the use of insulation, guarding, grounding, electrical protective devices, and safe work practices.

What protection does insulation provide?

Insulators such as glass, mica, rubber, or plastic used to coat metals and other conductors help stop or reduce the flow of electrical current. This helps prevent shock, fires, and short circuits. To be effective, the insulation must be suitable for the voltage used and conditions such as temperature and other environmental factors like moisture, oil, gasoline, corrosive fumes, or other substances that could cause the insulator to fail.

How do you identify different types of insulation?

Insulation on conductors is often color coded. Insulated equipment grounding conductors usually are either solid green or green with yellow stripes. Insulation covering grounded conductors is generally white or gray. Ungrounded conductors, or " hot wires," often are black or red, although they may be any color other than green, white, or gray.

Before connecting electrical equipment to a power source, it's a good idea to check the insulation for any exposed wires for possible defects. Insulation covering flexible cords such as extension cords is particularly vulnerable to damage.

What is guarding and what protection does it offer?

Guarding involves locating or enclosing electric equipment to make sure people don't accidentally come into contact with its live parts. Effective guarding requires equipment with exposed parts operating at 50 volts or more to be placed where it is accessible only to authorized people qualified to work with it. Recommended locations are a room, vault, or similar enclosure; a balcony, gallery, or elevated platform; or a site elevated 8 feet (2.44 meters) or more above the floor. Sturdy, permanent screens also can serve as effective guards.

Conspicuous signs must be posted at the entrances to electrical rooms and similarly guarded locations to alert people to the electrical hazard and to forbid entry to unauthorized people. Signs may contain the word " Danger," " Warning," or " Caution," and beneath that, appropriate concise wording that alerts people to the hazard or gives an instruction, such as " Danger/High Voltage/Keep Out."

What is grounding and what protection does it offer?

" Grounding" a tool or electrical system means intentionally creating a low-resistance path that connects to the earth. This prevents the buildup of voltages that could cause an electrical accident.

Grounding is normally a secondary protective measure to protect against electric shock. It does not guarantee that you won't get a shock or be injured or killed by an electrical current. It will, however, substantially reduce the risk, especially when used in combination with other safety measures discussed in this booklet.

A service or system ground is designed primarily to protect machines, tools, and insulation against damage. One wire, called the " neutral" or " grounded" conductor, is grounded. In an ordinary low-voltage circuit, the white or gray wire is grounded at the generator or transformer and at the building's service entrance.

An equipment ground helps protect the equipment operator. It furnishes a second path for the current to pass through from the tool or machine to the ground. This additional ground safeguards the operator if a malfunction causes the tool's metal frame to become energized. The resulting flow of current may activate the circuit protection devices.

What are circuit protection devices and how do they work?

Circuit protection devices limit or stop the flow of current automatically in the event of a ground fault, overload, or short circuit in the wiring system. Well-known examples of these devices are fuses, circuit breakers, ground-fault circuit interrupters, and arc-fault circuit interrupters.

Fuses and circuit breakers open or break the circuit automatically when too much current flows through them. When that happens, fuses melt and circuit breakers trip the circuit open. Fuses and circuit breakers are designed to protect conductors and equipment. They prevent wires and other components from overheating and open the circuit when there is a risk of a ground fault.

Ground-fault circuit interrupters, or GFCIs, are used in wet locations, construction sites, and other high-risk areas. These devices interrupt the flow of electricity within as little as 1/40 of a second to prevent electrocution. GFCIs compare the amount of current going into electric equipment with the amount of current returning from it along the circuit conductors. If the difference exceeds 5 milliamperes, the device automatically shuts off the electric power.

Arc-fault devices provide protection from the effects of arc-faults by recognizing characteristics unique to arcing and by functioning to deenergize the circuit when an arc-fault is detected.

What work practices help protect you against electrical hazards?

Electrical accidents are largely preventable through safe work practices. Examples of these practices include the following:

  • deenergizing electric equipment before inspection or repair,
  • keeping electric tools properly maintained,
  • exercising caution when working near energized lines, and
  • using appropriate protective equipment.
Electrical safety-related work practice requirements for general industry are detailed in Subpart S of 29 CFR Part 1910, in Sections 1910.331–1910.335. For construction applications, electrical safety-related work practice requirements are detailed in Subpart K of 29 CFR Part 1926.416 to 1926.417.

How can you protect yourself against metal parts that become energized?

A break in an electric tool's or machine's insulation can cause its metal parts to become " hot" or energized, meaning that they conduct electricity. Touching these energized parts can result in an electrical shock, burn, or electrocution. The best way to protect yourself when using electrical tools or machines is to establish a low-resistance path from the device's metallic case to the ground. This requires an equipment grounding conductor, a low-resistance wire that directs unwanted current directly to the ground. A properly installed grounding conductor has a low resistance to ground and greatly reduces the amount of current that passes through your body. Cord and plug equipment with a three-prong plug is a common example of equipment incorporating this ground conductor.

Another form of protection is to use listed or labeled portable tools and appliances protected by an approved system of double insulation or its equivalent. Where such a system is employed, it must be marked distinctively to indicate that the tool or appliance uses an approved double insulation system.

How can you prevent an accidental or unexpected equipment startup?

Proper lockout/tagout procedures protect you from the dangers of the accidental or unexpected startup of electrical equipment and are required for general industry by OSHA Standard 1910.333, Selection and Use of Work Practices. Requirements for construction applications are in 29 CFR 1926.417, Lockout and Tagging of Circuits. These procedures ensure that electrical equipment is deenergized before it is repaired or inspected and protects you against electrocution or shock.

The first step before beginning any inspection or repair job is to turn the current off at the switch box and padlock the switch in the OFF position. This applies even on so-called low-voltage circuits. Securely tagging the switch or controls of the machine or equipment being locked out of service clarifies to everyone in the area which equipment or circuits are being inspected or repaired.

Only qualified electricians who have been trained in safe lockout procedures should maintain electrical equipment. No two of the locks used should match, and each key should fit just one lock. In addition, one individual lock and key should be issued to each maintenance worker authorized to lock out and tag the equipment. All employees who repair a given piece of equipment should lock out its switch with an individual lock. Only authorized workers should be permitted to remove it.

How can you protect yourself from overhead power lines?

Before working under or near overhead power lines, ensure that you maintain a safe distance to the lines and, for very high-voltage lines, ground any equipment such as cranes that can become energized. If working on power lines, ensure that the lines have been deenergized and grounded by the owner or operator of the lines. Other protective measures like guarding or insulating the lines help prevent accidental contact.

Employees unqualified to work with electricity, as well as mechanical equipment, should remain at least 10 feet (3.05 meters) away from overhead power lines. If the voltage is more than 50,000 volts, the clearance increases by 4 inches (10 centimeters) for each additional 10,000 volts.

When mechanical equipment is operated near overhead lines, employees standing on the ground should avoid contact with the equipment unless it is located outside the danger zone. When factoring the safe standoff distance, be sure to consider the equipment's maximum reach.

What protection does personal equipment offer?

Employees who work directly with electricity should use the personal protective equipment required for the jobs they perform. This equipment may include rubber insulating gloves, hoods, sleeves, matting, blankets, line hose, and industrial protective helmets designed to reduce electric shock hazard. All help reduce the risk of electrical accidents.

What role do tools play?

Appropriate and properly maintained tools help protect workers against electric hazards. It's important to maintain tools regularly because it prevents them from deteriorating and becoming dangerous. Check each tool before using it. If you find a defect, immediately remove it from service and tag it so no one will use it until it has been repaired or replaced.

When using a tool to handle energized conductors, check to make sure it is designed and constructed to withstand the voltages and stresses to which it has been exposed.

What special training do employees need?

All employees should be trained to be thoroughly familiar with the safety procedures for their particular jobs. Moreover, good judgment and common sense are integral to preventing electrical accidents. When working on electrical equipment, for example, some basic procedures to follow are to:

  • deenergize the equipment,
  • use lockout and tag procedures to ensure that the equipment remains deenergized,
  • use insulating protective equipment, and
  • maintain a safe distance from energized parts.
What's the value of a safety and health program in controlling electrical hazards?

