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Urea production reporting


Urea production reporting

New postby aliazharch» Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:30 am
Dear Friends,

At our Urea plant, 3 different totalizers are available for urea production reporting i.e Ammonia totalizer, CO2 totalizer and Weigh scale totalizer. However, we use Ammonia totalizer to declare the production due to its consistency in accuracy.

Has anyone of you used Weigh scale totalizer for declaring Urea production?
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Final product: Granules

Re: Urea production reporting

New postby Basheer» Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:26 pm
to my knowledge, Ammonia mass flow meter is used to declare the production on daily basis. However, production test is carried out every 2 months by using the trucks weigh scale and hence coreect the ammonia to urea ratio.

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Re: Urea production reporting

New postby norozi1972» Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:28 pm
Dear Freind
I think , final weigher that located on the belt before urea storage can be useful for declaring of production.
Ammonia and CO2 totalizer can help for accuracy.Test run should be done every one or two month by truck.Ammonia and CO2 totalizer is a compensative device with temprature and pressure that can be sometime wrong and have a flauctuation.
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Re: Urea production reporting

New postby m.farooq» Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:21 am
dear friends,

i do agree that at urea plant all of these totallizer are used to moniteer the urea production. rate. weighing scale at belt conveyer is among good option , but there are some associated problem due to dust at bottom of prilling tower and normaly one faces problem in accuracy in dusty conditions . production test of course is important is counter check . At our plant we have preferred ammonia base production and factor of production is calibrated after production test . additionally one can use molten urea line totallizer as well

Calculation of Urea Production

New postby alokjaiswal» Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:35 am
Dear all,

I wish to know
1. How the Urea Production is calculated?
2. If it is calculated from Ammonia flow-meter, then how the accuracy of flow-meter is checked i.e. the physical Urea matching with calculated Urea.


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Country: India
Urea Plant Technology: Stamicarbon
Final product: Prills

Re: Calculation of Urea Production

New postby GIRISH PRAKASH» Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:23 pm
Dear Alok,

It may not be accurate to calculate the Urea production from ammonia flowmeter rate.

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Re: Calculation of Urea Production

New postby norozi1972» Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:16 pm
dear friend
there are many ways for calculation of urea production:
1-by ammonia consumption
2-by co2 consumption
3-by concentrated urea flow meter that installed before first urea evaporator or after final evaporators .
4-by weigher installed on the belt before going to product storage.
all mentioned ways can accurate with a direct or indirect test run minimum per month.
with best regard
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TRe: Calculation of Urea Production
New postby Reduxe» Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:24 am
Dear All
Urea Production is digitally calculated by a weight cell located in the final belt before the storage house. But there is some deviation between the actual production and the main plant load so we compare it by using the NH3 feed flow meter which gives us the main flow during the operation day ( 45 T/D )
45 * 24 = 1080 T of NH3 consumption
1080/0.566 = 1908 T of Urea produced ( every one ton of urea produce by reaction of 0.566
Ton of NH3 )
So the load of urea plant is
1908/17.5 = 109.03 %
So we compare the result with the actual production then we make a factor which controls that process ( you need to check that factor during operation )
All the above calculations can be made by using CO2 flow meter also ( every one tone of urea produced by react of 0.733 Ton of CO2 ) .
Thank you
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Re: Calculation of Urea Production

New postby alokjaiswal» Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:58 am
Dear all,

As rightly mentioned, Urea production can be calculated by Ammonia from specific consumption of 0.566 MT/MT or by CO2 from specific consumption of 0.733. But again I have some doubts.
1. Will it not be accurate to take Ammonia or CO2 losses into account?
2. If any Industry is taking losses into account, then how much is being taken into account?
3. What about ammonia flow-meter reading? How much accurate is its reading owing to the fact that ammonia is highly volatile.

Request industry professionals to share their experience.

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat May 12, 2012 4:46 am
Title: Mr
First name: Alok
Last name: Jaiswal
Department: Technical
Company: IFFCO
Country: India
Urea Plant Technology: Stamicarbon
Final product: Prills

Re: Calculation of Urea Production

New postby GIRISH PRAKASH» Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:02 pm
Dear Alok,

If you do not take the losses into account, the declared production will be always inaccurate. It is very easy to account for the losses. As far as ammonia metering is concerned, the accuracy also depends on the type of flowmeter used for measuring the flow.

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Department: Manager - Urea
Company: Tata Chemicals Ltd., Babrala
Country: India

Re: Calculation of Urea Production

New postby KASHIF NASEEM» Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:03 pm
Carry out the actual load test and record the values of flow meters on monthly basis and find the optimum consumption ratios and then use these ratios to calculate the urea production.
Before load test calibrate the flow meters as per instrumental compensation factors.

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