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Challenges to effective OHS consultation on large civil construction projects

Challenges to effective OHS consultation on large civil construction projects
Symposium 19. Author: Phil Wadick; Organisation: PhD Student, Monash University, Australia
In this paper I discuss the challenges to effective OHS consultation and, thereby, effective management of OHS on large civil construction projects. The information presented as evidence in this discussion was gathered from workers (2 managers and 14 employee tradespersons and/or laborers) who attended 2 different 4-day OHS consultation training course for members of OHS committees. The informants were from 4 different OHS committees, each committee representing the workers from a different site – 2 road building, one bridge, and one large civil works building project. About 400 workers (almost 100% male) were employed across the 4 sites.
Background information
The construction industry is a dangerous industry with many workplace injuries and diseases. Site life is dirty, dusty, noisy, busy, smelly, precarious, and changeable. People use tools, drive machines, work at heights, work below ground, dig, cut, push, pull, lift, grind and so on. It is a very bodily activity, and the labouring body wears out. Construction projects are usually won by tender and therefore have cost and time pressures inbuilt. It is a male dominated industry with a masculine workplace culture of toughness and a ‘can do’ attitude, where risk taking has been traditionally demanded and valued. Many enter the industry with low education levels and poor literacy skills - it is one of the last places that semi literate people can excel because success is based on doing, and not reading, writing, or even talking about doing. Each trade is used to the dangers of their work, and know the health and safety outcomes they will suffer as a result. This ‘grand narrative’ style of thinking spurns questions and phrases such as ‘What can you do? It’s always been like this. What’s the use of complaining, no one listens?’ Eventually, most construction workers leave their job with broken, deformed and/or sick bodies. A sad story really, that is rendered possible because many of these workers perceive they have little other choice, and besides, they receive good pay, enjoy a sense of belonging and good camaraderie, and their self esteem is buoyed by their skill.
OHS legislation now says that employers and subcontractors must provide a safe workplace; the culture that accepts (begrudgingly) risks and ill health and other damage to the body as ‘normal’ is no longer acceptable. As well as this duty of care, employers must consult with workers about how to improve their safety, and the mechanism for this on large construction projects is mainly the OHS committee. Employees from each workgroup, such as steelfixers, formworkers, plant operators, concretors, and so on are to be elected to represent the OHS concerns of their team through the committee. Being an effective member of the committee requires fairly high levels of literacy, assertiveness, the ability to speak in public and the skills to consistently, confidently and emphatically present one’s point of view to a not always welcoming and receptive audience. Compounding this is the fact that most of the OHS reps in this study did not volunteer to go on the committee, nor were they elected by their workgroup, but were almost coerced by management pressure: ‘We have to have someone from your group on the committee; no one wants to do it, so why don’t you? You’d be good at it!’ And their reply is something like: ‘Well, I guess I’ll give it a go’. Will these people learn enough knowledge, skills and attitudes in a 4-day course? The managers already have these skills and they are already in a position of power. Managers are at home in the world of committees, the world of paperwork, the world of talking, bargaining and funding. On the other hand, that world is not the world of the laborer or tradesman, who are constituted by a long history of struggle and disempowerment.
Some examples
In this section I give examples from my focus groups, using the words and stories of the participants to demonstrate the complexities involved in turning construction workers into OHS committee members, especially when the culture and structure of the industry does not change to facilitate the process.
Example 1.
A machine operator on a large construction site was elected by his team to represent them on the OHS committee. He reluctantly accepted – he believes in the value of a safe workplace because of several brushes with serious workplace injuries (both to him and others). He is a shy person who does not easily speak up in formal public gatherings, such as tool box talks (team safety meetings) facilitated by ‘the boss’. However, his new role invites him to speak up; he wants to speak up; he learned and practised speaking up in a safe training environment, but he struggles with speaking up at work. According to him, it’s not so much his shyness that is the barrier, but rather the teasing from his team, who (jokingly – but it still hurts and threatens to make him an outsider) call him a suck up and accuse him of colluding with the boss. They taunt him that he now gets time off work when he is out of his machine and talking. He now must see himself as verbal, as a talker, a communicator, a negotiator, an active listener and as a mediator between his team and the powerful management hierarchies. It is difficult for him to maintain his new identity of the OHS rep and still be accepted as one of the team. His new role appears to gives him access to more power and control: he is invited to have an opinion, he is invited to try to influence decision making, and he trembles with the tension created by this potential.
Example 2
Another construction worker tells the researcher that he sees no hope of addressing his safety concerns because he is a ‘steelfixer’, and steel fixers get a bad back; and he has terrible RSI in his right hand and arm from repetitive use of his wire twisting pliers. He is resigned to his fate with a what can you do?attitude. He feels powerless to change as there is no obvious career path for the skilled, barely literate steel fixer. He gains his personal power from doing a good job and having fun with my mates. However, this person too has accepted nomination as his team’s OHS rep on the safety committee. Not only does he feel powerless to stop his work practices and tools from damaging his body, he now must use the new (to him) technology of the written word. Yet, when asked if he would help a team mate fill out a hazard report form, he said How could I; I never have any pen and paper! This new technology of the contemporary construction site is not his technology. His engagement with his new role may be as a fringe dweller, a peripheral participant in which he self marginalises.
Example 3
New members of the OHS committee leave the course full of enthusiasm and new ideas to implement in their workplace. How they are met at a personal level at their workplace will influence how successful they are at maintaining their enthusiasm and influencing change that results in safer workplaces. For example, some of the participants in one course were having difficulty getting the full support of management for their opinions. Part of their function is to conduct safety inspections of the workplace, and to report the results to an OHS committee meeting. The first inspection these newly trained reps conducted was subtly discouraged by middle management (the foreman), questioning the amount of time the workers would need to complete the task. Then, at the last minute, the same foreman said he was too busy to participate, and became passively uncooperative. They learned that, in their immediate boss’s opinion, their role was not valued. However, their commitment sustained them over this first hurdle, and they persevered to conduct the inspection. Half way through, they encountered a senior manager, who was very supportive and stopped what he was doing to accompany them for the rest of the inspection. Now they were in a dilemma – their immediate boss was unsupportive and the big boss was supportive: how do they negotiate a safe path between the contradictory discourses? Even though the senior manager has more authority, their foreman has more direct power over them, and he can make their life a misery. They admit to me that if they want to ‘survive’ they must tread very carefully. They got such a surprise that being an OHS rep was such a political process.
Example 4
There were many such stories of (both passive and active) resistance from management. A formworker who now feels empowered to request proper scaffolding is told by the boss we’ll look into it, with two weeks going by with still no answer. The workers become suspicious and powerful rumours circulate through the grapevine encounters that the bosses get big bonuses if they can finish ahead of schedule and under budget. The workers feel that their bodies are being put at risk to benefit an already privileged group who are not exposed to the same risks as them. The company makes a profit at the expense of the degraded bodies of the workers. And this degradation is accelerated through safety shortcuts. The OHS reps wonder how they can rectify this situation when they are denied any real authority or power. The OHS reps are caught now between their new found OHS knowledge and skills, the official discourse of company safety policy, management lack of support and fellow worker demands of both offering and withdrawing emotional support.
Example 5
The formworkers and steel workers lament that they are forced to walk over rocky and uneven surfaces and endure ankle and/or knee injuries to save on the cost of smoothing it out with truck loads of fine gravel. There are symbols of power involved – the bosses have smooth ground and air conditioned offices, the workers do not. The workers know their place and accept (and expect) the physical manifestations of these power imbalances that treat them like they are less important, and they do not clamour for improvements. These symbols can be thought of as techniques of domination and a subtle message that management does not value the workers’ opinion. If your opinion is ignored often enough, you will stop giving it.
Example 6
The management of OHS can be seen as a technology of power where employees perceive that they are being held responsible for their own safety. So often I hear workers complain that management is transferring liability to them by getting them to sign off on inductions, safe work method statements (swms), and other forms of written knowledge. The workers often sign without actually understanding what they are signing. The extra paperwork is a symbol of power and it is being used as a form of control. In the end, the worker has signed many pieces of paper to say they know and understand something. The knowledge that they have done this erodes their confidence to speak out against practices that hurt the body. The paperwork takes on power and control. And, like in Foucault’s exploration of Bentham’s Panoptikon, the workers become the guards and enforcers of this power as no one is permitted into their own sphere of control until they have signed the bits of paper. They are doing all this not because they believe in it, but because they and their bosses are under the gaze of the Other, and the Other is WorkCover (the statutory authority administering OHS). Getting people to sign helps them demonstrate to the Other that they have complied with legislation and is perceived to reduce their liability. However, These documents are perceived as doing very little to improve safety.
Example 7
In this essay I am trying to describe the discord emerging in ohs consultation, especially in the construction industry. On the face of it, employers do set up ohs committees, and the ohs reps do undertake the compulsory training. However, the effectiveness of this system is undermined by several factors. OHS consultation is designed to empower workers, but it often does not because workers are often disempowered through the management practices on site. Many trade and labouring jobs on site offer limited decision making opportunities; e.g. engineers decide on the type and position of the steel that is ‘placed’ by the steel fixers. That is, in general, the trades/labourers do the work whit management make the decisions that affects what work they do. It is very difficult to become a creative and articulate problem solver and risk manager when you are usually sonly expected to do as you are told.
Example 8
OHS reps often feel penalized for diligently carrying out their role, which reduces their motivation. E.g. newly elected committee reps conducted a site safety inspection and came up with a score of 68% compliance (using the in-house scoring mechanism). The supervisor was horrified because his KPI’s require an average of > or = 85%, which they believe is only possible by being blind to some things. They got a roasting from the boss, who accused them of being troublemakers. They believed that he compromised their  safety to look good to the auditors. They became discouraged and lost belief in the system. Imagine the difference if their score was greeted with a terrific, and thank you!Response, and they were seriously invited to suggest improvements that were implemented.
Recommendations and Implications
It is not simple or easy to change this situation because it is changing the tide of history. I offer the following suggestions that, if implemented, will help.
1.  Train the ohs representatives in the skills of consultation. This means that the trainer needs to use a consultative approach throughout the training. The training model needs to mirror the consultation process. The trainer needs to create a safe place and space where the participants can share ideas, beliefs and attitudes with others to facilitate the social construction of meaning. The interaction among participants will simulate the workplace if they are challenged and forced to justify their suggestions and allowed to practise listening, speaking, problem solving and root cause analysis, based on the real issues of their workplace.
2.  A challenge for the trainer is to teach the participants to use a different language to describe ohs problems at work so as to open up possibilities for improvement. For example, the rhetorical question ‘What can you do?’implies that nothing can be done because the industry is inherently dangerous and there is no other way to do the job. The workers need to learn to reframe this into a statement such as ‘Yes, it has been a dangerous industry, but, with careful consideration, we can make it safer’. This positive attitude will give them the hope and impetus to creatively consider ways of controlling hazards at the source
3.  Site supervisors need to become mentors for the emerging ohs representatives – they can nurture the skills needed to speak up, to fill out and contribute to paperwork such as reports, incident investigations, agendas, minutes and site safety inspections. Consequently, supervisors need to lead by example – by paying at least as much attention to ohs and consultation as they do to production and numbers.
4.  Best practice workplaces may be able to help employees develop skills in literacy, problem solving, communication, decision making, reflective practice and public speaking. This could be done on “wet days” when workers often pass the time of waiting by playing cards or other non productive activities.
5.   Site inductions may be improved by using a questioning approach to the new worker; that is, get them involved and talking. Before boring them with all the things they have heard before, ask them what they think the hazards are on this site, and how they are going to control the hazards and risks they face. Get them to ask you some questions. Make the induction a discussion, and during this discussion, demonstrate your sincerity about workplace health and safety. Ask them if they know about OHS consultation, and what they know about it. Introduce them to the site OHS representative. Let them know that you and/or the site rep want to know any concerns they have for their own or others’ health and safety. If they do report something, stop what you are doing and go and have a look, be interested, and ask them for ideas on what can be done to fix it. Let them report things verbally, and you fill out the incident/hazard report for them. Make sure you take all of these reports seriously; if you don’t, they won’t
Management of ohs on construction sites is more effective when workers contribute to the making of ohs decisions through an efficient consultation process. Employers often pay lip service to these legal requirements rather than make real efforts. Construction employees are not used to being a core part of the decision making process, and often do not have the necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills. It will be very difficult to make construction sites safe is we continue to marginalise workers by not training and mentoring them adequately to be able to speak up to become part of the real decision making process.

industry connect

Poorer countries may find it harder than ever to foster industrialization, UN warns


Poorer countries may find it harder than ever to foster industrialization, UN warns

11 April 2013 – Poorer developing countries may find it much harder under current conditions to foster industrial development and structural change than earlier generations of states that hauled themselves out of poverty, like the so-called Asian tigers, according to new book prepared by a specialised United Nations agency.
“They face a more complex, and daunting set of circumstances than the developing countries that embarked on industrialization after 1950,” the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) warned. “These changing and challenging circumstances require new thinking, and in particular new paradigms to guide researchers, policy makers, and international development organizations in the future.”
The book, presented in London today and entitled ‘Pathways to Industrialization in the Twenty-First Century: New Challenges and Emerging Paradigms,’ analyzes the circumstances and challenges facing developing countries in industrialization, and offers fresh ideas for new paradigms to carry forward industrial policy in the future.
It was co-edited by UNIDO Director of the Development Policy, Statistics and Research Branch Ludovico Alcorta, and is the result of a study prepared by UNIDO in partnership with the UN University’s World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and the Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT).
Over the last two centuries, the experiences of the first wave of industrialized countries in Europe and the United States, and the more recent experiences of the East Asian Tigers (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, India, and Viet Nam), have illustrated the transformative nature of industrialization, Mr. Alcorta said.
“There are reasons to believe that industrialization will continue to be one of the major engines of growth, transformation, and socioeconomic development. Industrial development enables a more rapid advancement toward developed country living standards. But many challenges remain, and new challenges have arisen,” he added.
“These include: integration into global value chains; the shrinking of policy space in the present international order; the rise of the Asian driver economies; new opportunities provided by resource-based industrialization; the accelerating pace of technological change in manufacturing; how to deal with jobless growth in manufacturing; creating adequate systems of financial intermediation; and how to respond to the threats of global warming and climate change.”
UNIDO’s mission UNIDO) is to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition. In recent years, it has assumed an enhanced role in the global development agenda by focusing its activities on poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.
It carries out two core functions: as a global forum, it generates and disseminates industry-related knowledge; and as a technical cooperation agency, it provides technical support and implements projects.

Sun blasts out strongest flare of 2013


Sun blasts out strongest flare of 2013

Accompanying coronal mass ejection takes flight at 600 miles per second

The strongest solar flare of 2013 has been reported by NASA, an event that while it was rated only at the middle (an M6.5) on the scale of the sun’s events, still released a coronal mass ejection at more than 600 miles per second, according to NASA.
The event once again offered a warning about a major flare that could produce a wave of energy that would hit the earth with an electro-magnetic pulse that would produce devastating effects on electrical grids and other systems that are needed for food, fuel and water distribution, and whose lose could cost millions of lives.

NASA reported that the flare happened early Thursday and was “associated with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection, another solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of solar particles into space and can reach Earth one to three days later.”
“CME’s can affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground. Experimental NASA research models show that the CME began at 3:30 a.m. EDT … leaving the sun at over 600 miles per second.
“Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however – when intense enough – they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel. This disrupts the radio signals for as long as the flare is ongoing, anywhere from minutes to hours.”
NASA continued, “This flare is classified as an M6.5, some 10 times less powerful than the stronger flares, which are labeled X-class flares. M-class flares are the weakest flares that can still cause some space weather effects near Earth.”
It reported that this event caused a radio blackout that since faded.
“This is the strongest flare seen so far in 2013. Increased numbers of flares are quite common at the moment, since the sun’s normal 11-year activity cycle is ramping up toward solar maximum, which is expected in late 2013,” NASA said.
The expected solar storm is what the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Academy of Sciences say could reach its greatest intensity between now and 2014, with recurring solar flare attacks into 2020.
In an in-depth, 132-page report funded by NASA and issued by the NAS entitled “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal Impact,” their study detailed the potential devastation of solar storms which began in 2012 but will reach increasing intensity well into 2014 and beyond.
Scientists are watching closely the ever-increasing flares that are coming off the sun’s surface.
A video of the latest event:
NASA estimates that the impending solar storm maximum could perhaps be even more powerful than the one recorded back in 1859 that had the effect at the time of a massive disruption of the fledging telegraph system that had recently been built across the nation, and produced spectacular aurora displays that could be seen throughout much of the Western hemisphere.
Read the documentation that’s sparking the worry about the EMP threat, in “A Nation Forsaken”.
That 1859 episode is called the Carrington Event, named after the British Astronomer Richard Carrington who saw the effects of the solar storm and was the first to link sun activities with the Earth’s geomagnetic disturbances.
The display of aurora in 1859 occurred over a five-day period in which thousands of people, for example, in New York City had gathered on sidewalks and rooftops to watch “the heavens…arrayed in a drapery more gorgeous than they have been for years.”
It was an aurora that New Yorkers witnessed that prompted The New York Times to tell its readers that it “will be referred to hereafter among the events which occur but once or twice in a lifetime.”
According to historical records, the auroral displays from August 28 through September 4, 1859, were described as having extraordinary brilliance that was observed throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and were seen as far south as Hawaii, the Caribbean and Central America in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Hemisphere as far north as Santiago, Chile. Even during the daytime when the aurora no longer was visible, its presence was felt through the effect of auroral currents, according to the NAS study.
“Magnetic observatories recorded disturbances in the Earth’s field so extreme that magnetometer traces were driven off scale, and telegraph networks around the world – the ‘Victorian Internet’ – experienced major disruptions and outages,” it said.

“The electricity which attended this beautiful phenomenon took possession of the magnetic wires throughout the country,” the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin reported at the time, “and there were numerous side displays in the telegraph offices where fantastical and unreadable messages came through the instruments, and where the atmospheric fireworks assumed shape and substances in brilliant sparks.”
Operators in a number of areas disconnected their systems from batteries and sent messages using only the current induced by the aurora.
In looking at potential events between 2013 and 2014 and possibly into 2020, solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center of NASA said that the magnetic belts of the sun have begun to turn very fast. He said that many magnetic fields are being swept up and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be very intense.
Underlying this concern is what scientists also determined are major breaks in the Earth’s solar defenses, caused by the recent discovery of a thick layer of solar particles inside the Earth’s magnetic field.
To scientists, discovery of this thick layer of solar particles inside the Earth’s magnetic field strongly suggests that Earth could experience serious solar storms in the 2013-2014 period that could have a major impact on civilization’s electrical power sources.
“The sequence we’re expecting…is just right to put particles in and energize them to create the biggest geomagnetic storms, the brightest auroras, the biggest disturbances in Earth’s radiation belts,” said David Sibeck of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
“So, if all of this is true, it should be that we’re in for a tough time in the next 11 years,” Sibeck said.
Recent data from NASA’s THEMIS satellite has revealed a 6,437-kilometer, or 4,000-mile thick layer of solar particles have accumulated and continue to gather within the outermost part of the magnetosphere, which is a protective bubble created by Earth’s magnetic field.
The magnetosphere is supposed to block these solar particles – also referred to as solar winds – which leave the sun at a million miles an hour, experts say.
“The solar wind is constantly changing, and the Earth’s magnetic field is buffeted like a wind sock in gale-force winds, fluttering back and forth in response to the solar wind,” Sibeck said.
With the sun having been relatively quiet, the Earth has been in what scientists term a solar minimum. However, with expected increased activity with a solar storm maximum, the reaction in the magnetosphere could be quite dramatic.
This prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is headquartered in Boulder, Colo. NCAR is managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. In turn, the UCAR is a consortium of more than 75 universities nationwide offering post-graduate studies in atmospheric and related sciences.
“The next sunspot cycle will be 30 percent to 50 percent stronger than the previous one,” Dikpati said. If this is true, then scientists believe a solar storm maximum expected between 2013 and 2014 and into 2020 could produce bursts of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
Today, such a solar maximum would be noticed on mobile phones, ground positioning systems, from weather satellites and the potential effects on the electronics that are so much a part of everyday life.