Every good safety and health program provides measures to control electrical hazards. The measures suggested in this booklet should be helpful in establishing such a program. The responsibility for this program should be delegated to someone with a complete knowledge of electricity, electrical work practices, and the appropriate OSHA standards for installation and performance.

Everyone has the right to work in a safe environment. Safety and health add value to your business and your workplace. Through cooperative efforts, employers and employees can learn to identify and eliminate or control electrical hazards.

To reducing the risks presented by electricity in the workplace, including advice on basic electrical safety and safer working practices.

It also gives details of related legal duties and obligations on employers and links to further information.

Quick links:

  • What are the main risks from electricity?
  • Who is most at risk from electricity?
  • Legal duties and obligations around electricity
  • Assessing the risks from electricity
  • Basic electrical safety
  • Underground and overhead electrical supplies
  • Further information on electricity and safety
  • This webpage available in other languages

Good practices:

  • Use other forms of power where possible
  • Reduce the voltage
  • Use Residual Current Devices (RCDs) for extra safety
  • Maintain your electrical equipment and installations
  • Work safely

What are the risks from electricity?

Harm can be caused to any person when they are exposed to ‘live parts’ that are either touched directly or indirectly by means of some conducting object or material. Voltages over 50 volts AC or 120 volts DC are considered hazardous.
Electricity can kill. Each year about 1000 accidents at work involving electric shocks or burns are reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Around 30 of these are fatal, most of them arising from contact with overhead or underground power cables.
Shocks from faulty equipment can cause severe and permanent injury and can also lead to indirect injuries, due to falls from ladders, scaffolds, or other work platforms.
Faulty electrical appliances can also lead to fires. As well as causing injuries and loss of life, fires cause damage to plant, equipment and property.

Who is most at risk from electricity?

Anyone can be exposed to the dangers of electricity while at work and everyone should be made aware of the dangers.
Those most at risk include maintenance staff, those working with electrical plant, equipment and machinery, and people working in harsh environments such as construction sites.
Most electrical accidents occur because individuals:
  • are working on or near equipment which is thought to be dead but which is, in fact, live
  • are working on or near equipment which is known to be live, but where those involved are without adequate training or appropriate equipment, or they have not taken adequate precautions
  • misuse equipment or use electrical equipment which they know to be faulty.

Legal duties and obligations around electricity

As well as a moral duty on employers to protect employees and members of the public, General Health and Safety Legislation covers all employers and workplaces.
In addition, specific duties and obligations are laid out in the following regulations:
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 These regulations apply to all aspects of the use of electricity within the workplace from electrical supplies to the use of electrical equipment. They place a duty on employers, employees and the self-employed to:
  • have the electrical systems constructed in a way that prevents danger
  • maintain their electrical systems as necessary to prevent danger
  • have work on, use of, or closure of, electrical systems carried out in a way that prevents danger.
  • electrical equipment used in hazardous environments (e.g. extremes of weather, temperature, corrosive conditions) must be constructed or protected to prevent it becoming dangerous
  • only those with adequate knowledge or experience, or who are under adequate supervision should work with, or on, electrical equipment that could cause danger or injury.
  • injury to staff due to an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation; or admittance to hospital
  • electrical short circuit or overload causing fire or explosion
  • plant or equipment coming into contact with overhead power lines.

Assessing the risks from electricity

Consider the following hazards in your risk assessment:
Live parts Normal mains voltage, 230 volts AC, can kill. Also, contact with live parts can cause shocks and burns.
Fire Electrical faults can cause fires. This is particularly true where the equipment contains a heat source (e.g. heaters, including water heaters, washing machines, ovens, heat-seal packaging equipment).
Flammable or explosive atmospheres Electricity can be a source of ignition in a potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere, e.g. in spray paint booths or around refuelling areas.
Where and how electricity is used The risks from electricity are greatest in harsh conditions.
In wet conditions, unsuitable equipment can easily become live and can make its surroundings live.
While outdoors, equipment may not only become wet but may be at greater risk of damage.
In cramped or confined spaces with a lot of earthed metalwork, such as inside tanks, ducts and silos, if an electrical fault develops it can be very difficult to avoid a shock.
Types of equipment in use Some items of equipment can also involve greater risk than others. Extension leads are particularly liable to damage to their plugs and sockets, cables, and electrical connections. Other flexible leads, particularly those connected to equipment that is moved a great deal, can suffer from similar problems.

Basic electrical safety

Below are some minimum steps you should take to ensure electrical safety.
Mains supplies
  • install new electrical systems to BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations
  • maintain all electrical installations in good working order
  • provide enough socket-outlets for equipment in use
  • avoid overloading socket-outlets – using adaptors can cause fires
  • provide an accessible and clearly identified switch ('Emergency Off' or 'EMO' button) near fixed machinery to cut off power in an emergency
  • for portable equipment, connect to nearby socket-outlets so that it can be easily disconnected in an emergency.
Use the right equipment
  • choose electrical equipment that is suitable for its working environment
  • ensure that equipment is safe when supplied and maintain it in a safe condition
  • electrical equipment used in flammable/explosive atmospheres should be designed not to produce sparks. Seek specialist advice when choosing this type of equipment.
  • protect light bulbs and other easily damaged equipment – there is a risk of electric shock if they are broken.
Maintenance and repairs
  • ensure equipment is fitted with the correctly rated fuse.
  • ensure cable ends always have their outer sheaths firmly clamped to stop wires working loose from plugs or inside equipment
  • replace damaged sections of cable completely – never repair cuts with insulating tape.
  • use proper connectors to join lengths of cable – don't use connector blocks covered in insulating tape or 'splice' wires by twisting them together
  • some equipment is double insulated. These are often marked with a ‘double-square’ symbol. The supply leads have only two wires – live (brown) and neutral (blue)
  • make sure all wires are connected securely if the 13A plug is not a moulded-on type.

Good practices:

Use other forms of power where possible Electrical risks can sometimes be eliminated by using air, hydraulic or hand-powered tools. These are especially useful in harsh conditions, but remember they could introduce other hazards.
Reduce the voltage Using lower voltages can reduce or eliminate the risks of electric shocks and burns:
  • portable tools are available which can be run from a 110 volts, centre-tapped-to-earth supply, (usually from a transformer)
  • where electrically powered tools are used, battery-operated are safest
  • temporary lighting can be run at lower voltages, e.g. 12, 25, 50 or 110 volts.
Use Residual Current Devices (RCDs) for extra safety An RCD can provide additional safety. An RCD detects some (but not all) faults in the electrical system and rapidly switches off the supply.
The best place for an RCD is built into the main supply or the socket-outlet, as this means that the supply cables are permanently protected.
If this is not possible, use a plug incorporating an RCD or a plug-in RCD adaptor. RCDs for protecting people have a rated tripping current (sensitivity) of not more than 30 milliamps (mA).
  • an RCD is a valuable safety device – never bypass it
  • if the RCD trips, it is a sign there is a fault. Check the system before using it again.
  • if the RCD trips frequently and no fault can be found in the system, consult the manufacturer of the RCD
  • use the RCD test button regularly to check that its mechanism is free and functioning.
Maintain your electrical equipment and installations All electrical equipment and installations should be maintained to prevent danger. This should include an appropriate system of formal visual inspection, and where necessary, testing.
Most faults can usually be identified by an informal visual inspection. It is important that before an item is used a check is made on the plug, cable, cable-entry or input socket and the casing of the equipment.
If a fault is identified, the item should be removed from use and repaired before being used again. Staff should be trained to carry out these simple visual checks.
There should also be a system where formal visual inspections are carried out and recorded, backed up by a system of Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) where appropriate.
There is a misconception that this testing should be carried out annually, but the legislation requires employers to decide on the frequency of testing based on their risk assessment.
Factors to consider include:
  • type of equipment
  • where equipment is used
  • is equipment portable or transportable?
  • is it used in a harsh environment?
Fixed installations should also be inspected and tested periodically by a competent person. Records of the results of inspection and testing can be useful in assessing the effectiveness of the system.

