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The Winkler Method - Measuring Dissolved Oxygen


The Winkler Method - Measuring Dissolved Oxygen

Created by Monica Z. Bruckner, Montana State University

What is the Winkler Method?

The Winkler Method is a technique used to measure dissolved oxygen in freshwater systems. Dissolved oxygen is used as an indicator of the health of a water body, where higher dissolved oxygen concentrations are correlated with high productivity and little pollution. This test is performed on-site, as delays between sample collection and testing may result in an alteration in oxygen content.

How does the Winkler Method Work?

The Winkler Method uses titration to determine dissolved oxygen in the water sample. A sample bottle is filled completely with water (no air is left to skew the results). The dissolved oxygen in the sample is then "fixed" by adding a series of reagents that form an acid compound that is then titrated with a neutralizing compound that results in a color change. The point of color change is called the "endpoint," which coincides with the dissolved oxygen concentration in the sample. Dissolved oxygen analysis is best done in the field, as the sample will be less altered by atmospheric equilibration.


Dissolved oxygen analysis can be used to determine:
  • the health or cleanliness of a lake or stream,
  • the amount and type of biomass a freshwater system can support,
  • the amount of decomposition occurring in the lake or stream.

How to- Sample Collection, Preparation, Analytical Protocols, and Concerns

Dissolved oxygen should be measured as quickly and carefully as possible. Ideally, samples should be measured in the field immediately after collection. The following protocol is adapted from
Reagent List:
  • 2ml Manganese sulfate
  • 2ml alkali-iodide-azide
  • 2ml concentrated sulfuric acid
  • 2ml starch solution
  • Sodium thiosulfate
These reagents are available in dissolved oxygen field kits, such as those made by the Hach Company. Please use caution when using these reagents, as they can be hazardous to one's health.

  1. Carefully fill a 300-mL glass Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) stoppered bottle brim-full with sample water.
  2. Immediately add 2mL of manganese sulfate to the collection bottle by inserting the calibrated pipette just below the surface of the liquid. (If the reagent is added above the sample surface, you will introduce oxygen into the sample.) Squeeze the pipette slowly so no bubbles are introduced via the pipette.
  3. Add 2 mL of alkali-iodide-azide reagent in the same manner.
  4. Stopper the bottle with care to be sure no air is introduced. Mix the sample by inverting several times. Check for air bubbles; discard the sample and start over if any are seen. If oxygen is present, a brownish-orange cloud of precipitate or floc will appear. When this floc has settle to the bottom, mix the sample by turning it upside down several times and let it settle again.
  5. Add 2 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid via a pipette held just above the surface of the sample. Carefully stopper and invert several times to dissolve the floc. At this point, the sample is "fixed" and can be stored for up to 8 hours if kept in a cool, dark place. As an added precaution, squirt distilled water along the stopper, and cap the bottle with aluminum foil and a rubber band during the storage period.
  6. In a glass flask, titrate 201 mL of the sample with sodium thiosulfate to a pale straw color. Titrate by slowly dropping titrant solution from a calibrated pipette into the flask and continually stirring or swirling the sample water.
  7. Add 2 mL of starch solution so a blue color forms.
  8. Continue slowly titrating until the sample turns clear. As this experiment reaches the endpoint, it will take only one drop of the titrant to eliminate the blue color. Be especially careful that each drop is fully mixed into the sample before adding the next. It is sometimes helpful to hold the flask up to a white sheet of paper to check for absence of the blue color.
  9. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the sample is equivalent to the number of milliliters of titrant used. Each mL of sodium thiosulfate added in steps 6 and 8 equals 1 mg/L dissolved oxygen.

Results Analysis

The total number of milliliters of titrant used in steps 6-8 equals the total dissolved oxygen in the sample in mg/L. Oxygen saturation is temperature dependent - gas is more soluble in cold waters, hence cold waters generally have higher dissolved oxygen concentrations. Dissolved oxygen also depends on salinity and elevation, or partial pressure. Click here to access an online oxygen saturation calculator that takes these parameters into account. Otherwise, use the chart below to find saturation at a given temperature.