Ready, Set, Goal! Special Operations, Total Safety

Special Operations, Total Safety
Do you remember a time when you wanted something so bad you could taste it, like that new stereo system, that new sports car, or even that promotion at work?  More often than not, when individuals set their minds to achieving something, they more than likely meet their goal and even exceed their own expectations.
For the most part, goals are fairly easy to set.  However, sometimes putting them into action is a different story altogether.  For some, implementation is a very challenging task.  And being able to tackle implementation head-on is sometimes the only way to overcome this challenge.
According to Webster’s dictionary, a goal is a specific objective you and your team must achieve, and a plan is the blueprint for achieving these goals.
Believe it or not, studies have shown that people who write down their goal(s) along with a written action plan have a 51% chance of achievement, as compared to those who don’t write down their goals, have a 43% chance of achievement.
First things first.  The first essential step is to clearly establish your goal(s).  When you know what you’re navigating toward and what you’re doing, you’ll be more motivated to do a better job.  Having this information at your fingertips will also allow you to set meaningful goals, which is a lot easier than you think.
Additionally, the importance of proper and strategic planning plays a large role in the success ratio of goal achievement.  To aid in being successful, Seeds of Success lists three important steps to goal achievement.
Step 1:  Prepare your plan outside the situation.  A purpose without a plan is as good as a dream.  Planning is a simulated exercise and requires learning from anticipated expectations.  Starting to plan right in the middle of the situation is not proper planning and defeats any purpose of planning, including the utilization of time and opportunity to make the most out of resources and ensure success.  Know what you want to achieve before planning and work out your strategy to actualize it.  After all, Noah didn’t start building the ark when he encountered the flood.
Step 2:  Make your plan fit for you.  Planning is all about knowing what’s coming and strategizing an arrangement to handle it.  It’s one thing to make a plan and it’s another thing adapting to it.  Plan because you are organized, not because it is necessary.  You know what it is you have to achieve and probably have a preliminary plan in mind of how to get there.  Remember, your plan is your guideline to achieving your goal.
Step 3:  Build on your plan.  To implement your plan, you must strive to execute it.  There is no such thing as a perfect plan.  But in doing the right thing, you can strategize a practical plan that would bring forth the expected results.  Specify the goals and roles of team members.  Communication is critical in this stage of the process.  You must ACT upon your plan:
A – Accept it as your guideline when you have thoroughly accessed its potency;
C – Commit to it and comply with it; and
T – Take significant, disciplined steps towards its implementation, get the right counsel, and build your team.
Planners know what to do; executors know what to do next.  Remember, only a fool goes into a battle without a plan.  Battles are not won by strength alone or military capability, but with strategy and careful planning.
Careful planning allows you and your team members to become more productive, ultimately resulting in more satisfied customers.
Don’t let your goals fall by the wayside.  Deeply desire the goal or resolution.  Visualize yourself achieving the goal.  Make a plan for the path you need to follow to accomplish the goal.  Commit to achieving the goal by writing down the goal.  Establish times for checking your progress in your calendar system.  And regularly review your overall progress.
Make great strides toward your goals.  Focus on how it will impact you, your team, and the entire company.  Maintain an open mind.  And continually make that stretch to complete your goals on time and with the most efficient means.  As Total Safety’s bottom line is continually increasing because you’re meeting your goals, employees become more productive, and customers become even more satisfied.  What more can you ask for?  It’s a great package all bundled into one.
Careful goal setting and planning are the keys to achieving results and to making an individual a successful leader.  Just remember, goal setting is a great tool that can turn your goals into a plan, and your plan into reality.

 By Jill Jan,

Conducting the Audit OF PSMS

Conducting the Audit

An effective audit includes a review of the relevant documentation and process safety information, inspection of the physical facilities, and interviews with all levels of plant personnel. Utilizing the audit procedure and checklist developed in the preplanning stage, the audit team can systematically analyze compliance with the provisions of the standard and any other corporate policies that are relevant. For example, the audit team will review all aspects of the training program as part of the overall audit. The team will review the written training program for adequacy of content, frequency of training, effectiveness of training in terms of its goals and objectives as well as to how it fits into meeting the standard's requirements. Through interviews, the team can determine employees' knowledge and awareness of the safety procedures, duties, rules, and emergency response assignments. During the inspection, the team can observe actual practices such as safety and health policies, procedures, and work authorization practices. This approach enables the team to identify deficiencies and determine where corrective actions or improvements are necessary.

Evaluation and Corrective Action

The audit team, through its systematic analysis, should document areas that require corrective action as well as where the process safety management system is effective. This provides a record of the audit procedures and findings and serves as a baseline of operation data for future audits. It will assist in determining changes or trends in future audits.

Corrective action is one of the most important parts of the audit and includes identifying deficiencies, and planning, following-up, and documenting the corrections. The corrective action process normally begins with a management review of the audit findings. The purpose of this review is to determine what actions are appropriate, and to establish priorities, timetables, resource allocations and requirements, and responsibilities. In some cases, corrective action may involve a simple change in procedures or a minor maintenance effort to remedy the problem. Management of change procedures need to be used, as appropriate, even for a seemingly minor change. Many of the deficiencies can be acted on promptly, while some may require engineering studies or more detailed review of actual procedures and practices. There may be instances where no action is necessary; this is a valid response to an audit finding. All actions taken, including an explanation when no action is taken on a finding, need to be documented.

The employer must assure that each deficiency identified is addressed, the corrective action to be taken is noted, and the responsible audit person or team is properly documented. To control the corrective action process, the employer should consider the use of a tracking system. This tracking system might include periodic status reports shared with affected levels of management, specific reports such as completion of an engineering study, and a final implementation report to provide closure for audit findings that have been through management of change, if appropriate, and then shared with affected employees and management. This type of tracking system provides the employer with the status of the corrective action. It also provides the documentation required to verify that appropriate corrective actions were taken on deficiencies identified in the audit.

Methods of Process Hazards Analysis

Methods of Process Hazards Analysis

On July 17, 1990, OSHA issued a proposed rule for the management of hazards associated with processes using highly hazardous chemicals. This rule, called the Process Safety Management standard, was finalized on February 24, 1992. In an appendix to the proposed rule, OSHA discussed several methods of process hazard analysis. That discussion, which may be helpful for those doing job hazard analyses, follows:

What-if. For relatively uncomplicated processes, review the process from raw materials to product. At each handling or processing step, "what if" questions are formulated and answered, to evaluate the effects of component failures or procedural errors on the process.

Checklist. For more complex processes, the "what if" study can be best organized through the use of a "checklist," and assigning certain aspects of the process to the committee members having the greatest experience or skill in evaluating those aspects. Operator practices and job knowledge are audited in the field, the suitability of equipment and materials of construction is studied, the chemistry of the process and the control systems are reviewed, and the operating and maintenance records are audited. Generally, a checklist evaluation of a process precedes use of the more sophisticated methods described below, unless the process has been operated safely for many years and has been subjected to periodic and thorough safety inspections and audits.

What-If/Checklist. The what-if/checklist is a broadly based hazard assessment technique that combines the creative thinking of a selected team of specialists with the methodical focus of a prepared checklist. The result is a comprehensive hazard analysis that is extremely useful in training operation personnel on the hazards of the particular operation.

The review team is selected to represent a wide range of production, mechanical, technical, and safety disciplines. Each person is given a basic information package regarding the operation to be studied. This package typically includes information on hazards of materials, process technology, procedures, equipment design, instrumentation control, incident experience, and previous hazard reviews. A field tour of the operation also is conducted at this time.

The review team methodically examines the operation from reciept of raw materials to delivery of the finished product to the customer's site. At each step, the group collectively generates a listing of "what-if" questions regarding the hazards and safety of the operation.

When the review team has completed listing its spontaneously generated questions, it systematically goes through a prepared checklist to stimulate additional questions.

Subsequently, answers are developed for each question. The review team then works to achieve a consensus on each question and answer. From these answers, a listing of recommendations is developed specifying the need for additional action or study. The recommendations, along with the list of questions and answers, become the key elements of the hazard assessment report.

Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP). HAZOP is a formally structured method of systematically investigating each element of a system for all of the ways in which important parameters can deviate from the intended design conditions to create hazards and operability problems. The hazard and operability problems are typically determined by a study of the piping and instrument diagrams (or plant model) by a team of personnel who critically analyze effects of potential problems arising in each pipeline and each vessel of the operation.

Pertinent parameters are selected, for example, flow, temperature, pressure, and time. Then the effect of deviations from design conditions of each parameter is examined. A list of key words, for example, "more of," "less of," "part of," are selected for use in describing each potential deviation.

The system is evaluated as designed and with deviations noted. All causes of failure are identified. Existing safeguards and protection are identified. An assessment is made weighing the consequences, causes, and protection requirements involved.

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). The FMEA is a methodical study of component failures. This review starts with a diagram of the operation, and includes all components that could fail and conceivably affect the safety of the operation. Typical examples are instrument transmitters, controllers, valves, pumps, rotometers, etc. These components are listed on a data tabulation sheet and individually analyzed for the following:
  • Potential mode of failure, (i.e., open, closed, on, off, leaks, etc);
  • Consequence of the failure; effect on other components and effects on whole system;
  • Hazard class, (i.e., high, moderate, low);
  • Probability of failure;
  • Detection methods; and
  • Remarks/compensating provisions.
Multiple concurrent failures are also included in the analysis. The last step in the analysis is to analyze the data for each component or multiple component failure and develop a series of recommendations appropriate to risk management.

Fault Tree Analysis. A fault tree analysis can be either a qualitative or a quantitative model of all the undesirable outcomes, such as a toxic gas release or explosion, that could result from a specific initiating event. It begins with a graphic representation (using logic symbols) of all possible sequences of events that could result in an incident. The resulting diagram looks like a tree with many branches listing the sequential events (failures) for different independent paths to the top event. Probabilities (using failure rate data) are assigned to each event and then used to calculate the probability of occurrence of the undesired event.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wind storms appear to happen after strong solar activity on the sun.

How Recent Solar Flares Are Affecting Humans ©Heather Carlini 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Recently we are experiencing an intensive amount of solar activity on the Sun which is affecting both the Earth and Humans.solar flare
Exactly what is a solar flare and how does it affect us?
A solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun which appears to be a very bright spot and a gaseous surface eruption such as in the above photograph.  Solar flares release huge amounts of high-energy particles and gases that are tremendously hot.  They are ejected thousands of miles from the surface of the Sun.
There appears to be a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect especially after an "M" class solar flare.  The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth, and also through the magnetic fields around humans. 
  Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wind storms appear to happen after strong solar activity on the sun.
Geomagnetic Activity on the Sun Influences our Thoughts
I have noticed in my own research that solar activity is known to influence human consciousness.  Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), along with human behaviour and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response.  Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxiousness, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, have short term memory problems and heart palpitations, feel nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head pressure and headaches. Do you have any of the above lately?  I am hearing from people in Canada, the U.S., South America, Japan, Greece, Malta, Belgium, Sweden, the UK, Australia etc. that all report the symptoms that I address after an episode of high solar flare activity.  I have also experienced these symptoms myself as have many of my clients.  Scientists don't seem to be addressing this, but we all know it is  real as we are experiencing it first hand.
The solar flares and photon waves are changing the fabric of our physical reality as they have a powerful effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear.  We often experience this as the body heating up in the form of “hot flashes.”  Our lower emotions are low frequency energy stored in our cells from past experiences and traumas that we have encountered and never processed —so they become stored as cellular memories.  Photon energy is a much higher frequency energy that pulls up the lower emotional frequency so it can calibrate to the higher frequency.... thus we find ourselves releasing these lower emotions of sadness and grief without knowing why.   These spells will last for about twenty minutes and we are left wondering where these feelings came from out of the blue. The elements of our blueprint are interfaced in the cellular consciousness and when the blueprint is amplified through photon energies various elements of the blueprint leak into your consciousness and we begin to remember our soul’s purpose. We are pulled to make changes in our life but we don’t really realize why.
The interesting fact about this energy is that since it is of a higher frequency it creates the power of instant manifestation of our thoughts, which means whatever we think, we create instantly.  This never before happened in our lifetime and that is why many people are writing books on the subject on the Power of Attraction. 
Photonic energy connects to our thoughts so it is important that we know what we want, rather than we don’t want, otherwise, we will manifest more of what we don’t want.  If you are in the process of change and transformation this energy works well for you.  On the other hand, if you are stuck in the past through victimization and anger, you will simply manifest more reasons to remain stuck in victimization until you are ready to release it.
(You will notice the latest reports from Spaceweather.com as you scroll down the page.)

The Ego and the Soul

The Ego and the Soul

We are born into life as a pure little spirit full of life and love.  As we begin to experience life we create an Ego (personality) that is part of our outer persona.  It is the part of us that is programmed according to what we experience in life and stores is as a “reference point” for all future experiences that we encounter in life.  I must add also that much of the programming comes down in our ancestral programming that is stored in our cellular memories and in our DNA.
The Ego is the part of us that is conditioned by our childhood programming.  It is a kaleidoscope of ever-changing energies: thought energies, emotional currents, instinctual forces, the energetic tensions in our personal history.  These energies are stored in our cells, DNA, chakras, meridians and aura.
Although the Ego relates to both higher and lower emotions, it relates more to  the lower emotions, which are negative such as fear, anger, jealously, hatred, resentment, betrayal, abuse, etc.
The Ego seeks to find meaning in life:   who it is, where it came from, why it is part of the physical family, what lessons it is here to learn and what is its life’s mission.  It forgot how to find this knowledge so it tries to find ways to “re-member” what it forgot.
The Ego is aware that there is a Soul, but it doesn’t know how to connect to it until it first clears the past. The Soul watches over and guides the Ego without interfering.  It tries to get our attention but we forgot how to listen.   The Ego filters everything through fear and the Soul filters everything through Love.  These are two different energies with different frequencies.  I can measure them by using an aura program called Resonant Field Imaging.  This program measures frequencies around the body which relates to a colour in the aura as I have shown in the article on “How We Hold Trauma in the Energy System” 
By Soul, I mean the part of us that is in spirit form.  It is the part of us that always was and always will be.    
The Soul relates to balance and harmony, in absence of conflict and separateness.  The Soul is part of a higher consciousness, awareness and centeredness.  The Soul relates to the higher emotions of unconditional love, gratitude, joy, peacefulness, and compassion.  The Soul is often called the Higher Self, Essence, Oneness or Spirit.
What happens when the Ego integrates with the Soul?
When the first three chakras are cleared and the Ego is integrated with the Soul, the pineal gland is the activated and it produces the chemistry of anandamide (bliss hormone) that washes over the cells freeing the blocked emotions — leaving the past memories for our learning, but the emotional energetic charge of the memories is processed and gone. 
We then experience moments of peace, harmony and balance.  We can go for a walk in nature and feel that we are a part of it with no separateness.  Watching a sunrise or sunset can touch us on a Soul level and allow us to feel this same oneness.  Without conflict we experience “knowing” in the sense of feeling a situation out on an energetic level.   We sense the energy fields of others and know their intentions and their thoughts. We look into the eyes of another and see their Soul.  We honour others for their differences and we don’t judge them because they have their life’s lessons to learn also.  Our senses are heightened and we have a sense of discernment (knowing) that comes from the Soul.
Ego states and Soul states are two different energy levels. The Ego filters everything through “fear”, and thus it resonates to the frequencies of the lower emotions.  Soul filters everything through “love” and it resonates to the frequencies of the higher emotions.
As we heal the past through the first three chakras, we begin to calibrate to the Soul and follows its guidance and wisdom.  I have watched on biofeedback when a client in hypnosis lets go of elements of their past and they allow their Soul to guide them.  I watch the heart rhythms change, the brain waves change and the entire continence of my client changes.  They feel lighter and taller.  They feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off them.  They feel a sense of inner peace and love.
Healing the past isn’t just about words that we say.  It also isn’t about just talking about the injustices done to us in the past with a therapist for years on end.  It has to be an experiential event that happens on four levels: the mental, the emotional, the physical and the spiritual.  We have to “feel”  the healing affect happen on all levels.  It is about reframing the past and seeing it through a different set of eyes so we can take back our power and finally live fully  in the present, rather than the past.  We go from seeing life through the “subjective” eyes of our Ego —  to the “objective” eyes of our Soul.  We see the full picture — rather than just the parts.  Wayne Dyers says: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  When we heal our past, we have what I call a “phase-shift” happen inside us where our thoughts change, our chemistry changes ,  and our cellular energy changes along with the energy in  our  meridians, our chakras, our aura and our  DNA opens new codes of consciousness that connect to our Soul.
We don’t forget what happened in the past, as it is there for our learning – we simply make a different choice to no longer let the past dictate who you are in the present by continually running our life through our “Soul wounds”.
 It has been my experience while helping many others on their healing journey that their life’s lessons are to reverse the content of their Soul wounds.  For instance, if you experienced abandonment in your life, then your life’s lesson is to find connection, which is the opposite of abandonment.  If you experienced betrayal then you need to learn how to have compassion for yourself and others.  If you experienced abuse  - your life’s lesson is about kindness.
You always need to experience the opposite emotion on your Soul’s journey as we live in a place of duality.  As you move away from duality, you experience triality, in which you allow your Soul  to guide you through  its discernment of new experiences you encounter.   The Soul  then opens  you up to new experiences in triality (higher consciousness)  where you use the higher senses to guide you.  It then feels that you are swimming with the stream, rather than against it, and life is much easier.
Healing is about going from the energy frequency of the Ego to the energy frequency of the Soul.