Work safely Make sure that people working with electricity are competent to do the job. Even simple tasks such as wiring a plug can lead to danger - ensure that people know what they are doing before they start.
Make sure that:
  • suspect or faulty equipment is taken out of use immediately
  • suspect or faulty equipment is labelled ‘DO NOT USE’
  • suspect or faulty equipment is kept secure until examined by a competent person
  • where possible, tools and power socket-outlets are switched off before plugging in or unplugging
  • equipment is switched off and/or unplugged before cleaning or making adjustments
  • where possible, all electrical appliances are switched off at the mains at the end of the working day.
More complicated tasks, such as equipment repairs or alterations to an electrical installation, should only be tackled by people with knowledge of the risks and the precautions needed.
Work on exposed live parts of equipment and systems must not be carried out unless it is absolutely unavoidable and suitable precautions have been taken to prevent injury, both to the workers and to anyone else who may be in the area.

Underground and overhead electrical supplies

Always assume supplies are live unless it is confirmed otherwise by a competent person or utility company. Use plans and cable-avoiding tools to locate cables. Have overhead lines switched off if possible or maintain safe distances from the lines for plant and equipment.
More detailed guidance on avoidance of danger from underground and overhead electric lines is available from the Health and Safety Executive.

Fire safety is everyone's responsibility.

Fire safety is everyone's responsibility.
This page gives advice on reducing the risks of fire in the workplace and information on legal duties and responsibilities.

  • Fire risks and the workplace
  • Legal duties and responsibilities around fire safety
  • Fire alarms and detectors (fire warning systems)
  • Escape routes
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment
  • Further information on fire safety
  • Local Fire and Rescue Service contact details
  • This webpage available in other languages
  • Your questions

Good practices:

  • General fire safety
  • Test your observational skill in identifying fire hazards
  • Emergency planning and training
  • At shutdown

Fire risks and the workplace

Fire presents significant risk to businesses. It can kill or seriously injure employees or visitors and can damage or destroy buildings, equipment and stock.
Organisations operating from single premises are particularly vulnerable as loss of premises may completely disrupt their operations. Many businesses fail to continue trading following a severe fire.
Fire may have a more significant impact on businesses that:
  • stock combustible materials including flammable liquids or gases
  • use heat processes
  • have people working alone in parts of the building
  • have poorly maintained equipment or electrical circuits
  • have public access (i.e. are at risk from arson)
  • have poor housekeeping standards.
However, any organisation may be affected at any time.

Legal duties and responsibilities around fire safety

Under the legislation, those who are responsible for premises, including owners, employers, managers, employees and others occupying non-domestic premises must manage fire safety on those premises.
Those responsible should:
  • take steps to prevent and reduce the impact of fire on the workplace and carry out a fire risk assessment of their workplace
  • identify the significant findings of the risk assessment and the details of anyone who might be especially at risk in case of fire (these must be recorded if more than five e​mployees)
  • provide and maintain fire precautions necessary to safeguard anyone using the workplace (including visitors).
  • provide information, instruction and training to employees about the fire precautions in the workplace.
  • where it is necessary to safeguard the safety of employees, employers must nominate people to undertake any special roles which are required under the emergency plan
  • employers must consult their employees (or their elected representatives or appointed trade union safety representatives) about the nomination of people to carry out particular roles in connection with fire safety and about proposals for improving the fire precautions
  • employers must inform other employers who also have workplaces in the building of any significant risks they found which might affect the safety of their employees – and co-operate with them about the measures proposed to reduce/control those risks
  • controllers of premises (even if they do not employ anyone themselves) which contain more than one workplace are also responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the fire legislation are complied with in those parts over which they have control
  • employers must establish a suitable means of contacting the emergency services, and ensure that they can be called easily. They should also ensure that the emergency services can gain access to the premises in an emergency.
  • employees must co-operate with employers to ensure the workplace is safe from fire and its effects and not to do anything which will place themselves or other people at risk

Fire alarms and detectors (fire warning systems)

  • ensure existing means of detection discover a fire quickly enough to raise an alarm in time for all the occupants to escape to a safe place
  • the means for giving warning should be clearly heard and understood throughout the whole premises when initiated from any single point
  • if the fire detection and warning system is electrically powered, ensure it has a back-up power supply
  • ensure employees know about the fire warning system, and that they know how to operate and respond to it
  • ensure there are instructions/notices for employees on how to operate the fire warning system.

Escape routes

  • make sure there is a reasonable length of time for all the occupants to escape to a place of safety once a fire has been detected.
  • ensure there are enough exits and that they are in the right places. The type and size of exits should be suitable and sufficient for the number of people likely to need to use them.
  • in the event of fire anywhere in the workplace, make sure at least one route from any part of the premises remains available
  • all escape routes must be easily identifiable, free from any obstructions and adequately illuminated
  • all staff should be instructed and trained in using the means of escape
  • instructions about the means of escape should be displayed for employees
  • means of escape arrangements should be included in the emergency plan.

Fire extinguishers

  • ensure extinguishers are suitable for the purpose and of sufficient capacity for the fire risks on the premises
  • ensure sufficient extinguishers are sited throughout the workplace
  • ensure the right types of extinguishers are located close to the fire hazards and that users can gain access to them without exposing themselves to risk
  • ensure the locations of the extinguishers are obvious or highlight their positions
  • give the people likely to use the fire extinguishers adequate instruction and training
  • include the use of fire-fighting equipment in your emergency plan.

Maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment

  • all fire doors and escape routes should be regularly checked along with associated lighting and signs
  • fire-fighting equipment should be regularly checked
  • fire detection and alarm equipment should be regularly checked
  • all other equipment provided to help means of escape arrangements in the building should be regularly checked
  • instructions for relevant employees about testing of equipment should be available
  • make sure those who test and maintain the equipment are properly trained to do so.

Good practices:

General fire safety
  • good standards of housekeeping are essential – keep workplaces tidy
  • regularly remove combustible waste, including accumulations of dust
  • keep ignition sources away from combustible material, flammable liquids/gases, etc.
  • keep use of flammable liquids to a minimum and close containers when not in use
  • have bunding in place in larger storage areas, to control the extent of any spillages and prevent chemicals mixing
  • consider how you would recover from the effects of a fire.

Emergency planning and training

Local Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) may offer training in emergency planning and fire safety.
  • compile an emergency plan
  • ensure employees are familiar with the plan, trained in its use and involved in testing it
  • ensure the emergency plan is made available to all who need to be aware of it
  • ensure the procedures to be followed are clearly indicated throughout the workplace
  • consider all the people likely to be present in the workplace and others who share the building.

At shutdown:
  • ensure all windows and doors are closed, including doors held open by automatic release units
  • switch off electrical equipment not in use, and where appropriate, unplug
  • check that smokers' materials are not left smouldering
  • check that all naked flames are extinguished or left in a safe condition
  • ensure all flammable or combustible waste is removed to a safe place
  • check that all highly flammable materials are safely stored
  • ensure that the workplace is secured against unauthorised entry