Temperature-Oxygen Saturation Relationship

Why oxygen dissolved in water is important


Dissolved oxygen

The dissolved oxygen (DO) is oxygen that is dissolved in water. The oxygen dissolves by diffusion from the surrounding air; aeration of water that has tumbled over falls and rapids; and as a waste product of photosynthesis. An simplified formula is given below:
Photosynthesis (in the presence of light and chlorophyll):
Carbon dioxide
Carbon-rich foods
Fish and aquatic animals cannot split oxygen from water (H2O) or other oxygen-containing compounds. Only green plants and some bacteria can do that through photosynthesis and similar processes. Virtually all the oxygen we breath is manufactured by green plants. A total of three-fourths of the earth’s oxygen supply is produced by phytoplankton in the oceans.
The temperature effect
If water is too warm, there may not be enough oxygen in it. When there are too many bacteria or aquatic animal in the area, they may overpopulate, using DO in great amounts.
Oxygen levels also can be reduced through overfertilization of water plants by run-off from farm fields containing phosphates and nitrates (the ingredients in fertilizers). Under these conditions, the numbers and size of water plants increase. Then, if the weather becomes cloudy for several days, respiring plants will use much of the available DO. When these plants die, they become food for bacteria, which in turn multiply and use large amounts of oxygen. And this depleting all the oxygen.
How much DO an aquatic organism needs depends upon its species, its physical state, water temperature, pollutants present, and more. Consequently, it’s impossible to accurately predict minimum DO levels for specific fish and aquatic animals. For example, at 5 oC (41 oF), trout use about 50-60 milligrams (mg) of oxygen per hour; at 25 oC (77 oF), they may need five or six times that amount. Fish are cold-blooded animals. They use more oxygen at higher temperatures because their metabolic rates increase.
Numerous scientific studies suggest that 4-5 parts per million (ppm) of DO is the minimum amount that will support a large, diverse fish population. The DO level in good fishing waters generally averages about 9.0 parts per million (ppm).
In the graph below you can see the effect of the temperature in the DO

Environmental Impact

Total dissolved gas concentrations in water should not exceed 110 percent. Concentrations above this level can be harmful to aquatic life. Fish in waters containing excessive dissolved gases may suffer from "gas bubble disease"; however, this is a very rare occurrence. The bubbles or emboli block the flow of blood through blood vessels causing death. External bubbles (emphysema) can also occur and be seen on fins, on skin and on other tissue. Aquatic invertebrates are also affected by gas bubble disease but at levels higher than those lethal to fish.
Adequate dissolved oxygen is necessary for good water quality. Oxygen is a necessary element to all forms of life. Natural stream purification processes require adequate oxygen levels in order to provide for aerobic life forms. As dissolved oxygen levels in water drop below 5.0 mg/l, aquatic life is put under stress. The lower the concentration, the greater the stress. Oxygen levels that remain below 1-2 mg/l for a few hours can result in large fish kills.
Biologically speaking, however, the level of oxygen is a much more important measure of water quality than feacal coliform. Dissolved oxygen is absolutely essential for the survival of all aquatic organisms ( not only fish but also invertebrates suach as crabs, clams, zooplankton, etc). Moreover, oxygen affects a vast number of other water indicators, not only biochemical but esthetic ones like the odor, clarity and taste. Consequently, oxygen is perhaps the most well-established indicator of water quality.

How Dissolved Oxygen Affects Water Supplies

A high DO level in a community water supply is good because it makes drinking water taste better. However, high DO levels speed up corrosion in water pipes. For this reason, industries use water with the least possible amount of dissolved oxygen. Water used in very low pressure boilers have no more than 2.0 ppm of DO, but most boiler plant operators try to keep oxygen levels to 0.007 ppm or less.

What really happened to our tap and underground water sources?

What really happened to our tap and underground water sources?
According to research articles and news, most tap and well water in MAX PLACE OF THE INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD. now are not safe for drinking due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution. We have reached to a point that, all sources of our drinking water, including municipal water systems, wells, lakes, rivers, and even glaciers, contain some level of contamination. Contaminants range from naturally-occurring minerals to man-made chemicals and by-products. While many contaminants are found at levels not enough not to cause immediate discomforts or sicknesses , it is proven that even low-level exposure to many common contaminants will, over time, cause severe illness including liver damage, cancer, and other serious ailments. Even the chemicals commonly used to treat municipal water supplies such as chlorine and fluoride are toxic and are known to have significant adverse effects on the human body.



