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Boosting Ammonia Plant Performance - Heat Exchanger Updating


Boosting Ammonia Plant Performance - Heat Exchanger Updating

Heat exchangers make up the largest number of equipment items for older as well as modern Ammonia plants.  Each heat exchanger service in the plant performs an important role, which may include Process Gas Heating and Cooling, Gas Compression Heat Recovery, Process Waste Heat Recovery, Steam Generation, Boiler Water Heating, Reactor Preheat and Reaction Heat Recovery, Process Gas Chilling with Product Condensing, Gas Cooling with Steam Condensing, Steam Turbine Exhaust Condensing, Vapor-Liquid Separation Column Reboiling, Solvent Heating and Cooling, Lube Oil Cooling and Refrigerant Vapor Condensing. 

The vast numbers of Ammonia plants in North America were built 25-35 years ago, at a time when the price of energy was less than one third of modern energy cost.  Thus, the original technical design basis for older plant equipment, including heat exchangers, permits some substantial opportunities for improvements in efficiency and capacity when individual items of heat exchanger equipment develop failures, demanding replacement for maintaining plant operation.  New designs for replacement heat exchangers add lasting value to the plant operation through reduced gas pressure loss, higher throughput for given pressure loss, greater heat transfer or sometimes combinations of these benefits, reducing production costs.  Sometimes
plants prefer to stick with what has worked well over many years, including some improved features into replacement equipment, while at other times, historic equipment performance dictates the need for improved designs with specific features to replace older equipment concepts to overcome reliability or deteriorating performance issues.

High Pressure Waste Heat Boilers

Certain designs of vertical process gas waste heat recovery boilers have had problems with corrosion
failure of tubes when the shell side fluid is boiler feedwater at failure regions near the tubesheets. 
Accumulation of corrosion damage is slow in early life of the equipment, but accelerates after about 10-15
years of service for such exchangers, often mounting to
multiple failures per year, each involving a temporary
repair outage.  Retubing or plugging when failures begin
to mount is time consuming and difficult and is generally
is done in the field, because the equipment is
welded-in, connecting to other equipment, such as
water-jacketed transfer lines and boiler high pressure
steam system piping.  A permanent solution that has
proven successful for more than a decade is to replace
the waste heat boiler with a new design with boiler
feedwater arranged up-flow in the tubes to eliminate
the possibility of trapping corrosive boiler dissolved
solids on the outside of tubes in the lower region of the
bundle shell side.  The cost of such retrofits can be
similar to or only modestly greater than replacement of
the exchanger in-kind.  When historic costs for outages,
repairs and lost production are weighed, such new
designs have strong economic advantages.
    Process Gas Feed/Effluent Exchangers

In most Ammonia process designs, heating and cooling of synthesis gas streams is accomplished by reactor effluent being
used for heating reactor feed, recovering a substantial part of exothermic reaction heat.  Examples of such heat exchanger
equipment include Methanation and Ammonia Synthesis feed heating.  When plants are expanded in capacity, these
exchanger services often become a reliability problem because of tube leaks from failures caused by shell side induced tube
vibration, resulting in wear from contact with adjacent tubes or shell baffles.  Generally the plant contractor designs
exchangers for modest increased capacity to maximize contract profits.  Shell side gas velocities induce tube vibration and
develop into tube leaks when plant rates are pushed typically beyond 20-40% higher production through incremental
expansion projects.  It is not always clear why these exchangers initially begin to fail because the expansion projects are
generally spread out over several years.  Usually such tube failures do not show up in any consistent pattern, but instead are
spread out rather uniformly throughout the tube bundle.  Time is not so much the cause of these failures, but instead, plant
rate is the key initiator.  Plugging tubes in brief repair outages will buy time to confirm vibration as the failure mechanism and
slightly curtailing plant rate can reduce the frequency of these tube leaks.  Sophisticated heat exchanger design and rating
software can identify key parameters that indicate likelihood of vibration induced tube leaks, including tube span, crossflow
velocity, critical velocity, fluid flow-energy (Density times Velocity squared), vortex shedding frequency, Strouhal number,
frequency ratio, turbulent buffeting frequency, baffle and collision damage numbers and other related paramete

For heat exchangers where vibration damage is indicated from inspection (pulled tubes have long external wear patterns or
baffle notches), replacement equipment procurement should be seriously considered to maintain high on-stream time.  New
designs to replace damaged heat exchangers should examine higher (existing and future) plant capacity as a design basis
and/or include means of "stiffening" the tube bundle, such as NTIW (no tubes in windows) baffles to shorten the unsupported
tube span, use of thicker baffles or tighter tube/baffle clearances and consider other improvements such as changing baffle or
shell type, the use of impingement plates, increasing the drop under shell side nozzles or changing tube thickness, tube pitch
or tube orientation.
    Hot Process Gas Exchangers with Hydrogen

Typical examples of such heat exchanger services include High Temperature Shift Converter Eflluent, Methanator Effluent or
Ammonia Synthesis Reactor coolers.  Often hydrogen attacks the tube-tubesheet weld joint, resulting in cracks which can
further propagate into the tubesheet.  If the tubesheet includes a layer of cladding material of higher alloys (Inconel, Incoloy
or similar materials) this improvement can result in better resistance to cracking and also lends to easier welding repair and
greater durability for crack repairs in welded tube to tubesheet joints, should such failures occur.