a very happy global love day MAY 1st Founder’s Global Love Day 2013 Address


Founder’s Global Love Day 2013 Address
Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2013,
Just a brief ten years ago we launched a simple idea that holds profound potential – celebrating our humanity through unconditional love on this symbolic day that we call Global Love Day. Today we bear witness to the beautiful response from countless individuals like you in every nation and culture who are bringing life to this vision by embodying and sharing love each and every day.
A new world is being born that ensures the destiny of our children will be one that is filled with integrity, dignity, diversity, harmony, prosperity and compassion. One-by-one and heart-to-heart we are laying this foundation with our own love for the benefit of generations yet to come. Bridging the days of old, we understand the value of forgiveness and self acceptance as being the cornerstone of our personal effort. Love truly does begin with me.
With each successive year, we are rapidly experiencing the realization that we are interconnected and interdependent and always have been. We comprehend that this precious planet is our home and, as a collective humanity, we are its custodians. What we do for one, we do for all, including ourselves. Together, we are uniting and making a difference  through love.
Traditions, obligations and beliefs are transforming into viable pathways and solutions that are inclusive and acknowledge the common good for everyone. Alas, this does not always come easy or without challenge; however with courage, wisdom, respect and perseverance, we are taking the necessary steps knowing we are the ones responsible for this unfolding journey.
I extend my personal gratitude to each of you for sharing this vision with us these many years and for consciously making this a better world for all. With deep appreciation and love, I welcome you to our tenth celebration of Global Love Day.
Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation, Inc.
I Love Unconditionally...
I love unconditionally...  Become conscious of this simple intention and view your life from a different perspective, if even for just one day. Think about unconditional love and what it really means to you.  Allow yourself to open up and actually feel the love you already have within.  Accept the aspects of life that challenge you, whether from your past, present or view of the future.  Decide to let love be your response to everyone and everything.  See all life interconnected, joyful and safe. Choose to enjoy life no matter how difficult it may have been or how challenging you may perceive it to be.  Just let love be your focus for the day and see what happens.
Some Ideas For Yourself...
Consider what it means to fully accept yourself and forgive your past choices and experiences
Offer genuine forgiveness either in your mind or shared verbally to another who you feel has impacted you in a negative way
Decide to let go of the outmoded and outdates beliefs that no longer represent who you are
Meditate on Love as a natural and boundless force already existing in your life
Express your compassion to yourself and the world around you
Think and feel thoughts of love to friends, family and neighbors
Take a deep breath
Send kind words to others via e-mail, text, mail or call them personally to express your gratitude of having them in your life 
Make amends with someone you have discarded from your life for past mistakes
Forgive a person, place, relationship, circumstance or even an illness that has challenged you
Hug someone and let yourself be hugged
Watch a sunrise or sunset, even better if you can do both in the same day
Embrace a stranger and meet the friend they become
Watch children play
Write a poem
Take a walk
Feel grateful for everything currently in your life
Dance as if no one is watching
Sing out loud
Accept another person's view as their right to think that way
Spend the day thinking positive thoughts
Say a kind word to a stranger
Love the amazing animal kingdom
Forgive your childhood traumas
Send loving thoughts to the plants and flowers of this earth
Let go of fear and doubt
Trust yourself
Release the judgments you hold about life
Accept for a day that everything that comes your way as being right and perfect for the moment and is teaching you something
Visualize the world as a loving place
Invite family, friends, neighbors to…
Have a picnic, breakfast, brunch/lunch, dinner in your local park, garden, home etc… to celebrate and/or meditate on “love”  
Organize a community Global Love Day celebration in your local area or join up with others who have already organized an event (example: parades or concerts)  
Organize other types of Global Love Day special events like block parties, candlelight celebrations, art gallery openings, musical or theater events based on love, gratitude, and forgiveness 
Share a meal with someone less fortunate and/or volunteer to assist an organization in need 
Promote acts of kindness during Global Love Day
Reach out to those in need and show them you care and that they are capable of love too
Volunteer to teach someone to read or read to someone who cannot see or just read to someone who might be ailing and needs to hear a soothing voice.  
Add a few dollars/ RUPEES  to a homeless person’s cup instead of a few cents or bring them food to eat.  
Volunteer for the day to assist with or serve at your local soup kitchen for the homeless
Share the Global Love Day flyer as a way to connect with others about your intention to love




Electrocution remains a major cause of deaths in construction. Part of the reason is that at home and on the job we take electricity for granted. This can lead to familiarity and a false sense of security. Relying on the benefits of electricity, we may forget its hazards. Historically, electrocution accounts for about 20% of all fatalities in construction. Unfortunately, last year was no exception. Four of the twenty construction deaths in 1999 were electrocutions. All of the fatalities resulted from overhead contact with powerlines -- a boom truck in one case, ladders in the other three.
Overhead Contact

Some people think that only cranes are involved in overhead contacts. But backhoes, dump trucks, and low-tech equipment like ladders and rolling scaffolds have also been involved. Nor does it take high-tension lines to kill construction people. Too many fatalities involve residential service.

  • Locate and identify all overhead powerlines. Determine voltage before construction begins.
  • Have lines moved, insulated, or de-energized. In urban areas, insulating or "rubberizing" powerlines is often most practical. Contact the local utility.
  • Use a signaler whenever a backhoe, crane, or similar device is closer than one boom length to a live powerline of 750 volts or more.
  • The signaler must warn the operator when any part of the machine or its load approaches the minimum distances allowed in the construction regulation.
    Voltage rating
    Minimum distance
    750 -150,000 volts
    3 meters
    151,000 - 250,000
    4.5 meters
    Over 250,000 volts
    6 meters
  • Never use aluminum or metal-reinforced ladders near overhead lines or live electrical equipment or wiring. Even contact with a wooden ladder can be fatal under damp or wet conditions.
  • Never store material or equipment under overhead powerlines if current is more than 750 volts and cranes or similar lifting devices will be involved.
  • Where material or equipment must be stored under powerlines, hang warning flags so that personnel will not use hoisting and lifting equipment.
  • Remember that overhead lines can be struck not only by booms and ladders but also by long pieces of material being lifted by hand, such as pipe and siding.
  • Beware of wind swaying powerlines into contact with equipment, hoist lines, or loads. And beware of wind blowing hoist lines or loads into contact with powerlines.
In the event of contact between equipment and overhead powerlines:
Stay on equipment. Don't touch equipment and ground at the same time. In fact, touching anything in contact with the ground can be fatal.
Keep others away. Warn everyone not to touch the equipment or its load. That means buckets, outriggers, load lines, and any other part of the machine. Beware of time-delayed relays. Even after line damage trips breakers, relays may still try to restore power. They may reset automatically two or three times.
Break contact. If possible, break contact by moving the equipment clear of the wires. This may not be feasible where contact has welded conductors to equipment, hoist line, or load.
Call local utility. Get someone to call the local electrical utility for help. Stay on the equipment until the utility shuts down the line and confirms that power is off. Report every incident of powerline contact so that the utility can check for damage that could cause the line to fall later.
Jump clear. If an emergency such as fire forces you to leave the equipment, jump clear. If part of your body contacts the ground while another part touches the machine, current will travel through you. In cases of high-voltage contact, jump clear and shuffle away in small steps. With voltage differential across the ground, one foot may be in a higher voltage area than the other. The difference could kill you.
Case Histories

A tower crane was lowering a concrete bucket to be filled by a truck. The wind blew the hoist line and bucket into overhead powerlines. A worker trying to pull the bucket back was electrocuted.

A worker was changing the bulb in a light fixture that had been incorrectly wired (polarity was reversed). He inadvertently touched the metal base of the bulb while it was in contact with the socket. He received a severe shock and later died in hospital

When installing switches, receptacles, fixtures, and other equipment, be sure to respect the color code in wiring. As always, only an electrician or person with equivalent qualifications should install electrical equipment. Otherwise polarity may be reversed with dangerous results. Switches may remain energized when turned off, for instance, and GFCIs may not work properly.
Underground Contact
Construction personnel have been electrocuted by contacting buried powerlines. One incident involved using an auger attachment on a Bobcat to drill holes for fence posts. The auger struck a live underground line, electrocuting a worker who was standing on the ground and touching the machine. The operator remained in the cab and was not injured.

  • Before construction begins, ask the local electrical utility to locate and mark all buried services.
  • Indicate underground lines on all plans and drawings. Post warning signs along their route.
  • Ensure that warning signs remain in place during construction.
Grounding is an essential concept in electrical safety. It can be intentional and work for you, or accidental and work against you. Grounding is a connection between an electrical circuit and the earth or some conducting body that serves as earth. The point is: you don't want that "body" to be yours.
Grounding carries current from faulty wiring, tools, or equipment to a point where it can be safely discharged, usually to earth or a conductor touching earth. Grounded tools and equipment help to prevent you from becoming the means of channeling electricity back to earth.