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Dr. Amar Nath Giri
Kaikinada, Andhra Pradesh ,533003

How to Properly Plant a Tree


Proper tree planting

Here are a few key tips for proper tree planting that you may not know:
1. A healthy tree’s root system is just as wide as its canopy, so be sure to plant your tree in a location far enough from your house to accommodate both the mature breadth of the tree branches and the mature spread of the tree roots.
Especially consider where your water and sewer pipes are in your yard in relation to your tree’s future root spread. It would be awfully expensive and tragic to have to cut down a 30-foot tall, mature shade tree because its roots were breaking up your plumbing.
2. Make sure your tree is planted at the exact same depth as it was planted in the pot or burlap sack it came in. Planting a tree too deep is a leading cause of tree death because it smothers the roots and introduces moisture and fungus to the trunk.
Planting a tree too shallow will expose too much of the top of the root system to the elements. If you have to move the tree to place more soil beneath it or take some away to get the tree to sit at the right depth during planting, it is worth the work. A tree can last for generations if you plant it right.
3. Never pile mulch around the trunk of your tree! I know people do this all the time everywhere you go, but it is a very harmful practice for the tree and shortens its lifespan greatly. While you should always mulch your trees, piling up the mulch around the trunk like avolcano introduces wood-rotting bacteria and fungus from the mulch directly to the living, growing bark of the tree. The moisture build-up and fungus will often girdle or kill the tree before it can reach maturity.
The proper way to place mulch around a tree is in a “doughnut” shape that doesn’t allow the rotting mulch to come into contact with the living bark. (See image above.)
4. Don’t use stakes unless absolutely necessary. If the tree is grown and dug properly at the nursery, staking for support will be unnecessary. Trees establish more quickly and develop stronger trunk and root systems if they are not staked at the time of planting, but instead are allowed to adapt to local conditions. However, protective staking may be necessary where lawn mower damage, vandalism, or windy conditions are concerns.This fall, consider planting a tree or two on your property, or help with a tree planting in your community. And this holiday season, consider a generous donation to a non-profit that plants trees or does reforestation work. We all benefit greatly from living among more trees.

DrAmar Nathgiri
As we learned in third grade biology, trees are essential to life. They create the very air we breathe and filter air pollution. What you may not know is that trees also build soil and help soak up stormwater before it can create a flood, and they offer energy-saving shade that reduces global warming and creates habitat for thousands of different species. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas.
Most importantly, trees sequester carbon, helping to remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, which cools the earth. In fact, a mature, canopy tree absorbs enough carbon and releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings!
The carbon storage capacity of forests is approximately three times as large as the pool of carbon in the atmosphere. If forests are changed, reduced, or eliminated, the captured carbon goes into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2).
Despite their importance to life as we know it, every year we cut down over 50,000 square miles of forest worldwide for paper, agriculture, building materials and fuel. That’s an area the size of the state of Alabama! Every year!
The carbon release from deforestation accounts for 25 to 30 percent of the four to five billion tons of carbon accumulating every year in the atmosphere from human activities.

As we learned in third grade biology, trees are essential to life. They create the very air we breathe and filter air pollution. What you may not know is that trees also build soil and help soak up stormwater before it can create a flood, and they offer energy-saving shade that reduces global warming and creates habitat for thousands of different species. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas.  Most importantly, trees sequester carbon, helping to remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, which cools the earth. In fact, a mature, canopy tree absorbs enough carbon and releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings!  The carbon storage capacity of forests is approximately three times as large as the pool of carbon in the atmosphere. If forests are changed, reduced, or eliminated, the captured carbon goes into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2).  Despite their importance to life as we know it, every year we cut down over 50,000 square miles of forest worldwide for paper, agriculture, building materials and fuel. That’s an area the size of the state of Alabama! Every year!   The carbon release from deforestation accounts for 25 to 30 percent of the four to five billion tons of carbon accumulating every year in the atmosphere from human activities.

DrAmar Nathgiri
How to Plant a Tree: Planting Flowering Trees, Tree Shrubs & More

Planting trees can add character, shade and style to a homes landscape. When deciding to plant trees think about a location that's right for your home and th...
By Lowes|youtube.com

Loss On Ignition (L.O.I.)