Ants can sense earthquakes a day in advance


NEW DELHI: Ants know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered. Their behavior changes significantly prior to the quake and they resume normal functioning only a day after it.
Gabriele Berberich of the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany presented these findings on Thursday at the European Geosciences Union annual meeting in Vienna according to LiveScience.
Berberich and her colleagues discovered that red wood ants preferred to build their colonies right along active faults in Germany. They counted 15,000 ant mounds lining the faults. These faults are fractures where the Earth violently ruptures in earthquakes.
Using a special camera mounted software that tracked changes in activity, Berberich and her colleagues tracked the ants round the clock for three years, 2009 to 2012. They found that the ants' behavior changed only when the quake was over magnitude 2. There were 10 earthquakes between magnitude 2.0 and 3.2 during this period, and many smaller ones. Humans can also sense quakes of over magnitude 2 only.
According to Berberich, normal ant activity consists of going about collecting food etc. during the day and resting in the night. But before an earthquake, the ants did not retreat into their mound in the night and bustled around outside it. This strange and abnormal behavior continued till a day after the earthquake, Berberich told a news conference, according to LiveScience.
How do ants know an earthquake is coming? Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas emissions or noting tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic field. Red wood ants have special cells called chemoreceptors which can detect changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have magnetoreceptor cells for detecting electromagnetic fields, she said.
Berberich and her colleagues are planning to continue the research in areas where there are more and bigger earthquakes.
This is the first time ants' capability to react to future earthquakes has been reported. Earlier research had established another bizarre capability of some ants - the ability to withstand high radioactivity.
Earthquake sensitivity among animals and birds has been widely reported from across the world but in no case is it so much in advance and so predictable.

Millions in Asia face starvation by 2050 due to global warming

StarvationMillions of people in Asia and Africa may face the threat of starvation by 2050 as a result of extreme temperature globally, scientists warn.
Many could become destitute in the two continents as staple foods more than double in price by 2050 as a result of extreme temperatures, floods and droughts.
Experts said that rising temperatures will also have a drastic effect on access to basic foodstuffs, with potentially dire consequences for the poor, 'The Observer' reported.
A US government-funded study of the fertile Lower Mekong basin in Asia, which includes Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos, states that temperatures there could rise twice as much as previously expected, devastating food supplies for the 100
million people expected to live there by 2050.
"We've found that this region is going to experience climate extremes in temperature and rainfall beyond anything that we expected", said Jeremy Carew-Reid, author of the Climate Change Adaptation and Impact Study for the Lower Mekong.
"Food production will have to rise 60 per cent by 2050 just to keep pace with expected global population increase and changing demand. Climate change comes on top of that," Frank Rijsberman, head of the world's 15 international CGIAR crop
research centres, which study food insecurity, said.
The impending threat of global warming was discussed at two major food security summits being held in Ireland, organised by UN World Food Programme, the CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change and the Mary Robinson Climate Justice foundation.
"We are entering an uncertain and risky period. Climate change is the game changer that increases exposure to high and volatile food prices, and increases the vulnerability of the hungry poor, especially those living in conflict zones or
areas of marginal agricultural productivity.
"We must act quickly to protect the world's poorest people," Ertharin Cousin, the UN's World Food Programme director, said.

10 Worst Man Made Disasters of All Time

Mankind has frequently created catastrophes that devastate the environment and taken lives. The 10 worst man-made disasters of all time are difficult to determine with so many blunders. However, excluding the loss of life resulting from war, terrorism or transportation disaster, this list includes the incidents that have had the most affect on people and the environment.
1. London’s Killer Fog
London’s Killer Fog
With the advent of industry, London’s population was accustomed to seeing foggy, pollution laden air. In 1952 however, this pollution took a tragic turn. This winter, the weather was cold and residents burned more coal in their fireplaces to alleviate the chill. The smoke laced with sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot, and left London encased in a black cloud of near total darkness and killed over 12,000 people.
2. The Al-Mishraq Fire
The Al-Mishraq Fire
Another of the 10 worst man-made disasters of all time was the Al-Mishraq fire on June 24, 2003. This fire at an Iraqi sulfur plant burned for about a month releasing sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide can kill people by causing respiratory problems and also creates acid rain which destroys crops.
3. The Nuclear Power Plant Explosion in Chernobyl, Russia
The Nuclear Power Plant Explosion in Chernobyl, Russia
On April 26th 1986, the Chernobyl Plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic had a major meltdown which resulted in the atmospheric release of radioactive material four hundred times more radioactive than Hiroshima. Since the accident there have been countless children with birth defects, a sickening increase of cancer sufferers and many other health issues as well. It is estimated that the disaster could result in nearly 100,000 fatal cancers, and the area won’t be safe for any activity, including farming for up to 200 years.
4. The Kuwait Oil Fires
The Kuwait Oil Fires
The Gulf War oil spill is the largest oil spill in history making it one of the 10 worst man-made disasters of all time. In 1991, following the invasion of Kuwait, Hussein sent men in to blow up the Kuwait oil wells. They managed to set over 600 ablaze and these burned for over seven months. The oil spill that resulted from the fires caused considerable environmental damage.
5. The Destruction of the Aral Sea
The Destruction of the Aral Sea
The Aral Sea was one of the four largest lakes at one point in time. However, in the 1960’s, the Soviet Union diverted the waters from the rivers that fed the lake to irrigation projects. The sea has now shrunk by 90 percent and the salt and sandstorms that the devastation created kill plant life and have negative consequences for hundreds of miles around.
6. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
On March 24, 1989, the American oil tanker the Exxon Valdez collided with the Bligh Reef. This created an oil spill with far reaching consequences in the Prince William Sound in Alaska. Over 11 million gallons of oil spilled over nearly 500 miles polluting the coastline. Over a quarter million birds were killed and countless other wildlife. Over 11,000 people aided in the clean up process.
7. Dioxin Pollution
ICMESA Dioxin Pollution
On July 10, 1976 in Meda, Italy, a reactor in the ICMESA chemical company exploded. This led to a toxic cloud of dioxin being released into the atmosphere. Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemicals known to man. While no one died as a direct result of the accident, many children were affected by the serious skin disease chloracne from the accident.
8. The Love Canal
The Love Canal
In the 1940’s a strange smell enveloped the area around the Love Canal near Niagara Falls. Residents also began to notice an odd seepage leaking into their yards and people began to fall ill. In addition, many women began to have miscarriages and give birth to babies with birth defects. Upon inspection, it was discovered that there was over 21,000 tons of toxic industrial waste buried below the surface of the town by a local company.
9. The Union Carbide Gas Leak
The Union Carbide Gas Leak
On the night of December 2, 1984, the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India began to leak methyl isocyanate gas and other poisonous toxins into the atmosphere. Over 500,000 were exposed and there were up to 15,000 deaths at that time. In addition, more than 20,000 people have died since the accident from gas-related diseases.
10. The Three Mile Island Nuclear Explosion
The Three Mile Island Nuclear Explosion
In Harrisburg, PA on March 28, 1979, the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor experienced a partial core meltdown. While little radiation was released from the accident thanks to a working containment system, this accident became the rallying call for fears about the nuclear power industry. Livestock deaths, premature deaths and birth defects have been attributed to the nuclear melt-down.
Man can have a devastating effect on the environment and the 10 worst man-made disasters of all time have had a negative effect on the environment for decades afterwards. Frequently these disasters are related to poor industrial oversight within developing countries. However, even with regulation a catastrophe can strike.

15 Facts about Disasters You Didn’t Know-devastating tsunami in history killing over 226,000 people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India,

15 Facts about Disasters You Didn’t Know
Disaster can strike anytime, anywhere. They can be natural disasters or created by man. This can also bring out the best of human nature and show the worst side of mankind. These 15 facts about disasters are shocking and demonstrate that anyone can be affected.
1. Every year over 25.8 million people are affected by a natural disaster across the world.
2. Avalanches travel at speeds of over 200 miles per hour. In 1962 in Peru, several tons of ice and snow slid down Huascaran Peak in the Andes Mountains and killed over 4000 people.
3. The state that has the largest risk for tsunamis is Hawaii with over one a year.
4. On December 26, 2004 a tsunami triggered by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake caused the most devastating tsunami in history killing over 226,000 people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and the Maldives. In addition, millions of others were displaced.
5. The “Dust Bowl” of 1934 created a period of famine and drought in the United States in the 1934 Great Plains as land that had once been fertile was covered with huge clouds of dust lifted by heavy winds.
6. 1959 to 1961 was a period of famine for China. This was brought about by crop failure and lead to starvation, disease and cannibalism. However these disaster facts were not revealed to the world until 1981 by the Chinese government.
7. In 1099 a flood caused by a combination of storm waves and high tides washed across the coastal areas of the Netherlands and England killing over 100,000 people.
8. Floods are the number one deadly disaster in the United States accounting for over 46 percent of disaster related deaths according to disaster facts.
9. In 1815 in Tambora, Indonesia the Mount Tambora volcano exploded resulting in the deaths of 92,000 people, mostly due to starvation.
10. Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons are the same thing. Different names are used in different parts of the world. In the Atlantic Ocean they are known as hurricanes, in the tropics they are known as tropical cyclones, in the Indian Ocean they are known as cyclones and in the Pacific Ocean they are known as typhoons.
11. The deadliest Western Hemisphere hurricane on record was in Barbados, West Indies in 1780. It killed nearly 22,000 people and completely devastated Barbados, Martinique and St. Eustatius.
12. Earthquakes are not generally killers according to disaster facts. The events afterwards are the cause of death including buildings collapsing, tsunamis and volcanoes.
13.Up to 10,000 people die a year as a result of an earthquake.
14. Nearly 90 percent of all volcanoes are in the “Ring of Fire,” a group of volcanoes that circle the Pacific Ocean.
15. Hurricanes have winds of at least 74 miles per hour.
A disaster can devastate a community and the after affects can lead to drought, famine and disease. The understanding the facts about disasters can help to make sense of what is occurring.

10 Critical Facts About Global Warming

Among the massive problems that the entire world is currently dealing with is global warming. The negative effects it brings to plants and animals are quite scary and the consequences it can bring on us humans are even a lot more frightening. Global warming facts are usually debated in the media and politics and it is really sad to say that even if all of us argue on what causes it, the effect that global warming brings are measurable, global and real. Basically, we, human beings cause it and the consequences we are facing right now can be more severe if we cannot do things to take care of our mother earth.
1. Rising Sea Levels
Rising Sea Levels
The increasing temperature levels basically means melting of polar ice sheets, sea ice and glaciers. And because all of these are melting, the amount of water present in oceans and seas are increasing and sea levels are rising.
2. Glaciers are shrinking
Glaciers melting
You need not to have some sort of specialized tool in order for you to see that the world’s glaciers are shrinking. Due to increasing temperatures, Tundra, which used to be covered with permafrost that was very thick is now melting and is now covered with plants.
3. Heat Waves
Heat Waves
Currently, these occurrences happen 2-4 times more often and extreme heat waves are increasing steadily over the past fifty to a hundred years. Scientists have found out that in the next 40 years, this occurrence can happen 100 times more as compared to today. This will suggest a continuous increase in temperature, heat-related diseases and wildfires.
4. More storms and more floods
Storms and Floods
Scientists make use of climate model in order for them to forecast the effect of increasing global temperatures on precipitation. But, we need not to have a model for us to notice that severe storms are occurring more often now. Hurricanes that belong to categories 5 and 4 occurred twice as much as it used to.
5. Drought
Although several countries are suffering more storms and rising sea levels, there are also some parts of the world that are experiencing drought. Drought conditions may rise up to 66% as estimated by experts as the climate warms and temperatures rise. A rise in this condition will lead to a shortage in water supply and a decline in agricultural quality. A scarier effect will be starvation among those who live in areas affected by this condition.
6. More Diseases
Many health sites like FoodPyramid inform us on how to live healthier and eat better. But what good does it do when the general public damages the environment that creates health threats all throughout the globe that is being caused by increased temperatures with associated droughts, storms and floods. These conditions create an environment conducive for the growth of disease-carrying organisms such as mice, ticks and mosquitoes. Currently, there is a rise in outbreaks in different parts of the globe.
7. Financial Setbacks
Financial Damage
Along with the increasing temperature, the cost linked with climate change also increases. Extreme floods and storms with losses in the agricultural industry may cause damages amounting to billions and billions.
8. War and Conflicts
War & conflicts with natural resources as motive
Global conflicts, issues, wars and security threats can be caused by the declining amount of land, water and food.
9. Biodiversity Loss
Biodiversity Loss
Along with rising global temperatures, the endangerment and loss of species is also increasing. By the year 2050, studies have shown that almost thirty percent of animal and plant species currently present will be in a risk for extinction.
10. Damage of Ecosystems
Damage of Ecosystems
The massive increase in carbon dioxide levels and the changes in climatic conditions will really test our ecosystems. This will threaten our supply of food, energy resources, clean air, fuel resources, fresh water supply and all of the other things we need.

10 Worst Natural Disasters of All Time “acts of God”


10 Worst Natural Disasters of All Time

Over the centuries there have been many natural disasters or “acts of God” that have stolen human lives and left destruction and havoc for the survivors. Sometimes these incidents are ranked based on damage, loss of lives or the amount of money that it cost to rebuild. Therefore defining the 10 worst natural disasters of all times is subjective and depends on the criteria used. However, these ten natural disasters resulted in over one hundred million deaths over the years.
1. The Deadliest Earthquake in History
The Deadliest Earthquake in History
In July 5, 1201 in Egypt and Syria, the deadliest earthquake in recorded history struck making it one of the 10 worst natural disasters of all times. This disaster rocked the eastern Mediterranean and killed over 1.1 million people, destroying countless homes. Nearly every major city within the near east felt the effects of this quake.
2. The Black Plague
The Black Plague
The bubonic plague or “Black Death” killed almost 33 percent of the entire population of Europe when it struck between 1347 and 1350. It also affected millions in Asia and North Africa. Scientists believe that the plague was a zoonotic disease caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium and spread due to poor hygiene and fleas carried by rats.
3. Indian Famine
Indian Famine
In 1769 in India, a great famine took over ten million people’s lives. This was nearly one third of the population of India at the time. It was caused by a shortfall in crops followed by a severe drought. As populations were devastated by the deaths, many areas returned to jungle, further decreasing food supplies. This famine lasted until 1773.
4. The Potato Famine
The Irish Potato Famine
The Irish Potato Famine of 1845 to 1848 took over a million lives. Irish farmers were dependent on their potato crops and most of the rural poor relied on these crops for nourishment. When a late blight water mold fungus struck, the crops were ruined and the British provided little aid. In addition to the lives that were lost, the Irish Potato Famine also caused as many as two million people to immigrate to other countries.
5. The Deadliest Drought
The Deadliest Drought
In 1876 to 1879, China recorded the deadliest drought in history making it one of the 10 worst natural disasters of all time. The rivers ran dry killing crops and livestock. Over 9 provinces were affected by the lack of food production and the drought ended up killing over nine million people.
6. The Flu Pandemic

In 1918 and 1919, the flu struck across the world resulting in between 35 million and 75 million deaths. Some reports even estimate that this viral illness killed nearly a 100 million people. In India alone, there were over 16 million deaths. The hardest hit by this were young children and the elderly.
7. The Yangtze, Yellow and Huai River Floods
The Yangtze, Yellow and Huai River Floods
After experiencing a severe drought from 1928 to 1931 in China, torrential rains suddenly appeared from July to August 1931. Because of this, the Yangtze, the Yellow and the Huai rivers flooded killing nearly 4 million people and affecting 51 million people by destroying the rice crops and creating famine and disease which ultimately killed even larger numbers of the population.
8. Chinese Famine
Chinese Famine
Over 20 million people died of famine from 1959 to 1961. This incident is debated as a natural disaster though and may in fact be a result of politics rather than decreased food production. This is because the Mao government reported inflated food production and then took 50 percent of the harvests. However, because the reported harvest was inflated, it resulted in the government taking the entire production leaving the people to starve.
9. African Drought
African Drought
In 1981 to 1984 Africa suffered from severe drought in twenty nations. As rivers and lakes dried up, crops and livestock died resulting in up to 20,000 people starving to death each month. Other nations saw the need and came to Africa’s aid. However, by the end of the crisis, over a million people had succumbed to death.
10. North Korea Famine and Floods
North Korea Famine and Floods
A combination of political problems and natural disasters resulted in over 3 million deaths in North Korea from 1995 to 1998. With a period of industrial decline, North Korea was unable to keep up with food production and began rationing food consumption. Soon the distribution channels began to collapse though and a series of floods devastated nearly 40% of their farm land. This led to starvation throughout many of the rural areas.
Natural disasters often affect millions of lives through disease, devastation and starvation. Human behavior can also contribute to how severe the problem is and may add to the death toll. These 10 worst natural disasters of all time each stole over a million lives.

Main Causes of Fire


Main Causes of Fire

Did You Know?

In two out of every three fatal fires, investigators find no working smoke alarms. Either the batteries are missing or expired, or the smoke alarm has been removed from the ceiling or was never installed at all.

There are 20,000 house fires in Canada in an average year, resulting in 300 deaths and more than $500 million of property damage. What are the three main causes of fire?

Carelessness and accidents
  • Lack of attention when cooking; careless placement of items near the stove.
  • Inattentive use of candles.
  • Accidents involving gas, propane and solvents.
  • Bad judgment or lack of care as a result of intoxication or drug use.
Electrical equipment
  • Short circuits
  • overloaded systems and fuses
  • Loose connections
  • frayed cords; improper use of extension cords.
Smoking or fire lighting material
  • Cigarettes (especially falling asleep while smoking or not properly extinguishing cigarettes).
  • Children playing with matches or lighters.

Fire Myths


Fire Myths

Do you REALLY know fire? Be aware of fire facts, myths and realities to protect the ones you love.

Myth: It won’t happen to me
Reality: Everyone is at risk! Statistics prove that one in four people will experience a serious fire in their lifetime that will cause major property damage, injury or even death. Senior citizens and children under the age of five are at greatest risk of fire death.
Myth: Pets can sense danger and usually escape a fire
Household pets are very vulnerable to fires. Smoke can damage the lungs of a dog or cat in minutes, and sparks can cause painful burns that can remain undetected under the fur.
Myth: Fire spreads slowly and takes a long time to get out of control
Reality: A small flame can turn into a major fire in less than 30 seconds, and it can take as few as three to five minutes for an entire house to fill with dense, dark smoke and become engulfed in flames.
Myth: Small, decorative candles do not pose a real fire risk
Reality: Candle fires have nearly tripled from a decade ago. Even a small candle can start a major fire. NEVER leave candles unattended.

Myth: In a fire, the flames are the greatest threat
Reality: Unlike fires you may have seen on television or in films, real fires produce large amounts of thick, black smoke that obscures vision, causes nausea and may lead to unconsciousness and death. Smoke is full of toxic by-products, including carbon monoxide. These poisonous gases are responsible for most deaths and injuries in fires, not the actual flames.
Myth: Most fires happen in industrial buildings and wooded areas
Reality:Seven out of ten fires in Canada start at home. More fires begin in the kitchen than in any other room in the home, and residential cooking is one of the leading causes of fire-related deaths.
Myth: Leaving the kitchen briefly while food is cooking is safe
Reality: Most kitchen fires occur because people get distracted and leave their cooking unattended. It takes seconds for a pot or pan to spatter grease or overheat, creating a fire that can quickly spread. Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home fire injuries.
Myth: Most children know not to play with matches
Reality: Children are naturally curious, and this can be dangerous. Hundreds of children die or are seriously injured in fires each year in North America. Children are much more likely to be injured in a fire than adults.
Myth: Kids will instinctively run from fire and escape a burning home
Reality: When children see smoke or fire, they often try to hide instead of flee. Smoke can overcome a child very quickly. Parents need to teach children fire safety and escape plans, and practice with them regularly. As well, test the smoke alarm with your children present so they can recognize the sound, as studies show this can help them wake up in a real emergency!





