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CAG should suggest measures to protect environment: Hamid Ansari


CAG should suggest measures to protect environment: Hamid Ansari

A file photo of Vice President of India Hamid Ansari
A file photo of Vice President of India Hamid Ansari
Vice President Hamid Ansari today said CAG has an important role to play in efforts towards improving environment by not only commenting on the effectiveness of the rules and regulations in this regard but also by offering suggestions to the government for the purpose.
He said that India has been active in international forums relating to environmental protection, and is party to 94 multilaterals environmental agreements.
Ansari was inaugurating the International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (ICED) set up by the Supreme Audit Institution of India, headed by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India.
“We have signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 2002,”he said.
The Vice-President said the importance of environment audit has been compounded by the ever increasing expenditure on protection and conservation of environment.
He recalled the growing international commitments made by India as state party to various global treaties and conventions and introduction of laws and regulations aimed at controlling degradation of environment.There is an increasing environmental awareness as corroborated by various grassroots green movements across India, he said.
Ansari said the CAG, besides commenting on effectiveness of rules, regulations and programmes for conserving the environment, should also offer concrete recommendations to the executive for improving environmental governance.
Speaking on the occasion, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Vinod Rai, said CAG has been actively associating itself with the International Community of Supreme Audit Institutions to factor in Environmental concerns while undertaking auditing.
Environment degradation a big concern
Ansari said the impact of indiscriminate human action and insatiable consumption on global environment has manifested itself in what is widely accepted as the phenomenon of climate change.
“The high social, economic and political cost of environmental degradation and climate change is clear to all, even though the international community continues to debate on how to tackle climate change and who should foot the bill for ensuring sustainable development,” he added.
Some of environment reports of the CAG such as Management of Waste in India and Water Pollution in India have given new insight to the executive in improving environmental governance in these areas, he said adding “I am confident this good work will be continued.”
He said the CAG is already an important member of the Steering Committee of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit institutions, and of its Working Group on Environment Audit.
The creation of this Centre here, and its emphasis on research to upgrade knowledge and skills, will further strengthen India’s role in this important body, the Vice President added.
Meanwhile, Vinod Rai said environmental issues are among major factors facing global societies today.
“The UN and other major international organisations are continuously working on securing a more sustainable environment for our future generations,” he said.
“When we undermine natural processes, we expose the delicate ecological systems to risk. This is bound to affect the public health systems in various countries in the long run,” he said.
The world today believes that trends towards environmental degradation can be slowed, and even reversed, by active interventions through governmental and civil society efforts, Rai said.
“We, as public auditors, have to present to the government timely, relevant and balanced reports on environment issues along with constructive suggestions which will enable the administration in tackling this critical concern more effectively.”
CAG’s oversight functions of government environment policies, programmes and projects help the executive in their endeavour to be pro active in this arena, Rai added.

Nagarjuna Fertilisers profit down


Nagarjuna Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd posted a lower net profit and turnover for the quarter ended March 31, 2013.
The company’s net profit fell to Rs 2.14 crore in the quarter from Rs 60.28 crore in the comparable quarter last year.
The turnover declined to Rs 1,286 crore (Rs 1,445 crore). “Seasonal conditions are not conducive for fertiliser market.
Sales targets could not be met because of the slack demand. It is not just restricted to our company. You can see this as a general trend across all fertiliser companies,” an NFCL executive told Business Line, reacting to a query on the poor performance in the quarter.
For the full year, the company’s turnover stood at Rs 5,484.61 crore (Rs 4,990 crore). The net profit was put at Rs 81 crore (Rs 136 crore).

