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Today's Forecast:partly cloudy sky. Mist / Haze likely to occur during morning hours. Maximum and minimum temperatures likely to be around 33 and 22 degrees centigrade respectively. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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1. a mass of minuteglobules of watersuspended in theatmosphere at or neartheearth'ssurface,resemblingfogbutnot as dense.
2. a cloud of particles or a finespray of liquidresemblingthis: a mist of perfume.
3. somethingthatdims,obscures, or blurs:lost in themists of time.
4. a hazebeforetheeyesthatdimsthevision: a mist of tears.
5. a suspension of a liquid in a gas.
6. to becomemisty.
7. to rain in veryfinedrops;drizzle.
8. to makemisty.
9. to coverwith a mist.