At least 20 factory workers were injured in a major industrial fire in Nagarjuna Agrichem Ltd, a fertilizer factory at Chilakapalem, 12 kms from Srikakulam, on Saturday morning.
The fire was triggered by a huge blast in the fifth block of the plant that shook the entire area around the factory at around 8.30 am.
About 600 workers were deployed in the morning shift but, fortunately, the blast occurred when they had gone out for their regular tea break from 8.30 to 9 am. Yet, those who were nearby sustained injuries.
All of them were rushed to the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Srikakulam where the condition of two employees was stated to be critical.
Fire was raging until noon even as four fire tenders were battling to bring it under control. Thick black clouds of smoke could be seen rising from the fertilizer factory even from a distance of 10 kms.
While the nature of the fire was not known, in its website the company lists a series of fungicides and pesticides manufactured in the unit including Endosulfan, Tricyclazole (Fungicide), Propiconazole (Fungicide) and Profinofos (Insecticide).
District Collector G. Venkatarami Reddy rushed to the spot and arranged for other industries in the vicinity to send their fire engines.
The fire caused fear in six nearby villages in Etcherla mandal. Shops, offices and schools in the area were closed down as people began to flee for safety.
Keywords: Srikakulam fireNagarjuna Agrichemfertilizer factory fire Workers watch as smoke billows out of Nagarjuna Agrichem factory on Saturday. Photo: Basheer

Glossary of firefighting



  • A-side: Front of the fire building, usually front door facing street, but may be facing parking area where first apparatus arrives; other sides labeled B (left), C (rear), D (right), as necessary when speaking of or staffing structure fire Sectors.
  • Above-ground storage tank: Storage tank that is not buried. Compare Underground storage tank. Unburied tanks are more prone to physical damage, and leaks are released to the air or ground, rather than the soil surrounding a buried tank.
  • Accelerant: flammable fuel (often liquid) used by some arsonists to increase size or intensity of fire. May also be accidentally introduced when HAZMAT becomes involved in fire.
  • Accountability: The process of emergency responders (fire, police, SAR, emergency medical, etc...) checking into and making themselves announced as being on-scene during an incident to an incident commander or accountability officer. Through the accountability system, each person is tracked throughout the incident until released from the scene by the incident commander or accountability officer. This is becoming a standard in the emergency services arena primarily for the safety of emergency personnel. This system may implement a name tag system or personal locator device (tracking device used by each individual that is linked to a computer).
  • AFA: Automatic Fire Alarm/Actuating Fire Alarm
  • Aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF): a special category of firefighting that involves the response, hazard mitigation, evacuation and possible rescue of passengers and crew of an aircraft involved in an airport ground emergency.
  • Alarm: (1) system for detecting and reporting unusual conditions, such as smoke, fire, flood, loss of air, HAZMAT release, etc.; (2) a specific assignment of multiple fire companies and/or units to a particular incident, usually of fire in nature; (3) centralized dispatch center for interpreting alarms and dispatching resources. See fire alarm control panel.
  • All companies working: Status report at fire scene indicating that available manpower is busy, and more resources may become necessary if incident is not controlled soon.
  • Ammonium nitrate: component of ANFO; contents of two ships that exploded in Texas City Disaster, killing over 500 people, including all 28 volunteer firefighters at the scene.
  • ANFO: Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil combination making a high explosive.
  • Apparatus: A term usually used by firefighters describing a piece of equipment, usually a company vehicle.
  • Arson: the crime of maliciously (or perhaps recklessly) setting fire to property, especially a dwelling. Punishable in various degrees, depending upon the circumstances. Occasionally occurs as a psychotic act of a mentally ill firefighter.
  • Authority having jurisdiction (or AHJ): organization or agency with legal authority over a given type of incident (e.g., fire, EMS, SAR, arson, HAZMAT); may change or overlap as incident changes, as where fire becomes arson investigation once danger is over, or Motor Vehicle Accident becomes police business after vehicle extrication, fire, and HAZMAT issues are complete.
  • Autoextended fire: structure fire that has gone out a window or other opening on one floor and ignited materials above, on another floor or other space (attic, cockloft).
  • Available flow: total amount of water that can be put on a fire, depending upon water supply, pump size, hoses, and distance to the fire. IC must assess available flow to determine whether additional apparatus or streams are required. See Fire flow requirement.


  • BA Set: Breathing Apparatus Set consisting of a face-mask and compressed air cylinder
  • Backdraft: A fire phenomenon caused when heat and heavy smoke (unburned fuel particles) accumulate inside a compartment, depleting the available air, and then oxygen/air is re-introduced, completing the fire triangle and causing rapid combustion.
  • Backfiring: Also known as a "controlled burn," it's a tactic used in wildland firefighting associated with indirect attack, by intentionally setting fire to fuels inside the control line. Most often used to contain a rapidly spreading fire, placing control lines at places where the fire can be fought on the firefighter's terms.
  • Back burning: Australian term, for Backfiring, above.
  • Backflow preventer: Automatic valve used in hose accessories to ensure water flows only in one direction. Used in permanent fire department connections (FDC) to sprinklers and dry standpipes, as well as portable devices used in firefighting.
  • Backstretching: Doing a fire to hydrant procedure.
  • Bank down: What the smoke does as it fills a room, banks down to the floor, creating several layers of heat and smoke at different temperatures—the coolest at the bottom.
  • Bail-out. The act of completing a quick egress away from a fire room, on a ladder. This is done if flashover conditional are imminent.[1]
  • Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE): Explosion of a pressure tank containing an overheated material when the vapor expansion rate exceeds the pressure relief capacity (e.g., steam boiler or LPG tank). If the contents are flammable, the rapidly released vapor may react in a secondary fuel-air explosion, usually violent and spectacular.
  • Bomber: Australian term for fixed wing fire-fighting aircraft. Also called "water bomber".
  • Box (Alarm): A mailslot or other file system containing a notecard with a planned response to an incident type. For example, a reported structure fire on Some Road would be tagged with Box 6; the notecard in Box 6 would contain the list of apparatus from various fire stations that should be dispatched to that incident. Assigning Boxes to areas (or even specific structures) significantly facilitated the process of getting the right tools to the right place on the initial dispatch, and helped eliminate the guesswork of "which department has what" on the fire scene. Boxes later evolved to contain escalation procedures - on the "2nd alarm", the Box would contain the next group of apparatus from various fire stations, etc. Modern CAD systems now abstract the Box Alarm concept, and allow box definitions to be triggered based on arbitrary geographic area, time of day, incident type, weather, and any other planned situation. For a given hydranted area, the "Summer" box will contain the usual response of engine, truck, and rescue companies. In the winter, however, the box may be modified (automatically, or manually) to include water tankers on the initial dispatch, to handle the case of frozen hydrants. The term "Box" comes from the fire alarm pull boxes that were commonplace in major cities for well over fifty years. This was a telegraph system that involved bells to ring out the box number. This system was in place from the 1920s (or earlier) to well into the 1960s and 1970s in some cities. Boston was one of the first (if not THE first) major U.S. Cities to have a telegraph alarm system. They installed it in 1852. The Boston Fire Department still uses this system of paper rolls and bells. The modern use of "box cards" based upon an imaginary box location for dispatch or move up is often known as the "Phantom Box System".
  • Bus: another term for ambulance.
  • Bushfire: Australian term, for wildfire, below.


  • Call Firefighter: In the U.S., call firefighters respond as needed on a part-time basis to all types of emergencies. Call firefighters train with their local engine companies in their districts. Call firefighters are utilized in three different ways. “First Responder" call firefighter units, are those units that are staffed entirely by paid call firefighters. These firefighters respond to all emergency incidents within their jurisdictional areas and are supported by full-time companies from adjoining jurisdictions. "Supplemental" call firefighter units are those units that staff a second engine company from a station that is also staffed by a full-time company. These units respond to all multi-unit responses in their district, and cover the station when the career companies are committed. "Augmentation" call firefighters are assigned to an existing career company and respond directly to the scene to augment that company's staffing. See also Retained firefighter (U.K.)
  • Can: Slang for a fire extinguisher.
  • Career Firefighter: (U.S.) A person whose primary employment is as a firefighter for a municipality or other agency or company and who derives the majority of his earned income working in the fire service. See also Wholetime firefighter (U.K.)
  • Charge a hose: To make water pressure available on a hose in final preparation for its use. This is done on the scene after the hose is deployed, but prior to entering the fire danger area. (Also known as "Charge the line")
  • Charged hose: A hose that is filled with water and pressurized; ready to use. The charged line is much more difficult to move than one not yet charged.
  • Chauffeur: See Engineer.
  • Chief officer: An executive officer of the fire department, as contrasted with a tactical Company officer. Typical Chief officers include the Fire chief, Assistant and Deputy Fire Chief, Battalion or Division or District Chiefs (who may each supervise Fire Captains), Watch Commanders and the ScottishFire Master.
  • Chimney fire: Fast and intense fire in a chimney flue in which accumulated creosote and other combustion byproducts ignite. These often extend fire into the roof or attic, especially with defective chimneys or when the mortar becomes hot enough to melt.
  • Class A: A fire involving combustibles such as wood, paper, and other natural materials. See Fire Classes.
  • Class B: A fire involving flammable liquids such as gasoline or other fuels. See Fire Classes.
  • Class C: An electrical fire. See Fire Classes.
  • Class D: A fire involving metals, such as sodium, titanium, magnesium, potassium, uranium, lithium, plutonium and calcium. See Fire Classes.
  • Class E (Europe/Australia): A composite Class A/Class B fire that is not also a Class C fire.
  • Class F (Europe/Australia): See Class K.
  • Class K: A fire involving cooking oils. Technically, this is a subclass of Class B. See Fire Classes.
  • Cockloft: structural space above ceiling and below rafters, often connecting adjacent occupancies and permitting fire to spread laterally, often unseen.
  • Collapse zone: The area around a structure that would contain debris if the building were to collapse. This is generally 1.5x the height of the structure.
  • Combustion: When materials smolder or burn. See main article for technical details.
  • Commissioner: Civilian administrator of the fire services, appointed or elected in some cities, such as the New York City Fire Commissioner.
  • Company: Two or more firefighters organized as a team, led by a fire officer, and equipped to perform certain operational functions. Compare with platoon and unit.
  • Company officer : A fire officer, typically a lieutenant or captain, who leads a team of two or more firefighters in a tactical company.
  • Compartment Fire: An "Isolated" fire, or a fire which is "boxed in" or "closed off" from the rest of the structure. An example of this is a fire in a room where all the windows and doors are closed preventing the fire from spreading to other rooms.
  • Confined space: Usually refers to a "confined space rescue." This involves a space that may have very limited access, little or no room to maneuver, poor air or light, and very likely other hazards. A trench cave-in, a collapsed building, a sewer or utility vault rescue, or a problem in and around industrial equipment are some examples.
  • Conflagration: A large, typically urban, fire involving numerous structures; loosely defined as enveloping an area equivalent to one or more square blocks. Compare with firestorm.
  • Crash Tender: A pump capable of spraying foam used at airports.
  • Crew Resource Management (CRM): Training developed by NASA based on the concept that the primary cause of the majority of aviation accidents is human error and problems with interpersonal communication in particular. The training has been adapted for the fire service and teaches firefighters the correct way to question orders on an emergency scene. It also helps supervisors understand that the questioning of an order should not be interpreted as a threat to their authority.
  • Cross lay: Arrangement of hose on a pumper such that it can be quickly unloaded from either side of the apparatus; often pre-connected to a pump outlet and equipped with a suitable nozzle. Also known as Mattydale Lay.


  • Dalmatian: "Firehouse dog."
  • Dead lay: A load of hose on a pumper, but not connected to a pump outlet. Often used for larger supply lines.
  • Defensive Attack: A primarily exterior form of attack often used when fighting the fire directly or from within a structure is not feasible due to dangers from direct flame, heat, structural collapse or the presence of hazardous materials. Often structures which are fully involved are attacked defensively with the main goal being the protection of nearby exposures. This form of attack is far less effective than an Offensive or Direct attack. Also known as "surround and drown."
  • Deflagration: An explosion with a propagation front traveling at subsonic speeds, as compared to supersonic detonation.
  • Denver Drill: A drill that essentially re-creates the rescue of Denver firefighter Mark Langvardt. It incorporates the use of a leveraged body and an inclined plane (bio-mechanics) to get a victim up and out of a narrow window in a narrow hallway (the Denver Prop).
  • Denver Prop: A training prop designed after the actual dimensions of the confined area that claimed 16 year veteran fire fighter Mark Langvardt's life in 1992. Specifically, it is a 'hallway' 28" wide, 8' long with a window at one end that is 20" wide by 28" high and the sill is 42" from the floor. The prop is used for the Denver Drill.
  • Direct attack: "Putting the wet stuff on the red stuff." A form of fire attack in which hoses are advanced to the fire inside a structure and hose streams directed at the burning materials.
  • Discharge flow: The amount of water flowing from a fire hydrant when it is opened; compare to static flow and residual flow.
  • Determinate A code given by dispatch (Alpha -Echo) showing the severity of a call and how you should respond.
  • Dispatch: Refers to person or place designated for handling a call for help by alerting the specific resources necessary.
  • Draft: The process of pumping water from a static source below the pump.
  • DOS: Death On Scene.
  • Drills: training during which an emergency is simulated and the trainees go through the steps of responding as if it were a real emergency.
  • Drop Tank: A portable tank used at fire scenes to store water from Tenders for Engines


  • Electrical fire: A fire in which the primary source of heat is electricity, resulting in combustion of adjacent insulation and other materials; may be hazardous to attempt to extinguish using water.
  • EMS: Emergency medical service(s).
  • EMT: Emergency medical technician(s).
  • Engine: A fire suppression vehicle that has a water pump and, typically, is designed to carry firehose and a limited supply of water.
  • Engineer: A firefighter responsible for driving the engine to the scene of the call and operation of the pumps on an engine, to provide sufficient water to the firefighters on the hose. The term may be either a position title or a rank; usage varies among departments.
  • Engine Company: A group of firefighters assigned to an apparatus with a water pump and equipped with firehose and other tools related to fire extinguishment.
  • Engine house: [archaic] A firehouse housing an engine company.
  • Engine pressure: The pressure in a fire hose measured at the outlet of the pump.
  • Enhanced 9-1-1: Electronic system for automatic correlation of physical telephone lines with information about the location of the caller—a useful tool for dispatchers when the caller has an emergency but cannot speak.
  • Evacuation: Removal of personnel from a dangerous area, in particular, a HAZMAT incident, burning building, or other emergency. Also refers to act of removing firefighters from a structure in danger of collapsing.
  • Evolution: Uniform sequence of practiced steps by squad carrying out common tasks such as selection and placement of ladders, stowing hoses in hose bed, putting hoses and tools into service in particular patterns; intended to result in predictability during emergencies.
  • Exothermic reaction: Chemical reaction giving off heat in the process, such as combustion.
  • Explorer: a young adult, between 14 and 21, who learns the basics of firefighting.
  • Exposure: Property near fire that may become involved by transfer of heat or burning material from main fire, typically by convection or radiation. May range from 40 feet (12 m) to several miles, depending on size and type of fire or explosion.
  • Exterior attack: A method of extinguishing a fire which does not involve entering the structure. Often used when so much of the building is involved in fire that there is little or no benefit to risking firefighter safety by inserting them into the structure. May be a temporary measure when there are not sufficient personnel on scene to form an entry team and a rescue team (to rescue the entry team). Also known as Surround and drown. Compare Interior attack.
  • Extrication: removal of a trapped victim such as a vehicle extrication, confined space rescue, or trench rescue; sometimes using hydraulic spreader, Jaws of Life, or other technical equipment.
  • ETOH: the chemical abbreviation for ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, also used to describe someone believed to be intoxicated.