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels Approach Record High 400ppm

For the first time in human history, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could rise above 400 parts per million throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere as soon as May 2013The "Keeling Curve," which has tracked the increase in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide since 1958.
The latest CO2 measurement was taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii and reported by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, a research center at the University of San Diego that tracks increases in atmospheric CO2 levels.
Climatologists including former NASA scientist James Hansen have previously stated that 350 parts per million (ppm) was the “magic number,” the level beyond which long term climatic changes will be unleashed with catastrophic consequences for human civilization.
“I wish it weren’t true, but it looks like the world is going to blow through the 400-ppm level without losing a beat,” said Scripps geochemist Ralph Keeling, whose father David’s pioneering measurements at Mauna Loa, which have come to be called the “Keeling Curve,” provide the longest continuous record of CO2 in the world.
The Keeling Curve begins from 316 ppm in March 1958, and approaches 400 ppm today. “At this pace we’ll hit 450 ppm within a few decades,” said the younger Keeling.
Scientists estimate that the last time CO2 was as high as 400 ppm was between 3.2 million and 5 million years ago, when Earth’s climate was much warmer than today. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, when humans began to leave an indelible stamp on the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, CO2 hovered around 280 ppm.
The dramatic rise in CO2 over the last century is unprecedented; there is no known period in geologic history characterized by such an increase. The scientific community generally agrees that the CO2 increases are a result of human activity and have caused dramatic climatic changes that threaten human civilization.
Scientists generally agree that burning fossil fuels has caused atmospheric CO2 levels to rise which has in turn resulted in perilous climate changes.
Scientists generally agree that burning fossil fuels has caused atmospheric CO2 levels to rise which has in turn resulted in perilous climate changes.
In the wake of Scripps’s announcement, climate change groups across the world called for precipitous action from governments and businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“This is one milestone no one should be happy about reaching,” said Mark Reynolds, Executive Director of Citizens Climate Lobby, a group calling for the United States Congress to pass legislation that would tax carbon dioxide emissions. “Our civilization has altered the balance that nature carefully maintained for hundreds of thousands of years. We risk tragic consequences if we fail to restore that balance.”
In order to reduce U.S. emissions and set an example for other nations, CCL has proposed passage of a steadily-increasing, revenue-neutral carbon tax that returns proceeds to taxpayers. The proposal has garnered widespread bipartisan support, including from conservatives who usually oppose both tax increases and environmental measure.
George Shultz, who served as Treasury Secretary for Richard Nixon and Secretary of State for Ronald Reagan, has endorsed the carbon tax as a way to employ the power of the free market to shift away from the use of fossil fuels.
“The globe is warming and we should be taking steps to do something about that,” Shultz said in March at a forum in Washington, D.C. Schultz added that the carbon tax should be “justified solely, and only, as a way of leveling the playing field. I don’t want it to be seen as a way of raising money for federal operations.”Shultz has also endorsed heavy investments in alternative energy sources like solar and wind that are renewable and do not rely on burning fossil fuels.

Top Ten Effects of Global Warming on Business


Top Ten Effects of Global Warming on Business

glacier1At some point there is a transition from trying to avoid the collision to bracing for the impact.
That could be an excerpt from a driver’s education manual. Then again, it could be the outlook for the business climate given the now inevitable changes and effects of global warming.
According to the world’s largest professional services firm, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), “Now one thing is clear: businesses, governments and communities across the world need to plan for a warming world – not just 2C, but 4C or even 6C.”
Their warning comes as the result of an assessment of the global community’s inability to make the needed reductions in carbon emissions to avoid the greatest effects of global warming. PwC’s latest report claims that a reduction in carbon intensity of 5.1 percent per year is needed if we are to meet the target of limiting temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius. However, last year, despite the economic slowdown, we saw a reduction of only 0.7 percent, which has been typical of every year since the turn of the century.
“We have passed a critical threshold,” says the report.
Earlier this week, Admiral Samuel Locklear, told the Boston Globe that global warming, “is probably the most likely thing that is going to happen . . . that will cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about.”
Even if we were somehow able to double our rate of de-carbonization, we would still be on track to hit a 6 degree increase by the end of the century. The only chance we have to hold temperatures to 2 degrees, would be to come up with a six-fold reduction in carbon emissions, which may be possible eventually, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon.
So, given this cheery prologue, what are the challenges and opportunities that businesses should be preparing for as we look forward to a destabilizing climate thanks to the effects of global warming?