  • Don't cut off or bend back the ground pin on a three-prong plug. Don't use a two-prong cheater or adapter. Don't replace three-wire cord with two-wire cord on tools and equipment. These practices are dangerous and, in most jurisdictions, illegal.
  • Check extension cords and outlets for grounding with a circuit-tester before using.
  • Ensure that all electric hand tools are grounded or double-insulated. Double-insulated tools are made of non-conducting plastic. External metal parts are insulated from internal electrified parts. Make sure that casings are not cracked, broken, or otherwise defective.
  • Don't hold onto a water pipe or other grounded conductor when using an electric tool. The tool or cord could be defective and you might be electrocuted.
  • Use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) on all electric tools. Ontario law requires GFCIs with tools used outdoors and in damp locations. GFCIs detect any current leaking to ground and shut off power before injury or damage can occur.
Case Histories

A worker was painting a building from a boom-type powered elevating work platform. He backed up without checking how close he was to a powerline. The machine touched the line. Trying to escape from the bucket he climbed onto the roof and was electrocuted

A driver raised the box on his dump truck to spread gravel under a powerline. When the box contacted the line, he got out of the cab to see what had happened. His foot touched the ground while his hand was still holding the door. He was electrocuted instantly

Two aluminum siding installers were lifting trim for the exterior of a house. Although aware of nearby powerlines, they failed to allow for the length or bulkiness of their material. A piece of trim shifted as it was lifted, struck a line, and one worker was electrocuted

Ontario Construction -- Electrocutions in 1999

  • Eavestrough installer carrying aluminum ladder was electrocuted when it touched powerline.
  • Worker involved in residential demolition working from ladder contacted powerline.
  • Worker using boom truck to install hydro pole anchors contacted overhead wires.
  • Worker moving aluminum ladder contacted overhead powerline.
Electric Shock

The effect of electric shock on the human body is determined by three main factors:

  1. how much current is flowing through the body (measured in amperes and determined by voltage and resistance)
  2. the path of current through the body
  3. how long the body is in the circuit.

Mild Shock

Trip setting for ground fault
circuit interrupter

Muscle Contractions

Victim cannot let go

Severe Shock

Breathing difficult - possible
respiratory arrest

Heart Stops pumping

Increasing probability of death

Enough current to light
a 100-watt bulb
Effects can range from a tingle to cardiac arrest. There is no exact way to predict the injury from any given amperage. The table below shows generally how degree of injury relates to current passing through a body for a few seconds.

Fire Fighting Tips P A S S


Fire Fighting Tips

All fires can be very dangerous and life-threatening. Your safety should always be your primary concern when attempting to fight a fire.
Before deciding to fight a fire, be certain that:
  • House FireThe fire is small and not spreading. A fire can double in size within two or three minutes.
  • You have the proper fire extinguisher for what is burning.
  • The fire won't block your exit if you can't control it. A good way to ensure this is to keep the exit at your back.
  • You know your fire extinguisher works. Inspect extinguishers once a month for dents, leaks or other signs of damage. Assure the pressure is at the recommended level. On extinguishers equipped with a gauge, the needle should be in the green zone - not too high and not too low.
  • You know how to use your fire extinguisher. There's not enough time to read instructions when a fire occurs.
How to Fight a Fire Safely:
  • Always stand with an exit at your back.
  • Stand sevevvral feet away from the fire, moving closer once the fire starts to diminish.
  • Use a sweeping motion and aim at the base of the fire.
  • If possible, use a "buddy system" to have someone back you up or call for help if something goes wrong.
  • Be sure to watch the area for awhile to ensure it doesn't re-ignite.
Never Fight A Fire If:
  • The fire is spreading rapidly. Only use a fire extinguisher when the fire is in its early stages. If the fire is already spreading quickly, evacuate and call the fire department.
  • You don't know what is burning. Unless you know what is burning, you won't know what type of fire extinguisher to use. Even if you have an ABC extinguisher, there could be something that will explode or produce highly toxic smoke.
  • You don't have the proper fire extinguisher. The wrong type of extinguisher can be dangerous or life-threatening.
  • There is too much smoke or you are at risk of inhaling smoke. Seven out of ten fire-related deaths occur from breathing poisonous gases produced by the fire.
Any sort of fire will produce some amount of carbon monoxide, the most deadly gas produced by a fire. Materials such as wool, silk, nylon and some plastics can produce other highly toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, or hydrogen chloride. Beware - all of these can be fatal.
Smoke inhallation or exposure to fire itself can be life threatening so get educated about the basics in CPR and burn treatment.
Stop, drop and roll is what to do if your clothes catch fire.

Pull the Pin at the top of the extinguisher. The pin releases a locking mechanism and will allow you to discharge the extinguisher.
Aim at the base of the fire, not the flames. This is important - in order to put out the fire, you must extinguish the fuel.
Squeeze the lever slowly. This will release the extinguishing agent in the extinguisher. If the handle is released, the discharge will stop.
Sweep from side to side. Using a sweeping motion, move the fire extinguisher back and forth until the fire is completely out. Operate the extinguisher from a safe distance, several feet away, and then move towards the fire once it starts to diminish. Be sure to read the instructions on your fire extinguisher - different fire extinguishers recommend operating them from different distances. Remember: Aim at the base of the fire, not at the flames!!!!




Electrical Hazards

Working near an electrical hazard is dangerous and can be fatal. Any work on or near energized equipment must be done only when measures are in place to provide protection from electric shock and burn. With adequate safety measures in place, every electrical injury and fatality can be prevented.

Electrical hazards

An electrical hazard can be defined as
  • a dangerous condition where a worker could make electrical contact with energized equipment or a conductor, and from which the person may sustain an injury from shock; and/or,
  • there is potential for the worker to receive an arc flash burn, thermal burn, or blast injury.

An electric hazard is considered to be removed when protective measures are put in place at the source (remove hazard or deenergize), or along the path (place electrical insulation/barrier between the worker and the electrical hazard). Where PPE is relied upon for worker protection, an electrical hazard is considered to remain and it is still necessary to address safety requirements for other workers in the area.

Electrical Injuries

There are basically two ways to be injured by electricity. One is by electric shock and the other is by arc flash.
Electric shock is the passing of electric current through the body. Electrical contact can cause involuntary physical movements. The electrical current may
  • prevent you from releasing your grip from a live conductor
  • throw you into contact with a higher voltage conductor
  • cause you to lose your balance and fall
  • cause severe internal and external burns
  • kill you.

A household 125-volt circuit can deliver 15 amps. Current as low as 30/1000 of 1 amp (30 mA) can cause breathing to stop. A 15-Amp circuit contains many times the current needed to cause death.
An arc flash is a release of energy caused by an electric arc. The flash causes an explosive expansion of air and metal. The blast produces
  • a dangerous pressure wave
  • a dangerous sound wave
  • shrapnel
  • extreme heat
  • extreme light.
These dangers can result in blast injuries, lung injuries, ruptured eardrums, shrapnel wounds, severe burns, and blindness. Arc flash injuries can also result in death.

Electrical injuries


Electrical injuries

Electrical injuries can be caused by a wide range of voltages but the risk of injury is generally greater with higher voltages and is dependent upon individual circumstances. Torch batteries can ignite flammable substances.
Alternating current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) electrical supplies can cause a range of injuries including:
There are posters that give first aid procedures for Electric Shock and Emergency action, including for burns.
More detailed technical information on electrical injury is given in the standard IEC 60479 "Guide to the effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 1: General aspects".

Electric shock

A voltage as low as 50 volts applied between two parts of the human body causes a current to flow that can block the electrical signals between the brain and the muscles. This may have a number of effects including:
  • Stopping the heart beating properly
  • Preventing the person from breathing
  • Causing muscle spasms
The exact effect is dependent upon a large number of things including the size of the voltage, which parts of the body are involved, how damp the person is, and the length of time the current flows.
Electric shocks from static electricity such as those experienced when getting out of a car or walking across a man-made carpet can be at more than 10,000 volts, but the current flows for such a short time that there is no dangerous effect on a person. However, static electricity can cause a fire or explosion where there is an explosive atmosphere (such as in a paint spray booth).

Electrical burns

When an electrical current passes through the human body it heats the tissue along the length of the current flow. This can result in deep burns that often require major surgery and are permanently disabling. Burns are more common with higher voltages but may occur from domestic electricity supplies if the current flows for more than a few fractions of a second.

Loss of muscle control

People who receive an electric shock often get painful muscle spasms that can be strong enough to break bones or dislocate joints. This loss of muscle control often means the person cannot ‘let go’ or escape the electric shock. The person may fall if they are working at height or be thrown into nearby machinery and structures.