  • FAST (or F.A.S.T.): Firefighter Assist and Search Team (also called Rapid Entry Team or Rapid Intervention Team/Crew) — firefighters assigned to stand by for rescue of other firefighters inside a structure; an implementation to support the Two-in, two-out rule; may have specialized training, experience and tools. While all of these versions of the name for a firefighter rescue crew either have been used or continue to be used in several areas, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) has determined that Rapid Intervention Crew, ("RIC") will be the national term. Current U.S. federally mandated training programs are in the process of standardizing this and other terms under DHS and FEMA. F.A.S.T operations became officially mandated after the Worchester, MA Cold Storage Fire, which claimed the lives of 6 firefighters, after they became disoriented in the smoke and subsequently ran out of air.
  • FDC (Fire Department Connection): Location in which pumping apparatus hooks to a buildings standpipe and or sprinkler system. Usually a 3" female connection.
  • Fire barn: Another term for Fire station. Originally it referred to a stable which housed horses and the fire apparatus which they hauled. Although it may be colloquially employed to describe any such structure, the term is now most commonly used in rural areas.
  • Fire Break: Especially in hilly or mountainous areas, roads or paths cut through brush with a tractor, bulldozer or other construction equipment. The purpose of these is to have an area with no brush, and thus, no fuel, so that a fire will hopefully burn out rather than jumping to another area with brush. Also to ensure vehicular access to brush areas.
  • Fire code (Fire safety code): regulations for fire prevention and safety involving flammables, explosives and other dangerous operations and occupancies.
  • Fire complex: (U.S. Complex fire) Area of fires - many of the areas have multiple fires with multiple fronts.
  • Fire engineering: Scientific design of materials, structures and processes for fire safety
  • Fire escape: A building structure arranged outside to assist in safe evacuation of occupants during an emergency; may connect horizontally beyond a fire wall or vertically to a roof or (preferably) to the ground, perhaps with a counter-weighted span to deny access to intruders.
  • Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program (FFFIPP) - Program administered by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a department of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It performs independent investigations of firefighter fatalities in the United States, also referred to as line of duty deaths (LODD). The programs goals are: 1.) to better define the characteristics of line of duty deaths among firefighters, 2.) to develop recommendations for the prevention of deaths and injuries, and 3.) to disseminate prevention strategies to the fire service.
  • Firefighter: People who respond to fire alarms and other emergencies for fire suppression, rescue, and related duties.
  • Firefighter Assist and Search Team: See FAST.
  • Fire flow: The amount of water being pumped onto a fire, or required to extinguish a hypothetical fire. A critical calculation in light of the axiom that an ordinary fire will not be extinguished unless there is sufficient water to remove the heat of the fire.
  • Fireground: The operational area at the scene of a fire; area in which incident commander is in control. Also used as name of radio frequency to be used by units operating in the fireground, as in “Responding units switch to fireground.
  • Fire hall Another term for Fire station.
  • Fire hazard: Materials, structures or processes that may result in creating a fire, permitting a fire to grow undetected, or preventing people from escaping a fire.
  • Firehouse: Another term for Fire station.
  • Fire hydraulics: The study of pumps, hoses, pipes, accessories and tools for moving water or other extinguishing agents from a water supply to a fire.
  • Fire inspector: A person responsible for issuing permits and enforcing the fire code, including any necessary premises inspection, as before allowing (or during) a large indoor gathering.
  • Fire line: A boundary of a fire scene established for public safety and to identify the area in which firefighters may be working.
  • Fire load (Btu/sq ft): An estimate of the amount of heat that will be given off during ordinary combustion of all the fuel in a given space; e.g., a bedroom or a lumberyard. More casually, the amount and type of contents in a given space.
  • Fire marshal: Administrative and investigative office for fire prevention and arson investigation.
  • Fire officer - See Company officer, but may also be a Fire chief or other Chief officer.
  • Fire point: temperature at which materials give off flammable gases that will sustain fire, typically higher than flash point. Temperature at flashover.
  • Fire Police: Special constables attached to a fire department, tasked with ensuring the safety and security of emergency scenes as well as general assistance to the fire department and other agencies.
  • Fire prevention:Fire safety; standards for minimizing fire hazards. In some departments also the name of the division tasked with promoting fire safety and fire code compliance in the community.
  • Fire Prevention Week: An annual observation of fire safety education in the United States and Canada, often involving lectures or demonstrations by firefighters, sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association, since 1925.
  • Fire-resistant: Materials designed or treated to have an increased fire point.
  • Fire station: A structure which, in addition to housing apparatus and equipment, often includes living quarters and training facilities for the use of firefighting personnel when on-duty.
  • Firestorm: A conflagration of great enough proportions to noticeably create its own wind conditions.
  • Fire tetrahedron: The fire tetrahedron is based on the components of igniting or extinguishing a fire. Each component represents a property necessary to sustain fire: fuel, oxygen, heat, and chemical chain reaction. Extinguishment is based upon removing or hindering any one of these properties.
  • Fire triangle: An outdated model for understanding the major components necessary for fire: heat, fuel and oxygen. See also fire tetrahedron for the currently used model in firefighting.
  • Fire wall: Building structure designed to delay horizontal spread of a fire from one area of a building to another; often regulated by fire code and required to have self-closing doors, and fireproof construction.
  • Fire warden: Appointed post for issuing rural fire permits in a given jurisdiction and maintaining equipment and manpower readiness for responding to wildland fires.
  • Fire watch: Fixed or mobile patrols that watch for signs of fire or fire hazards so that any necessary alarm can be quickly raised or preventive steps taken. Commonly established at commercial or multi-occupancy structures if the fire alarm system is out of service for repairs, or a crew assigned to the scene after a large fire to stand watch for an extended period of time in the event of a rekindle. Also called "reflash watch."
  • First due: Refers to either the first apparatus arriving on the scene of a fire or the area in which a company is expected to be the first to arrive on a fire scene.
  • Fit test: Periodic test of how well the facepiece of an SCBA fits a particular firefighter.
  • Flameover: Also known as rollover. The ignition of heated fire gasses at the ceiling level only. While dangerous to firefighters, this is not as deadly as Flashover.
  • Flammable range, limits: The percentage mixture of fumes with air that will sustain fire; outside the limits the mixture is either too lean or too rich to burn.
  • Flash point: Lowest temperature at which a material will emit vapor combustible in air mixture. Higher than Flame point of same material.
  • Flashover: simultaneous ignition of combustible materials in a closed space, as when materials simultaneously reach their fire point; may also result in rollover.
  • Foam: Extinguishing agent formed by mixing Foam concentrate with water and aerating the solution for expansion. Used for smothering large Class A or B fires. May be injected into fire streams at adjustable concentrations.
  • Foam Concentrate: Raw foam liquid as it rests in it storage container before the introduction of water and air.
  • Forcible entry: gaining entry to an area using force to disable or bypass security devices, typically using force tools, sometimes using tools specialized for entry (e.g., Halligan, K-tool).
  • Forward lay: Procedure of stringing water supply hose from a water source toward a fire scene; compare with Reverse lay.
  • Freelancing: dangerous situation at an incident where an individual carries out tasks alone or without being assigned; violation of Personnel accountability procedures.
  • Friction loss: Reduction of flow in a firehose caused by friction between the water and the lining of the hose. Depends primarily upon diameter, type and length of hose, and amount of water (GPM) flowing through.
  • Frontage: The size of a building facing a street.
  • Fully involved: Term of size-up meaning fire, heat and smoke in a structure are so widespread that internal access must wait until fire streams can be applied.


  • GPM: Gallons Per Minute or how many gallons are being pumped out of a piece of equipment every minute
  • GPM method ("gallons per minute"): Calculation of how much water, in GPM, will be necessary to extinguish a given volume of fire, under the circumstances (e.g., fuel class, containment, exposures, etc.).
  • Grease fire: A fire involving any manner of cooking oil or other flammable cooking or lubricating materials. Also known as a Class B, F or K fire.
  • Goer: An incident with persons reported.
  • Grab: Rescuing a person from building.


  • Hazard: a source of danger of personal injury or property damage; fire hazard refers to conditions that may result in fire or explosion, or may increase spread of an accidental fire, or prevent escape from fire. Under worker safety and health regulations, employers have a general duty to provide a workplace free of hazards. See also fire prevention, and HAZMAT.
  • Hard Line: A smaller hose about one inch in diameter used by firefighters to clean apparatus.
  • HAZMAT: Hazardous materials, including solids, liquids, or gases that may cause injury, death, or damage if released or triggered.
  • Head pressure: How the pressure of a water stream is measured. By measuring the 'breakover' point, the point where the water stream breaks apart and begins to fall back to the ground, of a stream of water aimed vertically into the air. This is typically done with a 1-inch-diameter (25 mm) hose and a fixed nozzle. Therefore, if a water stream breaks over at 50 ft (15 m), then it is said the pump has 50 feet (15 m) of head pressure. Current measurements of pumping capacity are now in GPM, Gallons Per Minute.
  • Helitack: A rotary winged (helicopter) fire-fighting aircraft, such as the Erickson Skycrane which can be modified to hold 2100 gallons (9500L) of water or retardant.
  • High-pressure system: A supplemental pump system used to pressurize the water supply, sometimes used during a large fire, or whenever more than one hydrant is being used.
  • High-rise building: Any building taller than three or four stories, depending upon local usage, requiring firefighters to climb stairs or aerial ladders for access to upper floors.
  • High-rise pack: A shoulder load of hose with a nozzle and other tools necessary to connect the hose to a standpipe.
  • Hose Pack: A hose pack is a backpack containing fire hose in a preconfigured arrangement, sometime completely made from fire hose without a bag.
  • Fire Hose Vacuum: A small pneumatic device that removes residue air from the inside of a fire hose, thereby making it smaller and somewhat rigid
  • Hotshot crew: An extensively trained group of approximately twenty people which specializes in wildfire suppression with little or no outside logistical support.
  • Hot zone: contaminated area of HAZMAT incident that must be isolated; requires suitable protective equipment to enter and decontamination upon exit; minimum hot zone distance from unknown material with unknown release is 330 feet (United Nations Emergency Response Guidebook); surrounded by "warm zone" where decontamination takes place.


  • IAFF: Acronym, "International Association of Fire Fighters".
  • IAP: Acronym, "Incident Action Plan" A plan consisting of the strategic goals, tactical objectives, and support requirements for the incident. All incidents require an action plan. For simple incidents, the action plan is not usually in written form, while large/complex incidents require the action plan to be documented in writing. When complete, the IAP will have a number of attachments.
  • IDLH: Any situation deemed Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health. More narrowly defined by OSHA. See main IDLH article. An area of maximum danger to firefighters. Often requires increased Personnel accountability.
  • IFSTA: Acronym, "International Fire Service Training Association". A major publisher of firefighter training materials.
  • IMARP: Acronym, "Indiana Mutual Aid Response Plan". For the rapid activation and response of aid to a community in the event of a local disaster. These events can include a major fire, train derailments, hazardous materials incidents, wild land fires, domestic terrorism, and other events that may overwhelm the local fire department serving the community and its normal mutual aid resources.
  • Incident Commander (or IC): The officer in charge of all activities at an incident. See Incident Command System.
  • Incident Safety Officer: The officer in charge of scene safety at an incident. See Incident Command System. Optional at any incident other than HAZMAT.
  • Incipient stage fire: A small fire that may be extinguished using portable fire extinguishers or other means typically at hand.
  • Indirect attack: Method of firefighting in which water is pumped onto materials above or near the fire so that the splash rains onto the fire, often used where a structure is unsafe to enter.
  • Initial attack: First point of attack on a fire where hose lines or fuel separation are used to prevent further extension of the fire.
  • Interface zone (also wildland/structural interface or urban/wildland interface): The zone where wildfires threaten structures or structural fires threaten wildlands, such as in residential areas adjacent to forests. This requires both wildland firefighting and structural firefighting in the same location, which involve very different tactics and equipment.
  • Interior attack: Inserting a team of firefighters into the burning structure, in an attempt to extinguish a blaze from inside the structure, minimizing property damage from fire, smoke, and water. Requires a minimum of four fully equipped firefighters: an entry team of at least two to enter the structure and fight the fire, and two standing by to rescue or relieve the entry team (see two in, two out). If the entry team(s) cannot extinguish the blaze, may become an Exterior Attack.
  • IMT: Acronym, "Incident Management Team". In the United States, there are predominantly five types of incident management teams (IMTs). An incident such as a wildland fire is initially managed by local fire departments or fire agencies, but if the fire becomes complex additional resources are called in to address the emergency, and higher levels of management training and capability are required. IMTs are "typed" according to the complexity of incidents they are capable of managing and are part of an incident command system.
To manage the logistical, fiscal, planning, operational, safety and community issues related to the incident/emergency, an Incident Management Team will provide the command and control infrastructure that is required.
Incident management starts as the smallest unit and escalates according to the complexity of the emergency. The five types of IMTs are as follows:
  • Type 5: Local Village and Township Level – a "pool" of primarily fire officers from several neighboring departments trained to serve in Command and General Staff positions during the first 6–12 hours of a major or complex incident.
  • Type 4: City, County or Fire District Level – a designated team of fire, EMS, and possibly law enforcement officers from a larger and generally more populated area, typically within a single jurisdiction (city or county), activated when necessary to manage a major or complex incident during the first 6–12 hours and possibly transition to a Type 3 IMT.
  • Type 3: State or Metropolitan Area Level – a standing team of trained personnel from different departments, organizations, agencies, and jurisdictions within a state or DHS Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) region, activated to support incident management at incidents that extend beyond one operational period. Type 3 IMTs will respond throughout the State or large portions of the State, depending upon State-specific laws, policies, and regulations.
  • Type 2: National and State Level – a Federally or State-certified team; has less training, staffing and experience than Type 1 IMTs, and is typically used on smaller scale national or state incidents. There are 35 Type 2 IMTs currently in existence, and operate through interagency cooperation of federal, state and local land and emergency management agencies.
  • Type 1: National and State Level – a Federally or State-certified team; is the most robust IMT with the most training and experience. Sixteen Type 1 IMTs are now in existence, and operate through interagency cooperation of federal, state and local land and emergency management agencies.
Although the primary purpose is for wildfire response, an Incident Management Team can respond to a wide range of emergencies, including fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami, riots, spilling of hazardous materials, and other natural or human-caused incidents.
The five subsystems of an incident management team are as follows:
  • Incident command system (ICS) an on-scene structure of management-level positions suitable for managing any incident.
  • Training development and delivery of training courses.
  • Qualifications and certification national standards for qualifications and certification for ICS positions.
  • Publications management development, control, sources, and distribution of NIIMS publications provided by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG).
  • Supporting Technology and systems used to support an emergency response, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), orthophoto mapping, National Fire Danger Rating System, remote automatic weather stations, automatic lightning detection systems, infrared technology, and communications
  • ISO Rating: (Insurance Services Office Public Protection Classification Rating) This is a rating published by the Insurance Services Office. Insurance companies, in many states, use this number to determine homeowner insurance premiums. Recently some insurance companies, including State Farm, have now adopted a per-zip-code, actual loss, based system in several states and no longer use the ISO (PPC) system.
  • Irons: The flathead axe mated with the halligan bar. Firefighters often refer to these as the Crossed Irons, or Married Irons, because the Halligan Bar can fit to the Axe head.


  • Jumping-sheet: The sheet held by a group of firefighters on which people caught in a burning building can jump on to.
  • Job: Northeast US Firefighter slang for structure fire
  • Junior firefighter: (US) a young adult between the ages of 14-18 that learns the basics of firefighting from firefighters usually in a volunteer fire company


  • K-tool: This tool is used to break the lock on a building. The name "K" came from the shape of its jaws.


  • Ladder company: A group of fire fighters, officers and engineers that staff a ladder truck.
  • Level I, II, III Incident: A HAZMAT term denoting the severity of the incident and the type of response that may be necessary, where Level III is the largest or most dangerous.
  • Life safety code:NFPA publication. Originally known as the "Building Exits Code."
  • Life line: A trademark for a wireless emergency call unit that triggers a telephone call to an emergency dispatcher when a button is pressed.
  • Line or Hose Line a line of hose, referred to by its size i.e. 1"3/4, 1 inch, 2 Inch, 5 inch
  • Line loss: See friction loss.
  • LODD (Line of Duty Death) The death of a fire fighter while on-duty.
  • Live line: A fire hose under pressure from a pump. Also, an energized electrical line that may cause a hazard to firefighters.
  • Loaded stream: An obsolete fire extinguisher stream that has had a chemical fire suppression agent added and is discharged by compressed gas or by inverting the tank to mix chemicals to produce gas pressure. Now outlawed by OSHA regulation 1910.157(c)(5). [Not to be confused with air pressurized water extinguishers with a Class A foam generating concentrate added at one-half of 1% by volume. Class A foam formed when mixed with air upon discharge produces surfactant-containing tiny bubbles which break surface tension to quickly penetrate and extinguish wood, paper, cloth and other common materials.]


  • Make Pumps: To raise the number of pumps at an incident E.G. Make Pumps 10
  • Maltese Cross: The emblem of the fire service is often referred to as a “Maltese Cross”. But the actual origin of the current or common emblem in the U.S. remains uncertain. While it is true that the Knights Hospitalers of Jerusalem (AKA Knights of St. John) did wear a cross emblem and a version of that cross has been used as a fire service icon, it bears little resemblance to the current form in use in much of the United States. It is possible to accept that the current design is just a stylized artistic embellishment of the original form. The current design may have also been influenced by the design of the cross of Saint Florian.
  • Mass casualty incident (MCI): Any incident that produces a large number of injured persons requiring emergency medical treatment and transportation to a medical facility. The exact number of patients that makes an incident "mass casualty" is defined by departmental procedures and may vary from area to area.
  • Master box: A primary fire alarm relay box connected to a building alarm system which monitors fire alarm pull stations and detectors throughout the building and automatically relays any in-building alarm to the local municipal fire department. Usually accompanied by an Annunciator Panel which records by indicator lights or other devices exactly where the pull station or detector that has been activated is located within the building. Common in multi-story office and apartment buildings equipped with sprinkler systems or smoke and heat detectors.
  • Master stream: A large nozzle, either portable or fixed to a pumper, capable of throwing large amounts of water relatively long distances.
  • Mattydale Lay (Mattydale Load) : The concept of storing preconnectedAttack Lines on an engine, as well as storing them such that they are presented at the sides of the apparatus instead of the rear. Commonly called a Cross Lay, the technique allows for rapid deployment of attack lines from either side of the apparatus.
  • Means of egress: The way out of a building during an emergency; may be by door, window, hallway, or exterior fire escape; local building codes will often dictate the size. location and type according to the number of occupants and the type of occupancy.
  • Multiple alarms: A request by an incident commander for additional personnel and apparatus. [e.g. "Send me a 2nd Alarm." "Dispatch a 2nd Alarm." "Ring a 2nd Alarm."] Each additional alarm (level) typically includes a predetermined set of additional apparatus and personnel, which will vary by department and sometimes by specific type of incident.
  • Mutual aid: An agreement between nearby fire companies to assist each other during emergencies by responding with available manpower and apparatus. If these resources can be requested or dispatched without getting specific approval from a chief officer at the time of an incident, this is sometimes referred to as "automatic" mutual aid.
  • MVA: Motor Vehicle Accident
  • MDC: Mobile Data Computer


  • National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System - Program developed by the IAFC that prevents injuries and saves the lives of fire fighters by collecting, sharing and analyzing near-miss experiences. It gives firefighters the opportunity to learn from each other through real life experiences, formulates strategies to reduce firefighter injuries and fatalities, and attempts to enhance the safety culture of the fire service.
  • NFPA: The National Fire Protection Association, a publisher which provides a methodology of developing a number of standards and practices for *firefighting, equipment, and fire protection in the United States, and also adopted in many other countries. Also, slang for "No Free Publications Available"; used as a criticism of publishers that produce "must-have" documents that are prohibitively expensive.
  • NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. A U.S. agency responsible for investigation of workplace deaths, including firefighters.
  • NIMS: The National Incident Management System. A federally mandated program for the standardizing of command terminology and procedures. This standardizes communications between fire departments and other agencies. It is based upon simple terms that will be used nationwide. Currently, U.S. federally required training programs, from DHS and FEMA, are in the process of standardizing many terms and procedures under NIMS.


  • Occupancy: Zoning and safety code term used to determine how a structure is permitted to be used and occupied, which in turn dictates the necessary safety structures and procedures.
  • Occupancy class: General categories of structures for purpose of safety planning, such as for hospital, assembly, industrial, single-family dwelling, apartment building, commercial, etc. Further broken down by types of hazards associated with particular occupancies, such as gas stations.
  • Occupant use hose: Light-weight 1½" diameter firehose pre-coupled to standpipe for emergency use by building occupants prior to arrival of firefighters. Often accessible by breaking glass to unlock a secure enclosure.
  • Offensive attack: Method of firefighting in which water or other extinguishing agent is taken by firefighters, directly to the seat of the fire, as opposed to being pumped in that general direction from a safe distance. Typified by taking hoselines to the interior of a building as opposed to remaining on the outside, aka "surround and drown."
  • On-call: Personnel who can be summoned (and paid) when necessary to respond to an incident; a type of "volunteer" fire department.
  • OSHA: U.S. government agency concerned with regulating employee safety, particularly in hazardous occupations such as firefighting.
  • Outside fire: Urban fire not inside a building or vehicle, often found to be burning trash which could extend to nearby structures or vehicles if not dealt with properly. A suburban, interface, or rural outside fire could also be a wildland fire.
  • Overhauling: Late stage in fire-suppression process during which the burned area is carefully examined for remaining sources of heat that may re-kindle the fire. Often coincides with salvage operations to prevent further loss to structure or its contents, as well as fire-cause determination and preservation of evidence.
  • Oxidizer: A hazardous material containing oxygen that can combine with adjacent fuel to start or feed a fire.