Instructions for Users:

Loss On Ignition (L.O.I.)

    Make Sample powders ready by drying over night !


    This is the oven (Muffeloffen) in which we heat the ceramic crucibles.
    It is easily programmable (see text).

Note: Always wear a lab coat, safety goggles, and the appropriate gloves. Take Jewelery and watches off your hands, they conduct the heat very well. When you take the samples out of the oven, the metal heats up faster than your skin and that is where you get burns.


The mass of the ceramic crucible has to be known empty,
together with raw sample, and after ignition
together with net sample mass (see text).

For instructions on how to calibrate the scale if necessary, see "Glass Bead Powder Preparation".


Determining the Loss On Ignition (L.O.I.)



  • ceramic crucible (glass cupboard)
  • powder spatula (drawer)
  • dried sample powders in jars
  • acetone, Kimwipes
  • form „L.O.I.“ - download 

  • heated oven (Muffelofen)
  • long tongs
  • large leather gloves
  • small Nomex® gloves (densely woven cotton)
  • protection glasses with light filter
  • fiber ceramic plate
  • desiccator with blue drying agent (if it appears pink, it has to be placed into the drying oven for dehydration, in the large ceramic bowl)

Drying and using the oven

Let the sample drying in its open sample glass bottle in the hot-air cabinet for at least 6 hours (best overnight) at 105-110°C in order to remove remaining moisture (in earlier times called H2O-). The oven (Muffelofen) has to be pre-heated. On maximum heating rate, it takes about 2 h. If it is switched off, any temperature programming might be lost. Note that the display is in minutes. It is preferable to program it the night before, so that you can start using it right away once you arrive in the morning.

Sample amount

  • 1.7 g sample powder for normal silicate rocks (L.O.I. of 1-10 wt.-%),
  • 1.8 g sample powder for chlorite-rich or serpentinitic rocks (L.O.I. of 10-20 wt.-%),
  • 2.3 g sample powder for carbonaceous rocks (L.O.I. of 30-50 wt.-%).

Weigh the empty ceramic crucible exactly and note the mass (n1) on the L.O.I. form. Slowly add the powder with the spatula and note the total mass (n2 = ceramic crucible + sample powder). No exactly mass of sample is necessary but to determine it with an accuracy of 0.1 mg (0.0001g).


Place the crucibles (numbered at bottom) into the oven and burn them red-hot at least 1 hour at 1050°C (1070°C if amphiboles >5%vol). Take the crucibles out and place them onto the fibre ceramic plate (at the Bunsen burner). After 5 minutes it is cold enough to handle it with a Nomex®-glove and place it into the desiccator. This protects your fingers and ensures that no skin fat or tissue is stuck to the crucible which would contribute to errors of the weighing result.

Calculate L.O.I.

Weigh the crucible cold, always 10 minutes after removing it from the oven. Room temperature is reached in the crucible after ca. 5 minutes. If the crucible is still too hot, the air in the closed weighing chamber would be heated up, expanding and press on the scale. In experiments performed in this lab, it became obvious that the error due to adsorption of air moisture becomes negligible after 10 minutes. After 15 to 20 minutes though, recarbonatisation plays an increasingly significant role. Note its total mass (n3) and calculate the L.O.I. using this formula:

Formula for L.O.I. :

L.O.I. (weight %) = 100 x ( (n2-n3) / (n2-n1) )

The L.O.I. is made of contributions from:

Volatile compounds :
H2O+, CO2, F, Cl, S; in parts also K, Na (if heated for too long);

Added compounds :
O2 (oxidation, e.g. FeO to Fe2O3), later CO2 (CaO to CaCO3).

NOTE: For later interpretation of the results of measurement:
Due to the escape of volatiles, there will be an increase of mass among all other oxides. By oxidizing FeO to Fe2O3, the value of Fe2O3total increases but all other oxides will be mass-reduced. These changes in concentration are considered in the calculation of the analysis data.


The burned off sample has to be rehomogenized in an agate mortar until the compound has a uniform colour. Depending on rock chemistry, at 1050° C and following cooling, a sintering, partial glass formation, or partial crystallization might occur. The grinding of the sinter optimizes the homogeneity and reduces the analytical errors.

Why Not Stay Interviews Instead of Exit Interviews?