Thermal burns

Overloaded, faulty, incorrectly maintained, or shorted electrical equipment can get very hot, and some electrical equipment gets hot in normal operation. Even low voltage batteries (such as those in motor vehicles) can get hot and may explode if they are shorted out.
People can receive thermal burns if they get too near hot surfaces or if they are near an electrical explosion. Other injuries may result if the person pulls quickly away from hot surfaces whilst working at height or if they then accidentally touch nearby machinery.
A single low voltage torch battery can generate a spark powerful enough to cause a fire or explosion in an explosive atmosphere such as in a paint spray booth, near fuel tanks, in sumps, or many places where aerosols, vapours, mists, gases, or dusts exist.

Work near electricity


Work near electricity

  • Do a risk assessment for the work you are planning, and make sure this covers electrical hazards.
  • Learn how to recognise electrical wires. These may be overhead power lines, electrical wiring in a workplace, or cables buried under the ground.
  • Get an up-to-date map of the services in the area and use it.
  • Look for electrical wires, cables or equipment near where you are going to work and check for signs warning of dangers from electricity, or any other hazard. Remember to look up, down, and around you.
  • If you will be digging or disturbing the earth or cutting into surfaces, use a cable locator to find buried services and permanently mark the position of services you do find.
  • Work away from electrical wiring wherever possible. If you have to work near electrical wiring or equipment, ask for the electrical supply to be turned off. Make sure the power is off, and cannot be turned on again without you agreeing.
  • If the electrical supply cannot be turned off, consult a competent person who should be able to advise you on the best way to proceed.
  • Identify where it is safe to work. Put up danger notices where there are still live electrical circuits, and warn your co-workers where it is safe to work and where it is not safe. Remember to remove notices at the end of the work.


The booklet ‘Electricity at work, safe working practices’ provides general guidance on working near electricity. Many electricity supply companies will provide advice on how to work safely near electrical distribution equipment. You should contact them directly.

Electrical danger signs

Sign - Danger of death electricity Keep Out
Signs warning of electrical danger may not always be easy to see, or may have been removed, so even if you see no signs, electrical cables may still be nearby. Stay vigilant.
When you see signs warning of electrical danger it is highly likely there is electricity present. Remember, you don’t need to touch a high voltage cable to get an electric shock and even low voltage cables can be dangerous.
Sign - Warning - Isolate supply before opening cover
If you cannot work out where the electricity is, ask a competent person to do it for you.
The Department for Energy and Climate change (DECC) link to external website enforces the use of electrical safety signs on electrical distribution equipment such as substations and electricity poles.

Electrical wiring

electrical wiring may look like pipes
You may not see electrical wires near where you plan to work but this doesn’t mean there aren’t any. Even if you do see wires, there may be others you cannot see. Electrical wiring may sometimes look like pipes, and may be a range of colours.
Before you drill or start cutting into surfaces:
  • look for electrical wires and any other hazards such as asbestos. Remember to look on both sides of walls;
  • ask to see plans of the electrical installation, and use these to find electrical wiring;
  • If you are competent, use a suitable cable detector, or get a competent person to do it for you. Remember that some cable detectors won’t find a wire carrying a small current – consult the user guide.
  • look for nearby electrical equipment or installations and find where the wiring runs to these.
  • use equipment that will minimise the risks during the work.
  • wear suitable protective clothing.
If you are in doubt STOP WORK and consult a competent person.

Cable colours

Many electrical cables are coloured to show their purpose and the voltage they are carrying. However, there are many standards used around the world, and you should never assume that a cable of a particular colour is at a particular voltage. The colours used for wiring in Britain changed in 2004. It is very important that you identify what voltages are present on an installation you are not familiar with.

Making sure the power is off

If you are not competent to check if the power is off, ask a competent person to do it for you, and watch them doing it. If you have any doubts about the method they have used, ask someone you know is competent.
When checking that power is off the competent person should be SURE that:
  1. The device being used is suitable for the purpose of isolation.
  2. The isolator being used to turn off the power is working correctly and reliably.
  3. The switch being used is the only way that the circuit can be fed with electrical power.
  4. The switch being used is locked in the off position and cannot easily be turned on again.
  5. The equipment and method being used to check for voltage works and is reliable.
  6. The isolation has been successful by confirming the circuit is no longer 'live'.
Some electrical systems and equipment must be earthed before it is safe to work near them. Check whether this is necessary, and if it is, ensure that this is done properly.

Making sure the power stays off (Secure Isolation)

warning notices
If the electrical power has been turned off to allow you to do work safely, it is essential that the power stays off until you have finished work. Make sure YOU are in control and STAY in control. A good way is to have the only key to the switch or a locked room or cabinet containing the switch. Remember, if you remove a fuse, another one could be inserted in its place, and people ignore notices. If you have any doubts that the electricity may be turned on again without you agreeing, STOP WORK.

Overhead power lines


Overhead power lines

What you need to know

Accidental contact with live overhead power lines kills people and causes many serious injuries every year. People are also harmed when a person or object gets too close to a line and a flashover occurs. Work involving high vehicles or long equipment is particularly high risk, such as;
In Construction – Lorry mounted cranes (such as Hiabs), Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP's), scaffold poles, tipper vehicles, cranes, ladders;
In Agriculture – combines, sprayer booms, materials handlers, tipper vehicles, ladders, irrigation pipes, polytunnels; Remember:
  • going close to a live overhead line can result in a flashover that may kill. Touching a power line is not necessary for danger;
  • voltages lower than 230 volts can kill and injure people;
  • do not mistake overhead power lines on wooden poles for telephone wires; and
  • electricity can bypass wood, plastic or rubber, if it is damp or dirty, and cause fatal shocks. Don't rely on gloves or rubber boots to protect you.

The guidance note "Avoiding danger from overhead power lines" describes how to work safely near overhead power lines in a range of industries.
The Electricity Networks Association (ENA) publications:
  • Safety Information for Farmers and Agricultural Contractors
  • Watch It! In the Vicinity of Overhead Lines
  • Safety Information for Farmers Utilising Polytunnels
  • Safe tree working in proximity to overhead electric lines ENA Engineering Recommendation G55/1
  • The ENA also provide advice on what to do if machinery comes into contact with an overhead power line.

What you need to do

Plan and manage work near electric overhead power lines so that risks from accidental contact or close proximity to the lines are adequately controlled.
Safety precautions will depend on the nature of the work and will be essential even when work near the line is of short duration.
Safety can be achieved by a combination of measures:
  • Planning and preparation
  • Eliminating the danger
  • Controlling the access
  • Controlling the work

Planning and preparation

The first step is to find out whether there is any overhead power line within or immediately next to the work area, or across any access route.
Information will be available from the local electricity supplier or Distribution Network Operator (DNO). If any overhead lines are found, you should assume that they are live unless proved otherwise by their owners.
If there are any overhead lines over the work area, near the site boundaries, or over access roads to the work area, consult the owners of the lines so that the proposed plan of work can be discussed.
Allow sufficient time for lines to be diverted or made dead, or for other precautions to be taken as described below.

Eliminating the danger

You can eliminate the danger by:
  • Avoidance– find out if the work really has to be carried out under or near overhead lines, and can't be done somewhere else. Make sure materials (such as bales or spoil) are not placed near overhead lines, and temporary structures (such as polytunnels) are erected outside safe clearance distances;
  • Diversion– arrange for overhead lines to be diverted away from the work area; or Isolation – arrange for lines to be made dead while the work is being done.
In some cases you may need to use a suitable combination of these measures, particularly where overhead lines pass over permanent work areas.
If the danger cannot be eliminated, you should manage the risk by controlling access to, and work beneath, overhead power lines.

Controlling the access

Where there is no scheduled work or requirement for access under the lines, barriers should be erected at the correct clearance distance away from the line to prevent close approach. The safe clearance distance should be ascertained from the Distribution Network Operator (DNO). HSE guidance documents Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines and Electricity at Work: Forestry and Arboriculture also provide advice on safe clearance distances and how barriers should be constructed. Where there is a requirement to pass beneath the lines, defined passageways should be made.
The danger area should be made as small as possible by restricting the width of the passageway to the minimum needed for the safe crossing of plant. The passageway should cross the route of the overhead line at right angles if possible.