  • Packables: A term used to refer to fire personnel that are certified and trained with SCBA Apparatus.
  • Penciling: The penciling technique is created by adjusting the nozzle to a straight stream pattern and using series of short bursts of water directed at burning materials. This helps reduce the production of flammable gases by cooling the burning walls and ceiling below their ignition point.
  • Personal alert safety system: See PASS device in Glossary of firefighting equipment.
  • Personnel Accountability Report ("PAR"): End-result of personnel accountability system. Best report is all hands, AOK, worse is squad missing. You will often hear command ask for a "PAR" when something has changed on the fire ground. Often the reply will be something like, "Engine 4, PAR." or "Engine 4 has PAR." Some incident command systems specify a PAR for all personnel on the fire ground at specific time intervals during the course of a working fire.
  • Personnel accountability system: Tag, 'passport', or other system for identification and tracking of personnel at an incident, especially those entering and leaving an IDLH area; intended to permit rapid determination of who may be at risk or lost during sudden changes at the scene.
  • Pilot: in mutual aid situations a "pilot" is a member of the local department that rides with a mutual aid engine to ensure proper direct. A pilot is usually picked up at the local station before going to the scene.
  • Platoon: a subdivision of a fire company, led by a fire officer of either the rank of captain or lieutenant, such that one of several platoons is assigned to duty for a specified period. Also called a "watch". In many areas the word "platoon" is used to describe the different shifts in the fire department. For example, A, B or C Platoon.
  • Plug: Slang term for a fire hydrant. This survives from the days when water mains actually had holes in the tops that, after usage, were plugged with a tapered wooden plug. Many firefighters would like to keep this word while many others think it should be replaced with the accurate term, "hydrant".
  • Positive pressure: Pressure at higher than atmospheric; used in SCBA facepieces and in pressurized stairwells to reduce entry of smoke or fumes through small openings. High volume, portable Positive Pressure Ventilation fans are now carried by fire departments and used to pressurize the fire building during interior attack to control smoke and heat ventilation at desired points.
  • Pre-arrival instructions: Directions given by a dispatcher to a caller until emergency units can arrive.
  • Pre-fire, pre-incident planning: Information collected by fire prevention officers to assist in identifying hazards and the equipment, supplies, personnel, skills, and procedures needed to deal with a potential incident.
  • Pre-planning: Fire protection strategy involving visits to potentially hazardous occupancies for inspection, follow up analysis and recommendations for actions to be taken in case of specific incidents. Not to be confused with post-planning.
  • Probie: (also rookie) new firefighter on employment probation (a period of time during which his or her skills are improved, honed, tested, and evaluated).
  • Professional Firefighter: All firefighters are classified as "professionals" by both the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF trade union). All firefighters are required by most state laws and general practice to meet the same training and equipment standards, take the same examinations for promotion and perform the same work under the same hazards. There are two accepted categories of Professional Firefighters: Volunteer Firefighters who may or may not receive pay for services and Career Firefighters whose primary employment and source of earned income is in the fire service.
  • Public alarm: Means for public to report a fire, includes telephone, street-corner pull-boxes, building pull-stations, and manual bells or sirens in rural areas.
  • Pumper: A fire truck with a water-pump and a water tank.
  • Pump operator, technician: (also a chauffeur): person responsible for operating the pumps on a pumper and typically for driving the pumper to an incident.
  • Pump Escape: Appliance carrying a wheeled ladder
  • Pumper company: Squad or company that mans a fire engine (pumper) and carries out duties involving getting water to the fire.
  • Pyrolysis: Process of converting a solid substance to combustible fumes by raising its temperature. See also vaporization of liquids.


  • Radiant extension: fire that has transferred ignition heat to adjacent materials across open space. One reason some city fire codes prohibit windows facing each other in adjacent warehouses.
  • Rapid entry team: See FAST.
  • Rapid Intervention Crew/Group/Team (RIC, RIG, or RIT): This is a standby crew whose purpose is to go in for the rescue of firefighters in trouble. While all of these versions of the name for a firefighter rescue crew either have been used or continue to be used in several areas, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) has adopted the term Rapid Intervention Crew/Company, ("RIC") to be the standard in the Incident Command System (ICS). Currently, U.S. federally required training programs, from DHS and FEMA, are in the process of standardizing many terms and procedures under NIMS. See: FAST
  • Ready team: A company of firefighters waiting to relieve another company.
  • RECEO: RECEOVES stands for Rescue, Exposures, Containment, Extinguish, Overhaul, Ventilation, Environment, Salvage. This is used at structural fires internationally, as a guide to objectives.
  • Recovery: Location and removal of deceased victims. Also, the time needed for a firefighter to spend in rehab before being considered ready to continue working the incident.
  • Reflash, re-kindle: A situation in which a fire, thought to be extinguished, resumes burning.
  • Reflash Watch: A person assigned to observe and monitor an extinguished fire, to ensure that it does not reflash or re-kindle. Aka "Fire Watch."
  • Rehab, Rehabilitation sector: An area for physical and mental recuperation at a fire scene, usually equipped with beverages, and chairs, isolated from environmental extremes (cold, heat, noise, smoke). This rest area enables firefighters to relax, cool off (or warm up) and regain hydration by way of preventing injury. An EMT may be assigned to monitor firefighter vitals when they enter and leave rehab. See: Fire department rehab
  • Rescue: Physical removal of a live person or animal from danger to a place of comfort.
  • Rescue company: Squad of firefighters trained and equipped to enter adverse conditions and rescue victims of an incident. Often delegated to a truck company.
  • Residential sprinkler system: A sprinkler system arranged for fire suppression in a dwelling.
  • Residual pressure: When a pumper is taking its water supply from a hydrant the engineer must make sure the pump is not taking every last bit of the pressure the hydrant is able to provide. Some residual pressure must be allowed to remain to provide a buffer so the pump does not accidentally over-draw the hydrant and potentially damage or collapse the water mains leading to the hydrant. It may also refer to the water utility boosting water pressure in the area of a working fire so that "residual pressure" remains in the entirety of the municipal water system despite the water being drawn for fire-fighting.
  • Retained firefighter: (U.K.) Retained firefighters are part-time firefighters, so called because they are paid a 'retainer' every year, along with a call-out fee every time they respond to an emergency call, and a training fee for the hours of training/drill they attend. They have set 'on-call' hours, during which they must respond to emergency call-outs. Retained brigades are typically based in rural areas or large villages/small towns where there is no real need for a wholetime brigade. A retained crew may respond to a call where only they are in attendance, or they may be part of a response to a larger incident along with wholetime crews.
  • Reverse lay: The process of stringing hose from a fire toward a source of water, e.g., a fire hydrant.
  • Rollover: The ignition of ceiling-level fire gases. Contrast Flashover, above.
  • Roof sector (Roof group, Roof division): A crew, typically a ladder company, assigned to the roof of a structure, most often for purposes of vertical ventilation during a fire. May also be assigned to check roof-mounted equipment, HVAC, etc., for fire or malfunction.
  • Run card system: A system of pre-planning for fire protection in which information about specific detectors, hazards, or other emergency response plans is indexed by location, for rapid reference during an alarm.
  • Running Call: A call, 'Shout', with persons reported.


  • SAR: See Search and rescue.
  • Salvage: Removing or covering personal property which could be subjected to possible smoke, fire, water or other damage during firefighting, or removal and diverting of smoke and water to prevent further damage. Stopping a broken sprinkler head is one type of salvage operation as is the closing of doors to uninvolved rooms.
  • Scene safety: Steps taken at or near an emergency scene to reduce hazards and prevent further injuries to workers, victims or bystanders.
  • Scuttle hatch: Ready-made opening in roof that can be opened for vertical ventilation.
  • Search and rescue (or SAR): Entering a fire building or collapse zone for an orderly search for victims and removal of live victims. Becomes "recovery" if victims are not likely to be found alive. May be done in quick primary wave and more thorough secondary search.
  • Secondary containment: A system to contain a hazardous material should the primary means of containment (container) fail, e.g. by leakage. The secondary container is required to hold 110% of the capacity of the primary container.
  • Sector: A physical or operational division of an incident; an area supervised as a branch in the Incident Command System. A typical system for structure fires names the "front" of the building "sector A", and continues clockwise around the building (B, C, D), with interior sectors denoted by the floor number (1, 2, 3, etc.). A "rehab" sector is one example of an operational division at an incident, where personnel are assigned after strenuous work in another sector.
  • Shoulder load: The amount of hose a single firefighter can pull off a hose wagon or pumper truck and carry toward the fire.
  • Sides A, B, C, and D: Terms used by firefighters labeling the multiple sides of a building starting with side A or Alpha being the front of the structure and working its way around the outside of the structure in a clockwise direction. This labels the front side A or Alpha, the left side B or Bravo, the rear side C or Charlie, and the right side D or Delta.
  • Size-up: initial evaluation of an incident, in particular a determination of immediate hazards to responders, other lives and property, and what additional resources may be needed. Example: "Two-story brick taxpayer with heavy smoke showing from rear wooden porches and children reported trapped."
  • Skid unit: A Skid unit (called a "Slip-on" in Australia) is the common name used to refer to a complete self-contained fire fighting apparatus designed for use on/in commercially available vehicle platforms
  • Smoke explosion: See backdraft.
  • Smoke-proof stairwell: Building structure which isolates exit stairwells with relatively fire-resistant walls, self-closing doors, and positive pressure ventilation, to prevent smoke or fumes from entering the stairwell during evacuation of occupants from a fire (or other emergency).
  • Solid stream: fire stream from round orifice of nozzle. Compare straight stream.
  • Staging: sector of incident command where responding resources arrive for assignment to another sector. Often an essential element for incident personnel accountability program. May include temporary parking, cover, sanitation, fuel, food and other resources necessary to those apparatus and personnel waiting for immediate assignment.
  • Standard operating procedure, guideline (SOP or SOG): Rules for the operation of a fire department, such as how to respond to various types of emergencies, training requirements, use of protective equipment, radio procedures; often include local interpretations of regulations and standards. In general, "procedures" are specific, whereas "guidelines" are less detailed.
  • Stand-pipe: see standpipe (firefighting).
  • Static pressure: The pressure in a water system when the water is not flowing.
  • Station house: Another term for Fire station.
  • Straight stream: Round, hollow stream formed as water passes a round baffle through a round orifice (e.g., on an adjustable nozzle.) Compare solid stream.
  • Stretch: command to lay out (and connect) fire hose and nozzle.
  • Strike Team: a grouping of similar fire apparatus or personnel with a focused goal in a large fire situation, often commanded by a chief officer. The term is commonly used for structure protection teams during wildland fire operations.
  • Structure fire (or "structural fire"): A fire in a residential or commercial building. Urban fire departments are primarily geared toward structural firefighting. The term is often used to distinguish them from wildland fire or other outside fire, and may also refer to the type of training and equipment such as "structure PPE" (personal protective equipment).


  • Tailboard: Portion at rear of fire engine where firefighters could stand and ride (now considered overly dangerous), or step up to access hoses in the hose bed.
  • Tanker: In use for a long time to refer to a truck designed solely to transport a large quantity of water. Sometimes these trucks are referred to as "Tenders" (see Tender below) and the term "tanker" is reserved for aircraft equipped to carry water or fire retardant for use in wildland fire suppression.
  • Taxpayer: 1 to 2 story store, or place of business, usually with a residence attached: auto repair, supermarket, tailor, etc.
  • Tender (also "Water Tender"): A wheeled fire apparatus equipped to carry large volumes of water to a fire. Often used in areas without an adequate or universal water supply system, such as rural areas without hydrants. They may carry anywhere from 1500 to 7500 gallons of water. Tenders may have pumps and associated hardware to facilitate their mission. Some departments may still refer to these apparatus as "Tankers."
  • Truck company: a group of firefighters assigned to an apparatus that carries ladders, forcible entry tools, possibly extrication tools and salvage covers, and who are otherwise equipped to perform rescue, ventilation, overhaul and other specific functions at fires; also called "ladder company".
  • Turnout Gear: The protective clothing worn by firefighters
  • Two-in, two-out (or "two in/two out"): Refers to the standard safety tactic of having one team of two firefighters enter a hazardous zone (IDLH), while at least two others stand by outside in case the first two need rescue — thus requiring a minimum of four firefighters on scene prior to starting interior attack. Also refers to the "buddy system" in which firefighters never enter or leave a burning structure alone.
  • Type I, II, III, IV, V Building - U.S. classification system for fire resistance of building construction types, including definitions for "resistive" Type I, "non-combustible" Type II, "ordinary" Type III, heavy timber Type IV, and "frame construction" Type V (i.e., made entirely of wood).
  • Truckie: Person who works on a Ladder Truck.


  • Under Control: Fire or spill etc. is no longer spreading. The situation is contained. This term should not be confused with a report that the fire is out.
  • Underground storage tank: A tank that happens to be underground.
  • U.S.A.R: Urban Search and Rescue.
  • United States Fire Administration (USFA): Division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which in turn is managed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
  • Universal precautions: The use of safety barriers (gloves, mask, goggles) to limit an emergency responder's contact with contaminants, especially fluids of injured patients.
  • Utility Truck: Usually manned by an engine company and responds to utility calls like water main breaks. Some small departments use them to respond to medical calls to save gas money.


  • Vapor pressure (equilibrium vapor pressure): The pressure of a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases in a closed system.
  • Vapor suppression: Process of reducing the amount of flammable or other hazardous vapors, from a flammable liquid, mixing with air, typically by careful application of a foam blanket on top of a pool of material.
  • Vehicle fire: Type of fire involving motor vehicles themselves, their fuel or cargo; has peculiar issues of rescue, explosion sources, toxic smoke and runoff, and scene safety.
  • Ventilation: Important procedure in firefighting in which the hot smoke and gases are removed from inside a structure, either by natural convection or forced, and either through existing openings or new ones provided by firefighters at appropriate locations (e.g., "vertical ventilation" is the classic cut-a-hole-in-the-roof method). Proper ventilation can save lives and improper ventilation can cause backdraft or other hazards. Car fire ventilation standards were improved by Kevin "Center Punch" Tomaszewski on Feb. 5, 2008.
  • Venturi effect: Creating a partial vacuum using a constricted fluid flow, used in fire equipment for mixing chemicals into water streams, or for measuring flow velocity.
  • VES: Vent, Enter, Search.[2]
  • Vertical ventilation: Ventilation technique making use of the principle of convection in which heated gases naturally rise. This is the classic cut-a-hole-in-the-roof method that helps release the smoke and hot gases that accumulate near the ceiling or attic space.
  • Voids (building): Enclosed portions of a building where fire can spread undetected.
  • Vollie: A volunteer firefighter.
  • Volunteer fire department: An organization of part-time firefighters who may or may not be paid for on-call time or firefighting duty time, but who in nearly all states are held to the same professional training standards and take the same examinations to advance in rank as career firefighters. [In some regions, particularly eastern New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland volunteer fire departments and fire protection districts have independent taxing authority and are equally as well equipped and paid while working as career fire department members.]


  • Water drop: A forest fire fighting technique when an airplane (also called an "airtanker") or helicopter drops a supply of water or other fire suppressant onto an exposed fire from above.
  • Water hammer: Large, damaging shock wave in a water supply system caused by shutting a valve quickly, or by permitting a vehicle to drive across an unprotected fire hose.
  • Well Involved: Term of size-up meaning fire, heat and smoke in a structure are so widespread that internal access must wait until fire streams can be applied.
  • Wet down ceremony: A traditional ceremony for the placing of new apparatus in service. There are several versions of this but it usually includes: pushing the old apparatus out, wetting down the new vehicle and pushing it back into the station. It may also include the moving of the bell to the new apparatus, photos, etc.
  • Wildfire or Wildland fire: Fire in forests, grasslands, prairies, or other natural areas, not involving structure fires (although wildland fires may threaten structures or vice versa - see interface zone.) For a complete list of terms used in wildland fire, see Glossary of wildland fire terms.
  • Wholetime firefighter: (U.K.) A firefighter employed full-time by one of the 63 brigades in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • Working fire: A fire that is in the process of being suppressed. Typically reserved for a structure fire or an outside fire with a considerable fire load that requires the Incident Command System be initiated, additional support and suppression assets dispatched, and necessary notifications made to other municipal agencies. Aka a "real" fire that will probably not be handled quickly by a single company.
  • Whacker: A person who talks a great deal about fire and being a very busy fire fighter but rarely has ever been to a working fire. The person will usually post about everything he or she does in the fire department on social media. This person also will, usually, be involved in several different fire companies and will also carry more gear than needed with PPE. Also known as a "gear queer."


Glossary of firefighting equipment



Fitting for connecting hose couplings with dissimilar threads but with the same inside diameter.[1]See also #Reducer, Increaser, #Double male, #Double female. May contain combinations, such as a double-female reducer. Adapters between multiple hoses are called #Wye, #Siamese, or #Distributor, which see below.
Automatic Distress Signal Unit (ADSU)
An alarm device that signals that a firefighter is in trouble. It can be activated manually by the firefighter, or activates automatically if the firefighter stops moving. May be integral to SCBA or separately activated. Also known as a PASS device (Personal Alert Safety System).
Aerial apparatus
Fire truck, meeting National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1901, Motor Fire Apparatus, Chapter 6 and Chapter 18, having a multi-section extending ladder, raised using power shifted from the truck's propulsion engine. May also carry other portable ladders and tools.
Aerial Ladder
A rotating, power-operated (usually hydraulically) ladder mounted on a self-propelled automotive fire apparatus.[1]
Aerial Ladder Platform
A power-operated (usually hydraulically aerial device which combines an aerial ladder with a personal carrying platform supported at the end of a ladder.[1]
Air monitoring meter
Electronic device for measuring the presence of one or more chemicals in air, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide or volatile organic compounds; may have preset danger threshold alarms.
1.  inflatable device used for lifting or spreading
2.  vehicle safety device with potential explosion hazard during vehicle extrication if not already blown.
Jargon for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Fire Apparatus is divided into seven categories by NFPA Standard 1901: Pumper Fire Apparatus, Initial Attack Apparatus, Mobile Water Supply Apparatus, Aerial Apparatus, Quint Fire Apparatus, Special Service fire apparatus, and Mobile Foam fire apparatus. Each category is defined in detail by the NFPA Standard that applies to all fire apparatus in the United States. Note: There is no separate category for Rescue Truck; rescue trucks are covered under Special Service Apparatus.
Term for fire suppression equipment used by firefighters to manage or direct a water stream.
Air-pressurized water fire extinguisher, partially filled with water and then pressurized with an air pump; popular in the US in the 2½-gallon size, rated 2A.
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)
(pronounced "A-Triple-F", also called "Class B"): bubbles that act as surfactant to coat and penetrate ordinary fuels (e.g., wood, paper) to prevent them from burning at normal temperatures; also used on "Class B" (oil/gasoline) fires to spread a non-volatile film over the surface of the fuel. Applied using eductor or Compressed air foam system (CAFS) and pumped through fire hose to a foam nozzle (or sometimes a less-effective fog nozzle).
Attack hose
(Attack Line) A use classification of a fire fighting hose connected to output of a pump or other pressure source (e.g., gravity). Firehose used to apply water or other fire fighting agent directly to a fire or burning substance. Typically of 212 inches (64 mm) diameter or less in the United States. Historically 1.5 inch hose was the primary initial attack line but has been supplanted in most of the US by 1.75-inch-diameter (44 mm) hose that carries 175 gallons per minute. Two-inch hose is available as an option.
Attic ladder
Narrow, collapsible ladder used to access an attic space via a scuttle hole, which are often found in closets and other narrow passages. Also known as a closet ladder, folding ladder or "pencil ladder." Required to be carried on pumpers by NFPA 1901.
Automatic sprinkler
System of pipes serving fire sprinklers, for automatically directing water to a fire when the sprinkler is heated to its actuation tempereature (usually 155 deg F). The piping may be normally pressurized with water ("wet") or with air ("dry"), depending upon the application. When a sprinkler-head (or heat sensor) detects heat from a fire, the sprinkler opens, automatically spraying water onto the fire area.