Retention and engagement depend on knowing who might leave and why, says consultant Leigh Branham of Keeping the People, Inc., and one of the keys is the “Stay Interview.”
Who should you conduct stay interviews with? Set your priorities by putting your employees into a table like this one, says Branham. Then start with your high value/high risk employees.

Identifying Employee Value & Flight Risk

High RiskMedium RiskLow Risk
High Value
Medium Value
Low Value

Conducting the “Stay” Interview

Keeping talent is a PROCESS that has to start somewhere; it is not an EVENT, says Branham. To get the ball rolling, reach out to the associate you want to interview in person 1 to 2 weeks in advance to schedule a 1-hour meeting, and reserve a quiet location where you will not be disturbed.

Here’s what you do during the interview:

  • Let the associate know how much you value his or her contributions and that you want to do all you can to keep the person as engaged and successful as possible.
  • Ask the associate to be prepared to discuss:
  • What success looks like for him or her;
  • What challenges or concerns, if any, he or she may have; and
  •  What additional support and/or resources he or she needs, e.g., learning, advancement, equipment/tools, feeling valued, information, work-life benefits, etc.
  • Conduct the meeting using the questions provided below, practicing active listening skills, and making notes of the details.
  • Make a commitment to follow up with the associate within 2 weeks with an initial action plan.
  • Follow up with your manager immediately following the discussion to share what you have learned and to identify the necessary action steps.
  • Jointly develop an Individual Engagement/Retention Plan based on information gathered during the discussion.
  • Some ideas for inclusion in the action plan may be ways to make the associate’s job more challenging; a conference or networking opportunity, flexible work arrangements, etc.
  • Follow up with the associate within 2 weeks to share the action plan and time lines.
It is important that, along with continuing to drive the performance of your associates, you must also focus your attention on your ability to nurture the relationship along the way, says Branham.
Finally, he adds, be sure to follow up with the associate quarterly and near annual review time.

Branham’s Stay Interview Questions

Send these questions out to your employees ahead of time to give them the opportunity to think about what they want to say, Branham suggests.

  • Are you challenged in your day-to-day work?
  • What is most energizing about your work?
  • How could we more fully utilize your talents and capabilities?
  • What, if anything, is holding you back from being more effective?
  • What can we do to make your job more satisfying?
  • What can we do to support your career goals?
  • What keeps you here?
  • What might cause you to consider leaving the organization?
  • What would be the one thing that, if it changed in your current role, would make you consider moving on?
  • If you had a magic wand, what would be the one thing you would change about this department or company?
  • What was the best job you ever had and why?
  • In what areas would you most like to learn and grow?
  • What are your career goals? (short-term and long-term)
  • Out of what we have discussed today, what are the top 2 to 3 priorities of focus for you?
  • What knowledge and support will you need to help achieve your development goals?
  • What can I do as your manager to help you meet these development goals?