Controlling the work

If work beneath live overhead power lines cannot be avoided, barriers, goal posts and warning notices should be provided. Where field work is taking place it may be impractical to erect barriers and goal posts around the overhead lines - these are more appropriate for use at gateways, on tracks and at access points to farm yards.
The following precautions may also be needed to manage the risk:
  • Clearance– the safe clearance required beneath the overhead lines should be found by contacting the Distribution Network Operator (DNO);
  • Exclusion– vehicles, plant, machinery, equipment, or materials that could reach beyond the safe clearance distance should not be taken near the line;
  • Modifications– Vehicles such as cranes, excavators and tele-handlers should be modified by the addition of suitable physical restraints so that they cannot reach beyond the safe clearance distances, measures should be put in place to ensure these restraints are effective and cannot be altered or tampered with;
  • Maintenance– operators of high machinery should be instructed not carry out any work on top of the machinery near overhead power lines;
  • Supervision– access for plant and materials and the working of plant should be under the direct supervision of a suitable person appointed to ensure that safety precautions are observed.

What to do if you come into contact with an OHPL

  • If part of a vehicle or load is in contact with an OHPL, you should remain in the cab and inform the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) immediately (stick the number in a visible place in the cab and keep it on your mobile phone).
  • Warn others to stay away.
  • Try to drive clear. If this is not possible, and you need to leave the vehicle to escape fire, JUMP CLEAR – do not dismount by climbing down the steps.
  • Never try to disentangle equipment until the owner of the line has confirmed that it has been de-energised and made safe.
WARNING: Contact with an overhead power line may cause the power to 'trip out' temporarily and it may be re-energised automatically, without warning.
Your local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) can generally supply stickers describing emergency procedures and containing contact numbers that can be stuck in the cabs of vehicles likely to be used near overhead power lines.
The leaflet called Safe working near overhead power lines in agriculture and the Electricity Networks Association (ENA) publications Safety Information for Farmers and Agricultural Contractors and Watch It! In the Vicinity of Overhead Lines provide advice on what to do if machinery or equipment comes into contact with an overhead power line.

How do I know if my electrical equipment is safe?

You can find out if your electrical equipment is safe by carrying out suitable checks, such as inspection and / or testing. The level of inspection and / or testing should depend upon the risks. A simple visual inspection is likely to be sufficient for equipment used in a clean, dry environment. In addition, equipment that is more likely to become damaged, or is operated in a harsh environment, is likely to require more demanding electrical tests. For further information, see: Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment.
Checks should be carried out often enough to ensure there is little chance the equipment will become unsafe between checks. It is good practice to make a decision on how often each piece of equipment should be checked, write this down, make sure checks are carried out accordingly and write down the results. You should change how often you carry out checks, according to the number and severity of faults found.
The best way to find out if specialised equipment is safe is to have it inspected and tested by a person with specific competence on that type of equipment. This may be the original manufacturer or their authorised service and repair agent. A reputable servicing company that deals with that type of equipment should also be competent to check its safety.

What voltages are dangerous?

A wide range of voltages can be dangerous for different reasons. A very low voltage (such as that produced by a single torch battery) can produce a spark powerful enough to ignite an explosive atmosphere. Batteries (such as those in motor vehicles) can also overheat or explode if they are shorted.
If a person comes into contact with a voltage above about 50 volts, they can receive a range of injuries, including those directly resulting from electrical shock (problems with breathing, heart function etc); and indirect effects resulting from loss of control (such as falling from height or coming into contact with moving machinery). The chance of being injured by an electric shock increases where it is damp or where there is a lot of metalwork.
Electrical or thermal burns can also occur from the flow of electrical current or hot surfaces,

NFCL management here has received appreciation from the West Godavari district authorities for its timely assistance in plugging the gas leakage from the Ammonium tanker

Kakinada, Apr 26: The Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (NFCL) management here has received appreciation from the West Godavari district authorities for its timely assistance in plugging the gas leakage from the Ammonium tanker that overturned along the Bypass road near Eluru on April 21. The NFCL has deputed it fire safety and rescue team to Eluru and took part along with other experts from national disaster management organisation in plugging the Ammonium leakage effectively. The team members had extended their expertise and fought jointly with the other experts for over 12 hours. The West Godavari District Collector Ms Vanimohan and Superintendent of Police Ramesh have complimented the NFCL team led by D K Mohanty for its efforts in averting a major chemical disaster, the NFCL said in a release here

Ammonium tanker overturns near Eluru


A mega tanker carrying ammonium (ion NH4) overturned near Eluru in West Godavari district on Sunday night causing disruption of vehicular traffic on the national highway.
The tanker vehicle turned turtle as the driver swerved the vehicle in a bid to avoid hitting a stationary RTC bus. 
The tanker hit the divider and overturned. As the alkali metal ion started leaking from the tanker, nobody dared to go closer to the tanker. The National disaster management team reached the spot in the morning and managed to cap by plugging leakage only in the afternoon. Sprinkling of water was continuing on the tanker to subdue the impact of gas. 
As a result of the ammonium gas leakage, people in the surroundings complained eye-burning and vomiting. Vehicles stranded on the highway till the afternoon. Later, the traffic police diverted the vehicles on another route. The tanker driver was on the run. The truck drivers complained that they were waiting on the road since Sunday night, but no effort was made to clear the traffic.
 http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/qtVJjSPQ-vE/mqdefault.jpghttp://i2.ytimg.com/vi/KrPO-QDpmmU/mqdefault.jpgPLUGGING THE LEAK: The National Disaster Response Force personnel trying to cap a leaking chamber of anhydrous ammonia on the Kolkatta-Chennai National Highway-5 in West Godavari district on Monday. Photo A. V. G. Kumar

Truck transporting the chemical meets with an accident

The leakage of anhydrous ammonia while in transit on the Kolkata-Chennai National Highway-5 near Asram Medical College on the city outskirts triggered panic. The liquid-turned gas kept gushing out when the lids of the three out of four chambers of the tanker containing the chemical opened up following an accident involving a truck in which it was being transported. It all started at 8 p.m. on Sunday and lasted till 1-30 p.m. on Monday.
The container got detached from the truck and fell sideways across the highway after the vehicle hit the divider while overtaking a stationary APSRTC bus.
Soon, ammonia in liquid form under pressurised condition in the tanker turned into gas with the leakage that went on for nearly 20 hours, keeping on toes personnel from the National Disaster Response Force, Fire Services, police, and the Department of Factories.
The substance was being transported from Gujarat State Fertilizers Corporation at Baroda to a private plant in Srikakulam district for conversion into ammonium nitrate for use to manufacture explosives.
“We could not prevent leakage of gas but could avert a major catastrophe,” said West Godavari district Superintendent of Police M. Ramesh.
There were no casualties and city DSP M. Rajani attributed it to the accident occurring far away from human habitations.
D. Ravindranath, Executive Engineer of the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board, said the vehicle was carrying 15 tonnes of ammonia.

Traffic jam

The accident led to a huge pile-up of traffic -- from Hanuman Junction in Krishna district to Unguruturu in West Godavari district. Movement of people was restricted within a radius of three km on both sides from the place of accident as a measure of precaution. Eight fire tenders were deployed from Krishna, East and West Godavari districts.

MANGO National Fruit of India

Its scientific name is Mangifera indica L. belonging to the Anacardiaceae family.

Mango is a perennial tree with a height ranking from 8 to 25 m. Its fruit grow during summer which is originated from inflorescences developed in spring.

These trees grow in a discontinue way; the size increase comes from vegetative shoots which are constantly originating. This grow is restricted in the flowering stage, since inflorescences are determined and the vegetative growth is inhibited when the reproductive organs are developing. The extension of the inhibited period is proportionally to the flowering intensity and the load of the crop.

The development of the terminal inflorescence occurs after a cold period associated to a degree of drought stress. In locations where winter is not cold enough for an adequate flowering induction (minimum daily T° above 15°C), it is common to produce this induction by exposing trees to soil moisture deficiencies (drought stress) before flowering.

The mango tree is drought tolerant and can sustain temporarily flooding. The rainfall distribution has a drastic effect in the crop cycle.

Rainfalls during flowering and fruit development are detrimental for the risk of disease incidence.

Temperatures between 20 to 30°C favor vegetative shoot development while temperatures between 6 to 18°C incentive the initiation of the inflorescence development.