Big Guns
Reference the term applied to high volume water/foam delivery devices typically associated with Footprint(TM) process methodologies for storage tank firefighting.
Royal Navy abbreviation for Breathing Apparatus. Otherwise known as SCBFR
Bomb Line
A preconnected attack line, typically 2½ inch in diameter, used in the same manner and purpose as a #Trash Line. Bomb Lines are stored either on the front bumper of the apparatus or in an exterior (exposed) side well. Bomb Lines are typically shorter length than Cross Lays, and are intended for use against dumpster fires, etc., where a longer length of hose (and consequent rebedding after the suppression is complete) is not desired.
Booster hose
Small-diameter fire hose (3/4–1 inch), often carried on booster reel, preconnected to pump of an engine (and the booster tank) for putting out small fires near the truck without having to connect to a fire hydrant; easily recovered with a motorized reel. Also known as "red line" for the common red rubberized outer layer. Booster hose is also used for High Pressure Fog (HPF) applications.
Branch Pipe
See #Nozzle
Bresnan cellar nozzle
Rotating nozzle tip having two or more outlets forming water jets that propel the tip while spraying water in a circular pattern; conveniently attached to several feet (a meter) of rigid pipe with handles or legs for supporting the nozzle while it is suspended through a hole in the floor above.
Bulk tank
Large tank designed to be transported to an incident and left; larger than a tote tank.
Bunkers (or "bunker gear")
Colloquial term for protective pants and boots kept near a firefighter’s bunk (cot) for rapid deployment; more modernly includes firefighting jacket. Basis for command to "Bunker up!" in preparation for hazardous duties. May also refer to entire protective clothing ensemble. Also known as "turnouts" or "turnout gear."


Cellar pipe
Cellar Nozzle. The Bresnan Nozzle is a distributing type nozzle that is inserted through an opening in the floor and into the space below, typically a basement or cellar. The nozzle directs a broken stream horizontally, either extinguishing or controlling the fire enough to allow a direct attack to be safely made. The Baker Cellar Pipe consists of an smoothbore, straight stream nozzle on the end of a brass pipe 36-inches long or more that can be remotely angled from the floor above by firefighters to direct the stream to the desired cellar location.
Charged line
Fire hose under pressure from the pump at the engine.
CFA 3-Thread
A type of coupling used by the CFA, it is used mainly on the Australian 64 mm hose, it provides a very secure coupling, obviously the threading of the coupling is repeated 3 times, it is non-hermaphrodite.
Check valve
See #Backflow preventer
Underground water storage tank that is intended for firefighting use in areas with inadequate water supply.
Class A, B, C, D, K
Classes of fire extinguisher and corresponding type of fire they extinguish.
Claw Tool
Early striking and prying tool.
Closed-circuit SCBA
See #SCBA.
Closet hook
Pike pole under 5 ft long
Closet ladder
See #Attic ladder.
CO2 extinguisher
Fire extinguisher that releases carbon dioxide gas to displace oxygen to smother and cool a fire, such as a flammable liquid.
Combination nozzle
A low pressure #Fog Nozzle (usually 120 to 150 lbf/in² or 820 to 1030 kPa that can be adjusted to produce a near #Straight Stream. Also commonly referred to as a #Taskforce Tip (TFT).
Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS)
A water / surfactant (foam) mixture, with compressed air forced into the mix. The result is a very homogeneous, small "air bubble" distribution; the resulting suppression agent is the consistency of soggy shaving cream, consisting of relatively pure surface area and little actual water. CAF is gaining favor in selected compartmental fire scenarios because of its high (explosive) conversion rate, on top of the penetrative advantages of the surfactant. It is also inappropriate for many fire scenarios because of that conversion rate, as an unmanaged steam expansion path may cook the firefighters. Secondary advantages are a graceful degradation during equipment failure; CAFs, without a compressed air supply, emit classic foam; without foam, water!


Deck gun
A master stream device mounted to top deck of pumper.
Term for any hose that conveys water to a fire e.g., each outlet from a fire appliance supplies a delivery with water.
Deluge gun
A master stream device that can be positioned on the ground based on the need of the incident commander.
Deluge system
Type of sprinkler system where sprinkler heads do not have individual valves, and the water (or other extinguishing agent) is disbursed from all sprinkler heads simultaneously when a central (or zoned) valve is triggered by a sensor (or manually). This is typically reserved for industrial areas where rapid fire spread must be prevented at the cost of damaging non-burning materials.
Denver Door opener
Heavy pry bars connected with a hinge, one with an adjustable foot, used for prying open doors.
Denver tool
(also called TNT tool): A combination axe, sledgehammer, pry tool, ram, and D-handle pull tool used to gain forcible entry to buildings, automobiles, etc. during emergency situations.
Detection system
See #Alarm system.
Detergent foam
See #Aqueous Film-Forming Foam.
Distributor pipe
Portion of fire hydrant or sprinkler system connecting main loops to smaller loops where outlets are located.
Divisional valve
A valve isolating a segment of a (usually underground) piping system. This may be useful for dealing with impairments or maintenance.
Double female
Fire hose adapter for connecting two "male" couplings together; may also adapt different sizes on either side.
Double male
Hose coupling adapter with two male-threaded connectors back-to-back; used for connecting two female couplings together.
Dry chemical
A fire extinguishing agent. It works by breaking the chemical chain reaction in the "fire tetrahedron".
Dry hydrant
A fire hydrant with a valve located at the bottom of the barrel, near the water main. The barrel of the hydrant remains dry until used. The prevents the hydrant from freezing in sub-zero temperatures. A dry hydrant is also an unpressurized pipe that can be used to draft (or draw) water from a pond or lake.
Dry powders
Fire extinguishing agents for use on flammable metals. Each agent is typically designed for use on either a single metal or very similar metals.
Dry sprinkler
A sprinkler system having pressurized air (rather than water) in the distribution pipes until a heat-activated sprinkler head opens and releases the stored air pressure, which in turn opens the main water valve (and possibly an accelerator valve) to flow water to the open sprinkler(s); used where the protected premises are not heated during freezing temperatures.
Distress Signal Unit another term for a type of PASS device.


Eckert hook
Sharp hook on pike pole for cutting metal siding or roofs.
A vehicle outfitted for firefighting, specifically one outfitted to pump water. Many rural fire engines carry a reservoir of water to pump, and use drafting and water tenders to obtain further supply. Historically, an "enjin" was a machine that only pumped water.
Venturi device through which water flows under 200 psi pressure to create a partial vacuum in a tube attached at 90-degrees and open to the water stream passing overhead. The vacuum draws liquid foam concentrate from a reservoir, which mixes with the water stream through a metering device on the discharge side of the eductor where a firefighting hose is connected. Typically the 200 psi inlet water pressure is reduced to 95 psi discharge pressure as a result of the narrowness of the venturi in the eductor device.
See #Smoke ejector.
Ejector Pump
Pumps that use the venturi principle to pump water on a fire ground. Can be used for salvage by removing flood waters or supply water to a fire appliance from an open water source. Water in the appliance is used to supply a flow of water to the ejector pump, which uses high pressure nozzles to entrain an increased volume of water in the hose returning to the fire appliance.
Elevator key
control panel override key to take elevator car to desired floor. May also refer to special tool used to open elevator shaft-protection doors from outside.
Encapsulated suit
HAZMAT protective clothing used with SCBA inside the suit to protect a firefighter (HAZMAT technician) from gaseous contaminants. Also known as a Gas Suit.
1.  Device for converting an input to a coded output
2.  tone-generating system for broadcasting one or more tone codes on a radio frequency to alert selected pagers and alarms
3.  alarm-system component that transmits coded sensor and subscriber information to a monitoring center to be processed into address and alarm-type information.
Extension ladder
A 20–60-foot ladder with one or more movable sections that extend beyond a base section, typically using a halyard rope and pulley mechanism for lifting and locking cams to latch the moving sections at a selected height.
Device containing fire suppressant, often pressurized to expel suppressant when triggered by operator or an automatic release mechanism. Important to properly select type of extinguisher appropriate to type of material burning (wood, grease, electrical, etc.). May be portable or permanently installed for special suppression purposes, such as fires in recreational vehicles, boats, aircraft engines, restaurant exhaust hoods, or computer rooms.
Extrication gloves
Gloves designed for vehicle extrication and other rescue applications, but not rated for fighting fires. They resemble mechanics gloves but are usually made from a stronger material, such as Kevlar, and designed to protect a firefighter's hands from cuts or scrapes that may occur from glass or metal.


Fire alarm control panel
System for receiving and announcing location of fire based upon input from smoke, flame or heat detectors, or manual call points or pull stations.
Fire axe
There are two main types of axes used in firefighting, a flathead axe, which has a single wedge for cutting into objects, and a pickhead axe, which has a cutting wedge on one side and a pointed pick on the other.
A specialized watercraft with pumps and nozzles designed for fighting shoreline and shipboard fires.
Fire department keys
Special keys provided to firefighters to access a Knox Box or other lockbox, located on some commercial buildings, containing additional keys required for entry or other safety features.
Fire extinguisher
See Extinguisher above.
Fire bike or firefighting motorcycle
A motorcycle that is equipped to fight fires or used as support. Commonly used in Japan.
Fire hose
See also hose, below.
Fire hydrant
See hydrant.
Fireman's key
keys used for manually operating elevators during fires to prevent occupied elevators from answering calls from floor call buttons and potentially opening on fire floors exposing elevator occupants to fire. Keys vary by manufacturer.
Fire pump
a pump installed in a building specifically for sprinkler and standpipe water systems.
Fire station alert system
fire department dispatching system using radio controls to activate remote signals at designated fire stations and to transmit emergency information via audio or digital channels.
Fire streams
Water (possibly mixed with foam) emitted at nozzle and directed at burning materials.
Fit 5
Handheld fire suppression device designed to be thrown into needed area. Fit stands for Fire Interruption Technology. Effective against Class A, B, or C fires.[2]
Fluoroprotein film forming foam.
The moving portions of an extension ladder.
Fog nozzle
A nozzle that discharges water in small droplets. Often, the nozzles are adjustable, permitting the pattern to range from a straight stream to a narrow fog to a wide fog stream. Can also be designed to automatically adjust pressure depending upon selected pattern.
Fog Stream
A fire stream characterized by small droplets of water. The droplets are unable to travel very far, but absorb heat very quickly because of the high surface area they present.
Foot valve
Backflow preventer at inlet of suction hose used in drafting; helps avoid losing prime by keeping water from running back out of the suction hose.


Glas-Master tool
brand of specialized vehicle extrication tool, most notably including a glass cutting saw for removal of automobile windshields.
brand of wind-up, fire alarm telegraph system for sending coded pulses to alert central alarm station of fire alarm activation; often still found in red boxes on street corners.
Gate valve
Control valve with a solid plate operated by a handle and screw mechanism. Rotating the handle moves the plate into or out of the waterway. (See also #Hydrant Gate)[3]
Gravity tank
Water storage tank for fire protection; arranged above protected area to provide flow of water by gravity when needed.
Green line
a garden hose.
Fire grenade
glass bottle filled with carbon tetrachloride or similar fire extinguishing fluid; meant to be thrown and shatter at base of fire to mix with air to produce non-combustible mixture; Similar to extinguishers made of glass fixtures with spring-loaded clapper released by heat-fusible link. Limited effectiveness, and phased out in 1950s when better extinguishers became available.
Ground ladder
A portable ladder designed to rest on the ground. Compare aerial ladder and roof ladder.


Halligan tool (or "Hooligan")
Prying tool with a claw at one end and a spike or point at a right angle to a wedge at the other end. It is used in combination with maul or flat-headed axe for forcing padlocks, doors and windows.[3]
chemical gas fire extinguishing or liquid agent for diminishing the combustion reaction rate by acting as a thermal ballast; used mainly in closed computer rooms, aircraft, and other high-value installations where corrosive chemicals or water extinguishers are judged inappropriate. Effective at low concentrations (5%) as compared with CO2 (34%). Being phased out with suitable replacements in most applications, with very restricted exemptions, due to international environmental concerns with this and other CFCs.
Rope used on extension ladders to extend the fly sections. Also called Fly Rope.[4]
Hard suction hose
A flexible rubber hose reinforced with a steel core to prevent collapse from atmospheric pressure when drafting; connected between the intake of a fire pump and a water supply and must be used when drafting. Also called hard hose, hard sleeve, or hard intake/suction hose.[4]
developed in the early 19th century, the original firefighter helmets were felt caps and did nothing more than keep water off the firefighters face. Later editions of the fire helmet included leather, metal, fiberglass, and most departments are currently using a form of plastic composite. More information under Bunker gear.
Higbee Cut
Special cut at the beginning of the thread on a hose coupling that provides positive identification of the first thread to eliminate cross threading.[5]
Higbee Indicators
Notches or groves cut into coupling lugs to identify by touch or sight the exact location of the Higbee Cut.[5]
High Pressure Fog (HPF)
A suppression technique consisting of finely atomized water droplets at several hundred pounds per square inch of pressure. By far, one of the most efficient suppression techniques available. Advantages include a *very* high conversion rate, unmatched atmospheric cooling and control of thermal layers, very little wasted water (and consequent water damage), and the ease of managing a small diameter booster line (defined above) during application. Disadvantages are lack of distance, lack of penetration into various materials, and high risk of burns to the attack crew. HPF is quite popular in Europe, but was discarded in the U.S. due to different building construction and the resulting increase in disadvantages.
High-rise pack
Hose bundle prepared for carrying to a standpipe in a high-rise building, usually consisting of 50 or more feet of 1¾-inch hose and a combination nozzle.
forged steel hook at end of insulated pole of varying lengths; used for piercing and pulling building materials away from walls and ceilings. Similar to nautical gaff hook. Short hook with a pointed tip is a pike pole; longer hook on a San Francisco hook; two offset hooks on either side of tip is a universal hook; long p-shaped hook is a Boston rake for pulling plaster and lath; short hook with claw on opposite side of tip is either a gypsum hook or the narrower ceiling hook; pike pole with a short handle is a somewhat useless closet hook.
flexible conduit for moving liquids under pressure; made of various materials including cotton, rubber or plastic (such as PVC); construction may be braided, woven, wrapped or extruded, often in layers (liner and jacket); hose construction and size differs according to its intended use (e.g., hard suction, attack, forestry, booster); typically stocked in standard lengths and coupled together with standardized fittings. See hose coupling.
Hose bed
part of fire engine (or hose wagon) where hose is stored for transport and easy access; stocked in layers or rows for quick selection of the desired length, diameter and type of hose; may include hoses "pre-connected" to pump outlets on the engine.
Hose bridge
mechanical ramps permitting vehicle tires to roll over top of hose without pinching or damaging the hose. Sudden hose-pinch can cause dangerous backpressures in a running hose and at the pump and release of the pinch can cause a staggering surge at the nozzle end.
Hose cart
See Hose wagon.
Hose coupling
rigid interlocking end-pieces on fire hose; used for connecting hose to hydrants or fire engine pumps and other hose appliances (nozzles, wyes, manifolds, strainers, etc.); standardized sizes and threads or other (non-threaded) pressure-sustaining interlocks (e.g., "Storz" or other "quarter-turn" connectors); lugs, cams, or pins are used to tighten and loosen couplings by hand or with a hose wrench.
Hose Pack
A general term covering all types of hose configurations a person would carry to deploy.
Hose roller
rigid frame with rollers designed to fit over windowsill or roof parapet to prevent chafing as hose is pulled across it. Can also refer to a machine designed for rolling hoses in preparation for storage.
Hose strap
Strap or chain with a handle suitable for placing over a ladder rung used to carry and secure a hoseline.[6]
Hose tower
structure for hoisting hoses to permit them to drain and dry.
Hose wagon
a handcart, vehicle, or trailer adapted for storing and hauling hose and related equipment; used by industrial fire brigades with large buildings, or where supplemental hoses are needed beyond that normally carried on a fire engine; also used for taking attack hose into a high-rise and for returning dirty, wet hose to the station instead of loading the hose bed with the along with dirt and corrosive moisture. Vehicular hose wagon may carry 1,000 to 3,000 feet (910 m) of hose. May also include small booster pump.
Hose wrench
tool for holding hose couplings against opposite turning forces (tighten/loosen); may be one of several designs for different shapes of cleats or lugs on couplings (round, flat, recessed, etc.), and also of different sizes according to the couplings being handled, and come in various combinations to minimize the number of different tools necessary on the fire ground. Also known as a "Spanner wrench".
Hose Vacuum
A small pneumatic vacuum generator that removes air from the inside of a fire hose making it smaller and firm, it is therefore easier to pack and takes up less space.
See High Pressure Fog.
Hurst tool
See Hydraulic spreader.
Hux tool
Largely obsolete hydrant wrench made of stamped metal with holes sized for the hydrant valve.
pressurized water source for fire engine. May also be a "dry hydrant" for drafting from static water source. Compare "standpipe".
Hydrant Assist Valve
A valve connected to the hydrant by the first due engine allowing the second due engine to boost the pressure in the intake line. Used for hydrants with low pressure, attaching multiple engines to one hydrant, or boosting pressure in the intake line to accommodate for friction loss.
Hydrant Gate
A gate valve used to control water flow through one of the discharge ports on a hydrant with two or more ports. Typically, one fire hose is initially connected to one discharge and the hydrant gate is connected to one or more of the other outlets. This allows a second hose to be connected to a hydrant that is flowing water without shutting down the main valve to make the connection.
Hydraulic Platform
An aerial appliance with an elevating platform like a Cherry picker.
Hydrant wrench
Specially designed tool used to open or close a hydrant and to remove hydrant caps.[7]
Hydraulic spreader (Jaws of Life)
mechanical levering device with hydraulic cylinders powered by a pump; used for forcible entry or spreading vehicle or structure parts to permit extrication of a victim. Also called Hurst Tool, which is a type that includes cutter and ram/jacking features.


Indian pump
(aka Indian Tank) A brand of five-gallon water can, or back-pack bladder, featuring a short hose and hand pump for use in wildland firefighting.
Part of pump where water enters when pump forms partial vacuum.
In-Line Eductor
Eductor that is placed along the length of a hoseline.[8]
Irons, or Set of irons
Pairing of a flat-head axe and a Halligan tool. A common combination used in forcible entry operations.


Jaws of Life
A Hurst tool.See #Hydraulic spreader.
A device made of rigid, heavy gauge wire and designed to fit through the space between double-swinging equipped with panic hardware.[8]
Jet siphon
A venturi appliance used for moving large amounts of water from one reservoir tank to another by pumping a small amount of pressurized water into the jet to create a vacuum to move larger amounts of water.
Jockey pump
A small pump connected to a fire sprinkler system.