2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes


Press Release No. 976

For use of the information media
Not an official record

2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes

GENEVA 3 July 2013 - The world experienced unprecedented high-impact climate extremes during the 2001-2010 decade, which was the warmest since the start of modern measurements in 1850 and continued an extended period of pronounced global warming. More national temperature records were reported broken than in any previous decade, according to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The report, The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes, analysed global and regional temperatures and precipitation, as well as extreme events such as the heat waves in Europe and Russia, Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America, Tropical Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, droughts in the Amazon Basin, Australia and East Africa and floods in Pakistan.
The decade was the warmest for both hemispheres and for both land and ocean surface temperatures. The record warmth was accompanied by a rapid decline in Arctic sea ice, and accelerating loss of net mass from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and from the world’s glaciers. As a result of this widespread melting and the thermal expansion of sea water, global mean sea levels rose about 3 millimetres (mm) per year, about double the observed 20th century trend of 1.6 mm per year. Global sea level averaged over the decade was about 20 cm higher than that of 1880, according to the report.
The WMO report charted rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. Global-average concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose to 389 parts per million in 2010 (an increase of 39% since the start of the industrial era in 1750), methane to 1808.0parts per billion (158%) and nitrous oxide to 323.2 parts per billion (20%).
“A decade is the minimum possible timeframe for meaningful assessments of climate change,” said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.  “WMO’s report shows that global warming was significant from 1971 to 2010 and that the decadal rate of increase between 1991-2000 and 2001-2010 was unprecedented.  Rising concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are changing our climate, with far reaching implications for our environment and our oceans, which are absorbing both carbon dioxide and heat.”
“Natural climate variability, caused in part by interactions between our atmosphere and oceans – as evidenced by El Niño and La Niña events - means that some years are cooler than others. On an annual basis, the global temperature curve is not a smooth one. On a long-term basis the underlying trend is clearly in an upward direction, more so in recent times” said Mr Jarraud.
Between 2001 and 2010, there was no major El Niño event, which normally leads to higher temperatures (as occurred in the then-record warm year of 1998). Much of the decade experienced either cooling La Niña or neutral conditions, except for the 2009/2010 moderate to strong El Niño.
The 100-page report and an executive summary, incorporating findings from a unique survey of 139 National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and socio-economic data and analysis from several UN agencies and partners, were released to coincide with the first session of the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services. This Board is overseeing the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services – an international initiative to improve and expand scientifically-based climate information to help society cope with the natural variability of our climate and human induced climate change.
‘“A decadal perspective makes it possible to assess trends in the climate system and anticipate the future. It can also inform efforts to develop operational climate services that provide information and forecasts for decision-making in agriculture, health, disaster risk, water resources and other sectors. These efforts are being coordinated through the WMO-led Global Framework for Climate Services,” said Mr Jarraud.
“Climate services are more necessary than ever to help us cope with global changes in our climate, which are accentuated at regional and national scales.  Despite the significant decrease in casualties due to severe storms and flooding, the WMO report highlighted an alarming impact on health and mortality rates caused by the European and Russian heat-waves. Given that climate change is expected to lead to more frequent and intense heat-waves, we need to be prepared,‘’  said Mr. Jarraud.
Temperatures: The average land and ocean-surface temperature for the decade 2001-2010 was estimated to be 14.47°C, or 0.47°C above the 1961–1990 global average and +0.21°C above the 1991–2000 global average (with a factor of uncertainty of ± 0.1°C).
The decadal rate of increase in the global temperature accelerated between 1971 and 2010. The global temperature increased at an average estimated rate of 0.17°C per decade during that period, compared with 0.062°C per decade for the entire 1880-2010 period. The average 2001-2010 decadal temperature was 0.21°C warmer than 1991–2000, which in turn was +0.14°C warmer than 1981-1990.
Every year of the decade except 2008 was among the 10 warmest years on record. The warmest year ever recorded was 2010, with a temperature estimated at 0.54°C above the 14.0°C long term average of 1961-1990 base period, followed closely by 2005.
Above-average temperatures were observed over most parts of the globe in 2001-2010. This was particularly marked in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Greenland recorded the largest decadal temperature anomaly, at +1.71°C above the long-term average and with a temperature in 2010 of +3.2°C above average.  Africa experienced warmer than normal conditions in every year of the decade.
Results from WMO’s survey showed that nearly 94% of reporting countries had their warmest decade in 2001-2010 and no country reported a nationwide average decadal temperature anomaly cooler than  the long term average.
Some 44% of countries in the survey reported nationwide hottest temperature records in 2001-2010, compared to 24% in 1991-2000.  Coldest daily minimum temperature absolute records showed an opposite pattern:  In 1961-1970, nearly 32 % of the countries reported nationwide lowest minimum temperature values. The percentage decreased to 11% in 2001-2010.
Precipitation and floods: The 2001-2010 decade was the second wettest since 1901. Globally, 2010 was the wettest year since the start of instrumental records.
Most parts of the globe had above-normal precipitation during the decade. The eastern USA, northern and eastern Canada, and many parts of Europe and central Asia were particularly wet.
According to the WMO survey, floods were the most frequently experienced extreme events over the course of the decade. Eastern Europe was particularly affected in 2001 and 2005, India in 2005, Africa in 2008, Asia (notably Pakistan, where 2 000 people died and 20 million were affected) in 2010, and Australia, also in 2010.
Droughts affect more people than any other kind of natural hazards owing to their large scale and long-lasting nature. The decade 2001–2010 saw droughts occur in all parts of the world. Some of the highest-impact and long-term droughts struck Australia (in 2002 and other years), East Africa (2004 and 2005, resulting in widespread loss of life) and the Amazon Basin (2010) with negative environmental impacts.
Tropical cyclones: Between 2001 and 2010, there were 511 tropical cyclone related events which resulted in a total of nearly 170,000 persons reported killed, over 250 million people reported affected and estimated economic damages of US$ 380 billion.
According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2001-2010 was the most active decade since 1855 in terms of tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic Basin. An average of 15 named storms per year was recorded, well above the long-term average of 12.
The North Indian Ocean saw the deadliest tropical cyclone recorded during the decade, when Tropical Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar in early May 2008. More than 138 000 people were reported killed or missing, eight million people were affected and thousands of homes were destroyed.
Impacts: During the decade 2001-2010, more than 370,000 people died as a result of extreme weather and climate conditions, including heat waves, cold spells, drought, storms and floods, according to the data provided by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). This was 20% higher than 1991-2000.  This increase is due mainly to the 2003 heat wave in Europe and the 2010  in Russia which contributed to an increase of more than 2000% in the global death toll from heat waves (from less than 6000 in 1991-2000 to 136 000 in 2001-2010).
On the other hand, there was a 16% decline in deaths due to storms and 43% decline in deaths from floods, thanks mainly to better early warning systems and increased preparedness and despite an increase in populations in disaster-prone areas.
According to the 2011 Global Assessment Report, the average population exposed to flooding every year increased by 114% globally between 1970 and 2010, a period in which the world’s population increased by 87% from 3.7 billion to 6.9 billion. The number of people exposed to severe storms almost tripled in cyclone-prone areas, increasing by 192%, in the same period.
Much research is being conducted into whether it is possible to attribute individual extreme events to climate change rather than natural variability. Scientists increasingly conclude that the likelihood of an event such as the 2003 European heat wave was probably substantially increased by rising global temperatures. It is therefore important to develop this research to strengthen climate science and to use it to improve climate services to help society adapt to climate change.