The tree nutritional status has a remarkable effect in fruit quality. Then it is necessary to know the soil and its management practices, such as irrigation and fertilizer program for obtaining a good nutritional balance. The nutrient concentration in the leaves is a proper indicator as reference of this.

The moisture demand during the season is variable in relation to the crop growth stage. So it is important to constantly monitoring the water available in the soil and the irrigation applied in each crop stage to avoid wilting of the inflorescence or fruit drop. This moisture demand is high when new shoots are developing, at flowering and at fruit set

Leaves are susceptible to high salinity. In saline soils (CE < 2ds/m) the irrigation management should be controlled to avoid salt burns. Trees can grow in a wide rage of soils, except in high pH soils since nutritional deficiencies occur and a lower quality fruit is produced. The ideal pH is from 5.5 – 7.0.

National Fruit of India

National Fruit of India - Mango
Mango, cultivated in India since times immemorial, is regarded as the National Fruit of the country. Described as the "Food of the Gods", in the sacred Vedas, the fruit is grown almost in all parts of India, except the hilly areas, but is mainly available in the summer season only. There are more than 100 varieties of mangos in India, in a range of colors, sizes, and shapes. The common names used in context of the fruit are, Mangot, Manga, and Mangou. The eact origin of the term 'mango' is not known. It is believed to have come from the Portuguese term 'manga', which is probably from Malayalam 'manga'.

Mango finds a mentioned in the Indian history as well. In fact, the famous poet Kalidasa is known to have sung its praises. Apart from that, ancient Greek King Alexander the Great and Chinese pilgrim Hieun Tsang have been said to have savored its taste. Historical records also mention the instance of Mughal Kinf Akbar planting 100,000 mango trees in Darbhanga, known as Lakhibagh. Mangos, liked for their sweet juice and bright colors all around the world, are known to be rich in vitamin A, C, and D.

Mangoes are available in different sizes, ranging from 10 to 25 cm in length and 7 to 12 cm in width. In terms of weight, a single mango can be as heavy as 2.5 kg. The fruit come in a wide variety of colors, such as green, yellow, red, and even various combinations of all these colors. Mango has a flat, oblong seed in the center, which is covered by the sweet pulp. Covering the pulp is a thin layer of skin, which is peeled off before eating the fruit. When ripe, the unpeeled fruit gives off a distinct, resinous sweet smell.

A large number of mango varieties can be found in India. the most popular ones include 'Alphonso' (also called 'Hapoos'), 'Amrapali', 'Bangalora', 'Banganapalli' (also known as 'Benishaan'), 'Bombay', 'Bombay Green', 'Chausa', 'Chinna Rasalu', 'Dashaheri' ('Daseri'), 'Fazli', 'Fernandian', 'Gulabkhas', 'Himayath' (a.k.a. 'Imam Pasand'), 'Himsagar', 'Jehangir', 'Kesar', 'Kishen Bhog', 'Lalbaug', 'Langda' ('Langra'), 'Mallika', 'Mankurad', 'Mulgoa', 'Neelam', 'Pairi', 'Pedda Rasalu', 'Rajapuri', 'Safeda', 'Suvarnarekha', 'Totapuri', 'Vanraj' and 'Zardalu'.

Frost-free climate is best for the growth of Mangos. If temperatures drop below 40° F, even for a short period, the flowers and small fruits already grown on the tree can get killed. In other words, warm and dry weather is required for the cultivation of the fruit. This is it available in the summer season only. Mango can grow well in large containers and a greenhouse as well. Mango trees are shady in nature. They grow very fast and can reach a height of as much as 65 ft. The life of mango trees is generally very long and some specimens are known to be over 300 years old and still fruiting.





Location of IndiaSouthern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, between Burma and Pakistan.

Geographic Co-ordinates20 00 N, 77 00 E

Total3,287,590 sq km
Land2,973,190 sq km
Water314,400 sq km
Comparative Slightly more than one-third the size of the US.

Land boundaries (Total)14,103 km.

Border Shared With Countries
Bangladesh 4,053 km
Bhutan 605 km
Burma 1,463 km
China 3,380 km
Nepal 1,690 km
Pakistan 2,912 km

Coastline: Claims and Boundaries
Coastline7,000 km
Maritime claims (Contiguous zone)24 NM
Territorial sea 12 NM
Continental shelf 200 NM or to the edge of the continental margin
Exclusive economic zone 200 NM

ClimateVaries from tropical monsoon in south to temperate in north

TerrainUpland Plain (Deccan Plateau) in South, Flat to Rolling Plain along the Ganges, Deserts in West, Himalayas in North.

Elevation extremes
Lowest pointIndian Ocean 0 m
Highest point Kanchenjunga 8,598 m
Natural resources Coal, Iron Ore, Manganese, Mica, Bauxite, Titanium Ore, Chromite, Natural Gas, Diamonds, Petroleum, Limestone, Arable Land

Land use
Arable land54.35%
Permanent crops2.66%
Other's42.99% (1998 est.)
Irrigated land590,000 sq km (1998 est.)

Natural hazards Droughts, Flash Floods, Widespread and Destructive Flooding from Monsoonal Rains, Severe Thunderstorms, Earthquakes.

Current issuesDeforestation, Soil Erosion, Overgrazing, Desertification, Air Pollution from industrial effluents and vehicle emissions, Water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides, Tap water is not potable throughout the country, Huge and growing population is verstraining natural resources.
International agreementsParty To: Antarctic-Environmental Protocol, Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling.
Signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements

Ancient India Facts


 Ancient India Facts

India is a country that will mesmerize you with its intriguing history and fascinating past. Though life has become very complex in modern times, the interesting facts of India continue to awe people all over the world. The country is no ordinary country. In fact, it had the components of a prosperous nation since ancient times only. The rich history of India is full of such interesting facts that one is bound to sit and analyze this fascinating country's history with much enthusiasm. For an amazing collection of facts on ancient India, scroll down.

Facts of Ancient India
  • Indians established Harappan culture in Indus Valley Civilization, at a time when many cultures comprised of nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago.
  • The game of chess was invented in India.
  • The birth of Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus happened in India.
  • The Decimal and Place Value system originated and developed in India.
  • In the 13th century, a poet saint named Gyandev introduced the game of Snakes and Ladders. Known as Mokshapat during those times, the game had a significant meaning. The snakes stood for vices, while the ladders represented good virtues. The essence of the game was that the ladders or good virtues take people to heaven while snakes or vices take people to a cycle of re-births.
  • In 700 BC, the world's first university was established in India, in Takshila. It was one of the biggest achievements in the field of education, as more than 10,500 students came from all over the world to receive education in over 60 different subjects. The University of Nalanda was another milestone that was achieved in the field of education in 4th century BC.
  • The earliest school of medicine known to mankind was Ayurveda and it originated in India. It was consolidated 2500 years ago by Charaka, the Father of Medicine.
  • As many as 6000 years back, the art of navigation was developed in the River Indus, which was known as Sindh then. In fact, the word 'navigation' is a derivation of the Sanskrit word, 'Navgatih'.
  • The correct time taken by the earth to revolve around the sun was calculated by the famous astronomer Bhaskaracharya. His calculation showed that the earth takes around 365.258756484 days to go around the sun once.
  • In the 6th century, the famous Indian Budhayana mathematician calculated the value of "Pi" and also explained the concept of Pythagoras Theorem.
  • In the 11th century, Quadratic Equations were introduced by Sridharacharya. Indians used numbers that were way too big than European numbers. While the latter limited themselves to 106, the Indians went a step ahead and used numbers as big as 1053.
  • Surgery existed in India even 2600 years ago, when Sushruta, known as the Father of Surgery, conducted many complex surgeries. The valuable ancient scriptures have detailed information on Cataract, Artificial Limbs, Cesareans, Fractures, Urinary Stone Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Brain Surgeries.
  • Anesthesia was used in ancient India and one finds detailed knowledge of the human anatomy and its functions.
  • Two major religions, Buddhism and Jainism were established in India in 500 and 600 BC.
  • The oldest city in the world that is inhabited even today is Varanasi or Benaras.
  • The art of Yoga that is now popular worldwide originated in India only and was performed by highly revered sages, in the ancient times.
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