A forcible entry tool for removing cylinder locks; used with a Halligan bar.
Kelly tool
A prying tool much like a Halligan tool without the right-angle pointed tip.
Knox Box
A box secured to the outside (esp. of a commercial occupancy) containing master keys, accessible by a high-security key available to responding firefighters.


Ladder truck
A truck outfitted with an apparatus-mounted aerial ladder, not necessarily outfitted to pump water. Not to be confused with engine. Known as a "Turntable Ladder" in the United Kingdom.
Ladder pipe
Nozzle attached to an aerial ladder and used to direct heavy stream from advantageous height.
Landing Valve
Globe Valves that are installed on hydrants, a branch and hose is connected to a coupling on it.
Large Diameter Hose
(LDH) Fire hose with a diameter of 3½ inches or greater. LDH is typically used to supply water from a fire hydrant to fire apparatus such as an engine or tanker.
Leatherhead (helmet)
a cover or protective device worn by fire fighters in some countries, also slang denoting a fire fighter.
Left Handed Smoke Shifter
A non-existent device used to haze probationary firefighters during an overhaul phase, as a Snipe hunt. A crew chief sends his Probie to fetch one, but no such device actually exists. Each truck the probie visits consequently does "...not have one", or "...another crew just took it," but each truck operator knows for certain that, "THAT truck might have one, over there..." The process repeats until the probie has been to each truck looking for the device, while the crew chief increasingly chides him to "hurry up" over the radio. This is similar to military non-objects such as 'relative bearing grease' or 'winter air' for tires, or a trainee nurse being asked to fetch a 'neck tourniquet'.
Level A, B protective clothing
Different levels of encapsulation of firefighters used during HAZMAT incidents to minimize contamination.
Life net
Portable net for attempting to catch victims falling or jumping from upper floors of burning structure.[9][10]
Life safety line
A rope used where its failure could result in serious injury; a rope used for connecting a firefighter/rescuer to a fixed anchor point or to another person.
Light Water
An additive to use with water in the extinguishing of petroleum and similar fires.
Abbreviation for Land Mobile Radio. Component of New Zealand Fire Service communications system between a communications centre and a fire appliance over a radio network


Medium-diameter hose
A hose with diameter between 2½ and 3 inches (76 mm).
Firefighting delivery that is established and left unattended. Typical uses include ground monitors, which deliver water onto large fires or provide a water curtain. Also known as deluge guns, Deck Monitors tend to be attended and deliver large water volumes onto the fire.
Multigas detector
Measuring device designed to indicate concentrations of multiple (typically four) selected gases, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen cyanide, etc.
Abbreviation for Mobile Data Terminal, often a specialized personal computer using a radio network for data transmission between communication centres and fire apparatus. Often connected to Computer-assisted dispatch system. May be used with a Global Positioning System receiver to locate apparatus and map routes to call locations.


1.  National Fire Protection Association. A standards and "best practice" body for the fire service.
2.  Slang: Not For Practical Application. This is firefighter slang referring to the seemingly 'useless' regulations of the NFPA. This phrase is commonly used by rural fire departments whose chiefs or officers operate by traditional methods, instead of "by the book"
3.  Slang: No Free Publications Available, referring to publications that "all are encouraged to practice" yet are prohibitively expensive, as in "That standards document is NFPA." The NFPA slang is typically used in smaller fire departments, where such a purchase is a non-reimbursed out of pocket personal expense. Q.v. http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/dept.asp?dept_id=3111 .
National Hose thread, also known as NST (National Standard Thread). Commonly used in fire hose couplings, it has a slightly larger thread diameter and coarser pitch (fewer threads per inch) than the alternative NPSH thread. The threads specified in NFPA 1963 are "NH".[11]
Naval InFrared Thermal Imager. A device used aboard naval ships to help locate hotspots where fire or personnel may be located in a dense smoke environment.
A device attached to the end of a fire hose that directs, shapes and regulates the flow of the water or fire fighting agent pumped into the hose. May have a control valve. Can also be referred to as a Branch Pipe.
Nozzle tip
Portion of firehose that forms the fire stream as it leaves the hose. Can be solid, fog, or other specialty nozzle (e.g., piercing, Bresnan cellar nozzle, wand tip, etc.).
National Pipe Straight Hose thread, also known as IPT (Iron Pipe Thread, or International Pipe Thread). Like NH threads, NPSH threads are commonly used in fire hose couplings, but the two types are not interchangeable with each other and cannot be connected together without adapters. NPSH threads have a slightly smaller diameter and more threads per inch than NH, but NPSH hoses can be fitted to NPT (National Pipe Tapered) plumbing fixtures, as the diameters and thread pitches are similar.[11]


Officer's Tool
A lock pulling device.
Open-circuit SCBA
See #SCBA. Exhaled air is not reused by the system.
Outside stem and yoke valve (OS&Y)
Type of gate valve actuator arranged such that the valve stem moves in and out of the handle, thus externally indicating whether the valve is open or shut, unlike the more common gate valve wherein the stem rotates and only the gate moves up and down inside the fixture.
Oxyacetylene Cutting Torch
A commonly used torch that burns oxygen and acetylene to produce a very hot flam. Used as a forcible entry cutting tool for penetrating metal enclosures that are resistant to more conventional forcible entry equipment.[12]


Panic doors, panic hardware
Fire safety appliance permitting locked doors (typically self-closing) to be opened from the inside when pressed with sufficient force, thus permitting a person to open the door without having to turn a knob or lever.
PASS device, personal alert safety system
An alarm device that signals that a firefighter is in trouble. It can be activated manually by the firefighter, or activates automatically if the firefighter stops moving. May be integral to SCBA or separately activated. Also known as an #ADSU (Automatic Distress Signal Unit).
Passport (accountability)
System in which each firefighter has an identification document that is collected by the person in charge of accounting for the respective individuals in a dangerous area, and returned to the firefighter when he or she leaves the dangerous area.
Pike pole
See Hook.
Penetrator Nozzle
A long narrow nozzle with a hardened steel tip designed to be forced through a wall or other obstruction to deliver water to a fire on the other side when other modes of access aren't possible or carry an unacceptable degree of risk. Also commonly used in aircraft fires to rapidly deliver water or foam to the interior of an aircraft.
Pickheaded axe
Standard fire axe having a 6 or 8 pound (2.7 to 3.6 kg) steel head with a cutting blade on one edge and a square, pointed pick on the opposite side. Come in various handle lengths.
Jargon, brand-name of early radio-frequency paging system for summoning firefighters.
The Pig
A tool invented as a cross between a flat head axe and a pick axe.
Tool used to help suppress a basement fire.
The firefighter who is on the nozzle attacking the fire.
Slang term for a fire hydrant. This survives from the days when water mains actually had holes in the tops that were plugged. Many firefighters want to keep this word while many others think it should be replaced with the accurate term, "hydrant".
Pompier ladder
A style of ladder that is also known as a "Scaling Ladder". It is used to climb from one window to another. It differs from other ladders in that it does not rest on the ground it instead uses a large hook at the top to attach to a window sill. The word "Pompier" is French for fireman.
Pony Section
A shorter length of fire hose, especially large diameter hose, used to connect an apparatus to a hydrant or another apparatus.
Portable water tank
Collapsible reservoir used for storing water transported to fireground by tanker. May be inflatable or supported by a frame.
Positive pressure ventilation (PPV)
Ventilation of an area by the use of a fan to push clean air into that space and controlled use of openings for the escape of smoke and gasses.
Post indicator valve (PIV)
A type of valve used for underground piping, having a lockable actuator atop a post with a window indicating "open" or "shut" status of the valve. It can be used to control a sprinkler system, hydrant or other device, or may be used as a divisional valve. Post indicator valves are also used for process and domestic water systems, and when this occurs on the same property, they are distinguished by color - red for fire, blue green or yellow for process water.
Firehose on a fire engine that has one end connected to a pump outlet, and usually a nozzle on the other end. May also be a preconnected inlet hose (e.g., soft suction). Reduces steps at scene of fire.
a tool that combines an axe and a mattock in one head, similar to that of the cutter mattock, with a rigid handle of wood, plastic, or fiberglass
Vehicle apparatus for pumping water and other fire suppressants. See fire engine.


Fire apparatus equipped with a fire pump, water tank, ground ladders, and hose bed in addition to the aerial device.[13]


Rabbit Tool
Hydraulic spreading tool that is specially designed to open doors that swing inward.[13]
Red Line
See #Booster hose
Adapter used to attach a smaller hose to a larger hose. The female end has the larger threads, while the male end has the smaller threads.[14]
Relief valve
A valve set to open at a specified pressure so as to not exceed safe operating pressure in hoses or pumps.
Rescue Engine
A single piece of fire apparatus that can operate as either a rescue or an engine. This apparatus normally is outfitted with heavy rescue equipment, hoselines, pump, water tank, etc.
See apparatus.
Ringdown (telephone)
An Automatic ringdown circuit consists of two phones at different locations. When either phone goes off-hook, the one at the other end instantly rings.
Ringdown (radio)
A radio, incorporating a selective calling capability, has an attention-getting device triggered by a dispatching center. A triggered device emits a sound alerting staff at a fire station, in an ambulance, on a vehicular radio or at a vehicular data terminal that an emergency call is pending. The act of ringing down a station may ring bells, activate a klaxon, turn off gas-fired cooking appliances, activate a volunteer alerting siren, turn on lights, and activate loudspeakers over which the call details are announced. Some systems use the voice path of a private line telephone circuit or a voice channel on a microwave radio instead of a two-way radio. Ringing down a vehicle may cause the radio or data terminal itself to beep continually until an "acknowledge" button is pressed.
Rope hose tool
Short strap or rope with a hooks at both ends for wrapping around a charged hose to secure it in position or to assist in moving it.
Roof Ladder
Straight ladder with folding hooks at the top end. The hooks anchor the ladder over the roof ridge.[15]


Salvage cover
Tarps used to protect property (contents) during overhaul.
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, or air-pack, worn by firefighters to protect against toxic fumes and smoke, or where the air has insufficient oxygen. Often incorrectly called "oxygen mask" by laypersons. These are typically open circuit style, with a supply of compressed air, where expired air is exhausted, rather than closed circuit where it is filtered, re oxygenated from compressed oxygen, and inhaled again—which is used where an air supply is needed for an extended period (up to four hours).
Seatbelt Cutter
A tool consisting of a razor blade recessed in plastic. Used to cut seat belts or other restrictions during an emergency.
Self-contained breathing apparatus
see SCBA
Shove Knife
A semi-ridged metallic indented blade used to open an outwardly-swinging latch and spring type door.
hose coupling for merging two streams into one, i.e., two female coupling inlets and one male coupling outlet.
Skid unit
A Skid unit or Slip-on is the common name used to refer to a self-contained fire fighting rig that includes hose, water tank, pump, and an engine to drive the pump, all mounted on a skid, designed to be slid into or onto the open or flat bed of a suitable truck.
See Skid Unit.
Small-diameter hose
Generally accepted to be fire hose 3" or less in diameter.
Smoke detector
1.  part of a fire alarm system that detects and signals presence of smoke
2.  self-contained household device for same purpose as (1) but with its own noisemaking device.
Smoke ejector
Powerful fan for moving large amounts of air and smoke as part of ventilation task while fighting fire in a burning structure. May be operated by electricity or gas motor for positive or negative pressure ventilation.
Soda-acid extinguisher
Weak water/acidsolution inside a pressure vessel, which activates bicarbonate of soda when triggered, expelling "water" (mixture) under pressure from the resulting carbon dioxide. These are obsolete and usually replaced with an APW or multipurpose extinguisher.
Soft suction hose, soft sleeve
A short piece of fire hose, usually 10 to 20 feet (6.1 m) long, of large diameter, greater than 2.5 inches (64 mm) and as large as 6 inches (150 mm), used to move water from a fire hydrant to the fire engine, when the fire apparatus is parked close to the hydrant.
Solid Stream
A fire-fighting water stream emitted from a smooth-bore nozzle. This fire-fighting stream has the greatest reach and largest drops of water.
Spanner Wrench
Small tool primarily used to tighten or loosed hose couplings; can also be used as a prying tool or a gas key.[16]
Special egress control device
Locking device on doors used for delaying opening for short period (10–15 seconds) after release is pressed. Permitted as panic hardware in limited circumstances. May also refer to a security system that releases electronic door locks when a fire alarm is activated, such as in stairwells of a high-rise building.
Spray nozzle
See fog nozzle.
Sprinkler system
fire suppression system in a building, typically activated by individual heat-sensitive valves, or remotely controlled by other types of sensors, releasing water onto the fire. May be "wet" (water-filled) or "dry" (air-pressurized).
system of pipes inside a building for conducting water for fire hose attachments; may be pressurized with water ("wet") or remain "dry" until activated in an emergency; supplied either from a fire hydrant attachment or from a fire engine's pump. Permits firefighters to reach higher levels of tall buildings without having to run hoses up the stairs. Known as "wet riser" and "dry riser" respectively in the United Kingdom.
Steamer connection
A Siamese inlet to a standpipe or sprinkler system. Named for early application of steam engines for pumps.
Steamer outlet
Large outlet of fire hydrant.
Storz coupling
A type of coupling used on fire hose. The coupling is sexless, and secures with a 1/4 turn of the coupling. The coupling may or may not have some sort of locking device.
Straight Stream
A fire-fighting water stream generated by a combination nozzle, characterized by a long reach and large water drops. It is essentially the narrowest of fog patterns that can be produced.
1.  A large metal device attached to the end of a suction hose that prevents debris from entering the hose or the pump when drawing water from a pond or other body of water.
2.  A stationary accumulation of debris in a moving body of water.
Stream Straightener
A smoothbore pipe with baffles inside of the pipe. Usually a stream straightener is used on a master stream device between the outlet housing of the device and a smooth bore tip to reduce the agitation of water traveling to the tip so as to produce a better stream.
Suction hose
A large, semi-flexible and non collapsible hose used to move water from a static source such as a pond, pool or storage tank to a fire pump by means of suction. The whole process is often known as "drafting". Should not be used to connect pressurized hydrants to pumps.
Supply line, supply hose, large-diameter hose
fire hose, usually larger than 2.5 inches (64 mm) in diameter, used to transport water from one source to another, such as from a hydrant to a fire engine or from one engine to another. Short pieces of this hose used to attach to a hydrant are often called "Soft Suction" (see above).


Tag accountability
System in which each firefighter is issued two identification tags, one of which is then collected by a safety officer and held while the firefighter is in a hazardous area. To reclaim the tag, the firefighter must present the matching tag upon exit from the hazard. Any unclaimed tags after an "event" (such as a collapse or explosion) means the corresponding firefighters are missing. May be implemented as passport system in which first tag is presented to staging officer upon arrival (for tracking) and second tag is held by IDLH safety officer, as above.
Water tender or Water tanker
Large, mobile tank of water or other firefighting agent; may be airborne, as used in wildland firefighting, or truck-mounted. Essential in rural areas lacking hydrants.
Task Force Tips (TFT)
a popular brand of adjustable fog stream Combination Nozzle, now a ubiquitous term for that type of nozzle.
Thermal imaging camera (TIC)
Ruggedized infrared equipment used by some firefighters to detect hidden people, animals, heat sources (i.e., fire) and structural compromise.
A series of two or three musical notes, used as an auditory alert over a radio or radio-paging system to indicate that a particular fire company, district, or territory is dispatched to service on a particular incident.
Toned out
A term used to indicate when a fire company is or was dispatched to an incident. See tones above. Can be used in present tense ("We've been toned out, I've got to go.") or past tense ("We were toned out at 2300 on that run.")
Tower ladder
See aerial ladder.
Trash Line
A preconnected attack line that is typically 1¾" diameter, and stored either on the front bumper of the apparatus or in an exterior (exposed) side well. Trash Lines are typically shorter length than Cross Lays, and are intended for use against dumpster fires, etc., where a longer length of hose (and consequent rebedding after the suppression is complete) is not desired.
Triple combination engine company
apparatus carries water, pumps water, carries hose and other equipment; firefighters who may carry out direct attack or support other engine companies.
Triple Lay ("Triple Fold", "Triple Load")
A method of loading preconnected attack line into a hose bed or crosslay, often facilitating rapid hose deployment in a pre-flaked configuration.
Turnout gear
The protective clothing worn by firefighters, made of a fire-resistant material such as Nomex or Aramid, and designed to shield against extreme heat. Sometimes called bunker gear. See PPE. Includes helmet, jacket and boots, and some departments include fire-resistant pants.
rotating base of an aerial ladder that permits the ladder to be elevated and extended in any direction from a fixed location.


UL listing
A certification standard. This listing means the product has been safety certified by the Underwriter's Laboratory.
Utility rope
A rope designed for non-life safety applications. This includes hauling equipment or securing ladders, as opposed to belaying.


mechanical means for stopping and starting flow in a conduit; many types used in firefighting, including gate–, foot–, clapper– (backflow preventers), sprinkler-heads, etc.
Ventilation saw
A high-powered saw with metal-cutting teeth or disc for quickly making large openings in roofing materials. Often, a chain saw with an attached guard to limit the depth of cut.


See #Hose wagon.
Wall-indicator valve
Type of control valve for sprinkler systems that is mounted to an outside wall and indicates "open" or "shut" in an indicator window on the valve body.
Water curtain nozzle
A nozzle designed to throw a fan of water droplets to form a "curtain" in an attempt to reduce the risk of radiated heat igniting a nearby exposure.
Water flow alarm
An audible alarm indicating that one or more sprinkler heads have been activated. "Flow" is often detected by a change in pressure, subjecting these systems to false alarms if anything affects the water pressure feeding the system, however transient.
Water mist fire suppression
A sprinkler-like system that uses a very fine mist featuring much lower water flow than conventional sprinklers to suppress, rather than extinguish a fire.[17]
Water tender or tanker
A vehicle that contains a substantial tank of water and perhaps a pump, primarily for drafting or bulk transfer to a portable water tank.
A strong fabric woven into a strip. Used to drag victims, as a hose strap, or to secure objects.[18][19]
Water thief (valve)
Type of gated wye having one or more outlets smaller than the largest outlet.
Wooden blocks for temporary shut-off of activated sprinkler heads or holding doors open during firefighting or rescue operations.
Wet pipe sprinkler system
Sprinkler system containing pressurized water rather than air, such that water flows immediately upon release of a heat-sensitive head.
"Wet water"
Water into which a surface tension reducing agent has been introduced. The resultant mixture, with its reduced surface tension, is more able to penetrate burning product more deeply and extinguish deep-seated fire.
hose appliance used for splitting one line into two discharges. Often a gated wye is used to allow and disallow water flow through the two separate discharges. Not to be confused with Siamese, which is used to bring two smaller lines together into one.


See #Wye.


Large hose appliance for connecting supplemental pumps into long supply lines, in the form of a "Z"; may be improvised from two gated wye valves and a double female between two of the gated outlets or from a siamese that has one inlet connected to one outlet of a gated wye.

See also


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