Decadal global combined surface-air temperature over land and sea-surface temperature (°C) obtained from the average over the three independent datasets maintained by the HadCRU, NOAA-NCDCand NASA-GISS.The Horizontal grey line indicates the long term average value ( 14°C).

Impact of Extreme events during 2001-2010 compared with 1991-2000. Total number of loss of lives

The World Meteorological Organization is the United Nations System’s authoritative voice on Weather, Climate and Water
For more information, please contact:
Clare Nullis, Media Officer, Communications and Public Affairs, Tel: +(41 22) 730 8478; 41-79) 7091397 (cell)
Website: www.wmo.int

Fertilizer Plant Explosion In West, Texas

Published on Apr 18, 2013
Dozens of people are feared dead tonight and well over 100 are injured after this massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas about 35 miles north of Waco. Eyewitnesses likened the event to a nuclear bomb blast and it sent a massive fireball into the sky. The explosion registered a 2.1 on the richter scale, instantly leveled dozens of houses in the area and shook others as far away as 50 miles. Officials are evacuating parts of the town as the plant contained 54,000 pounds of the chemical anhydrous ammonia, a pungent gas with suffocating fumes. When exposed to humans, it can cause severe burns if it combines with water in the body. And exposure to high concentrations can lead to death. This tragic event casts a massive spotlight on concerns over the lack of funding for inspection agencies like OSHA - the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. OSHA understaffing means they can only inspect plants like this one once every 129 years. Just 6 fertilizer plants in the entire state of Texas were inspected by OSHA over the last five years and, naturally, the West, Texas fertilizer plant was not one of them. Another regulatory body that would have overseen the plant, the Chemical Safety Board, was coincidentally criticized today in a piece by the Center for Public Integrity which highlighted the dwindling productivity of the agency. When the West, Texas fertilizer plant was cited for OSHA violations way back in 1985, the fine was a mere $30

Pemex gas plant explosion (Mexico)

An explosion followed by a fire at a gas plant in the northern Mexican state of Tamaulipas has killed 26 people.

Natural Gas Line Explodes in Texas


Uploaded on Jun 7, 2010
JOHNSON COUNTY - A natural gas facility has exploded near Cleburne in Johnson County killing three, according to the Cleburne city manager, Chester Nolen.

At least three people are missing and several people have been transported to hospital with burn injuries.

A massive fireball and a huge plume of smoke can still be seen in the area.