Compressor IntercoolersCompressors need inter-stage heat recovery to maximize capacity while minimizing head and power requirements in the
pumping of gases through process equipment.  Lower compressor inter-cooler pressure drop translates into decreased
energy consumption for the compressor when upgrading with improved heat exchanger designs.  Well designed compressor
intercoolers can have a useful life of 10-20 years, but occasionally failures result from higher loads caused by gradual plant
expansion.  Additional operating problems also develop, such as reduced intercooling from fouling, generally from the cooling
water side or mechanical leaks through the tubes or at tube-tubesheet joints, resulting in gas loss into the cooling water.  In
certain low gas pressure intercooler applications failures causing leaks may result in cooling water entering the compressor
with the gas, resulting in damage to interstage seals and deteriorating compressor efficiency and capacity.  In instances of
such leakage, contamination can become a critical problem, since suspended and dissolved solids from cooling water pass
into the compressor and build up or result in other problems.

When redesigning exchangers, changing TEMA Shell types can provide cost efficient solutions for achieving reduced
intercooler gas pressure losses and energy savings.  For example, TEMA X cross-flow designs can provide extremely low
pressure drop performance at lower performance based cost compared with the more commonly used TEMA E, F and J shell
types.  In the application of cross-flow intercoolers, careful attention must be given to proper design of seal strips and dummy
tubes in partition spaces in multi-tube pass configurations to prevent shell side fluid bundle bypassing, which could otherwise
impact on thermal performance.

Compressor IntercoolersSome typical examples of energy savings benefits for improving gas
pressure drop in compressor intercoolers in Ammonia plants with
modern compressors are given below.

                                              % Downstream Compressor
                                              Section Power Savings for
                                              1 Psi Lower Intercooler Loss
Air CompressorFirst Stage Intercooler (Approx 35 Psia)               3.2Second Stage Intercooler (Approx 100 Psia)        1.4Third Stage Intercooler (Approx 220 Psia)            0.65Refrigeration CompressorFirst Stage Intercooler (Approx 45 Psia)               2.9Second Stage Intercooler (Approx 105 Psia)        1.3Synthesis Gas CompressorStage Intercoolers (Approx 985 Psia)                  0.15Replacing outdated, damaged or overloaded compressor
intercooler equipment can provide additional heat removal, lowering
downstream stage power requirements.  Some typical examples of
energy savings benefits for improving heat transfer are given below.

                                              % Downstream Compressor
                                              Section Power Savings for 5 Deg F
                                              Lower Intercooler Outlet Temp
Air CompressorFirst Stage Intercooler (Approx 35 Psia)             0.89Second Stage Intercooler (Approx 100 Psia)       1.0Third Stage Intercooler (Approx 220 Psia)          1.0Refrigeration CompressorFirst Stage Intercooler (Approx 45 Psia)             0.47Second Stage Intercooler (Approx 105 Psia)       0.68Energy savings benefits for each inter-stage intercooler depend on
individual stage loads.  For refrigeration compressors reducing
pressure losses of existing intercoolers or adding low pressure drop
intercoolers where none exist (commonly first stage) can provide
economic solutions to improve compressor capacity while reducing
power usage of the compressor.  In this era of increasing energy
cost, replacement of damaged or under-performing intercoolers
with updated designs can improve plant efficiency, lower plant
operating costs and restore operating reliability.

team CondensersVacuum Steam Surface Condensers, which recover the steam exhaust
from large process and utility vacuum steam turbines have a tremendous
impact on steam system efficiency and plant energy requirements.
Through years of plant expansions and rearrangement of equipment
configurations, many surface condensers operate in overloaded
conditions, impacting turbine capacity, while increasing plant energy
requirements.  Improving surface condenser operating pressure by 1
inch Mercury Vacuum through equipment replacement or upgrade
typically reduces the steam requirements of Medium Pressusure (550
Psia) steam turbine drivers by 1.3 percent, yielding a DCF rate of return
of about 50% or better based on $3.00/MM Btu HHV energy. (Less than
a 3 year payback; Sept, 2001 Technical Bulletin, Ammonia Plant Steam
System Optimization)
Synthesis Gas Generation "Front-End" ExchangersAs has been indicated, many of the process heating and cooling
exchangers in Synthesis Gas Generation services become overloaded
from years of expansions and plant improvements.  Opportunities exist
to improve such equipment performance with replacement equipment to
relieve pressure drop and improve heat transfer performance.  Reducing
gas pressure loss by 5 psi by replacement of an overloaded front-end
exchanger in a 1500 TPD Ammonia plant reduces synthesis compressor
load by 150 horsepower.

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