Officials said workers apparently hit the underground line while digging.

"About 2:40 p.m., we heard a loud explosion, rumbling, almost like a tornado. It shook our entire house. The plume of smoke that came out or steam is heading this way, the wind is blowing it right over our house. We are trying to work out whether it is something we need to evacuate or not," said Laura Harlin in Johnson County.

"We don't really smell anything at this point. It sounds like faraway thunder at this point," she added. At 3:15 p.m., she said she could still hear the rumbling.

"There is a lot of onlooker traffic in the area," said Hood County resident, Franklin Daniel.

People living in the nearby Pecan Plantation have been told they don't need to evacuate.

A gas company is working to turn off a gas line. The underground line measures 36 inches.

"There's not a whole lot they can do, until they get that line turned off," Nolen said. "A lot is going to depend on where the main valves are that control that section of line. Obviously, what's in the line is going to have to burn off before they can get it shut off. So it may be late into this evening when they get the fire controlled."

Firefighters from eight departments are surrounding the fireball. Parkland Hospital is expecting patients to be transported to its specialist burn unit and are making preparations.

Fire Safety in the Lab


Fire Safety in the Lab 

 Guidelines on fire safety in the lab, including recognizing hazards, proper storage, PPE, using a fire extinguisher, and responding to and reporting fires.

Guidelines for management and disposal of chemical waste on campus

Guidelines for management and disposal of chemical waste on campus

Hazard Communications Safety Training Video

Required by OSHA for training employees in chemicals hazardous materials used in the workplace. Explains material safety data sheets labeling and basic safety when using hazardous materials. Agriculture training series.

"Material Safety Data Sheets in the Laboratory"How to Read a Material Safety Data Sheet

"Material Safety Data Sheets in the Laboratory" Video Program reviews the various sections of the MSDS, what information can be found in each section and most importantly, how this information can help employees to work safely in their laboratory. All potentially hazardous materials entering a laboratory have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). But to make good use of the information on an MSDS, employees need to understand how it is organized and what it contains.

Areas covered in the program include the purpose of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), sections of the MSDS, information found in each section, how MSDS information can help employees work safely, and more. The video program comes with a comprehensive leader's guide, reproducible scheduling & attendance form, employee quiz, training certificate and training log. This Video Program is one of 12 in the "Elements of Safety" Laboratory Safety Training Series.

Industrial Accident at Ankleshwar, Gujarat


Industrial Accident at Ankleshwar, Gujarat 

 Accident happened at the Common Incinerator of Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd on 3rd April 2008, at around 5:30 pm, in Ankleshwar town in Gujarat, India

Even after 24 hours of the accident, the company officials and Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) said they did not know what was the cause of fire and did not know what chemicals were burning

This is so similar to the fact that people of Bhopal were not informed of what gas was being leaked from the Union Carbide factory there in 1984

GPCB was not even monitoring VOCs, dioxins and furans or heavy metals at the fire site

While the flames have gone down, a lot of drums are very hot and an exothermic reaction is going on in those drums and the company is cooling them with a lot of water, which in turn is going to pollute the ground water.

Industrial Fire, Rescue, and Safety Training for Emergency Response -Emergency Response Video Training


Industrial Fire, Rescue, and Safety Training for Emergency Response -

Emergency Response Video Training

M.C. Mehta is one of India's foremost environmental lawyers

M.C. Mehta is one of India's foremost environmental lawyers. Mehta is a crusader for India's environment, leading the legal fight to clean up the Ganges, save the Taj Mahal from acid rain, and prevent industrial companies from polluting ground water.

1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment

In June of 1972, leaders and bureaucrats from around the world met in Stockholm, Sweden, for the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which marked the globalization of the Rockefeller-funded environmental movement. One of the leading names behind the conference, who was the Secretary-General of the event, is Canadian businessman and globalist new ager Maurice Strong, who is considered to be the father of the global environmental movement and today is very much behind the inner workings of the corporate-sponsored, foundation-funded "Green" movement, which is leading the push towards increasing wealth redistribution from the West to the East and third world nations, global taxation and regulation, more international law, the evisceration of national sovereignty, the elimination of property rights, more government control (ie. the elimination of basic freedoms), and eventually global communism under a totalitarian New World Order.

Indian Polity & Governance - Fundamental Duties

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