1. Uncertainty

Without a doubt, the number one impact on business will continue to be uncertainty. Businesses will need to become far more agile and far more strategic, with contingency plans in place that must look bravely into the upcoming crisis without blinking and relegating as little as possible to the realm of the unthinkable.
According to Malcolm Preston, PwC’s global lead on sustainability and climate change, “Even with progress year-on-year in emissions reduction, the reality is that the level of corporate reduction is nowhere near what is required. The new normal for businesses is a period of high uncertainty, subdued growth and volatile commodity prices. If regulatory certainty doesn’t come soon, businesses’ ability to plan and act – particularly around energy, supply chain and risk – could be anything but ‘normal.’”
Of course, uncertainty and risk are two sides of the same coin. According to John Steinbruner, Professor at the University of Maryland and Chair of the Committee on International Security Studies of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, speaking at the World Affairs Council Summit on Climate Change last week (video), “The consequence of climate are certainly going to be very large. We know that without any uncertainty whatsoever. But unfortunately, the character, magnitude and timing and location of those consequences cannot be predicted with sufficient confidence to really tell us what to do about it.”

2. Crowded

If we hit the 6 degree Celsius increase we are now on track to meet by 2100, even if we double our current rate of carbon reduction, according to Mark Lynas, author of the book Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet, southern Europe, north Africa the Middle East, and the American Midwest will be uninhabitable due to excessive heat and drought. At the same time, inundated coastal cities will need to be evacuated. Roughly one-tenth of the world’s population live in low-lying coastal areas. Admiral Locklear spoke of entire nations being displaced by the rising sea level. All of these climate refugees will need some place to go. It’s likely that there will be some negative feedback effect as we pass 2 degrees at mid-century, as the latest Shell scenario report predicts. This will hopefully lead to substantially enhanced efforts to deal with the problem, once impacts have become truly undeniable, which could steer us more towards a 4-degree increase, if it’s not already too late by then.

3. Disrupted

All of this dislocation will put a tremendous strain on all kinds of services unless action is taken in advance that anticipates the challenges. Robust and resilient systems need to be put in place that can withstand the weather impacts while building in enough capacity to serve all of those who will be in need. Heavy weather events will cause injuries, deaths, days of work missed, as well as damage to infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels, roads, power lines, hospitals, power plants, etc.

4. Wet and dry

Water will be the primary vector through which climate change will make its presence known. Because a warmer atmosphere can hold more water, precipitation patterns will change dramatically, with the trend being towards more water coming down at once, leading to increased runoff and flooding, with less water being absorbed into the ground. Other areas will be deprived of rain altogether, becoming deserts as a result. There is a saying, “You don’t miss your water till your well runs dry.” The same can also be said for the precipitation patterns that until now, made such a large portion of the planet viable for human activity.

5. Hungry

In addition to existing farmland falling prey to heat waves and drought, low lying coastal regions also face contamination from salt water. All of this will place tremendous stress on our ability to feed a steadily growing population. This, in some regions of the world, has already led to social unrest.
These will be the primary impacts. The secondary impacts, which are the human responses to these conditions, could potentially be even more severe, depending on our abilities to navigate through these challenges. Secondary impacts will include:

6. Civil unrest

People are going to be unhappy. They will protest, they will demonstrate, they will riot, they will sue. As Admiral Locklear said, “If it goes bad, you could have hundreds of thousands or millions of people displaced and then security will start to crumble pretty quickly.” People will want someone to do something about all of the things that are making them unhappy.

7. Government action

Given the increasing severity of these impacts, and in some cases, you might say, finally, governments around the world will have no choice but to issue increasingly stringent regulations in an attempt to manage continuing emissions, as well as any scarcities of food and water and other services that might be occurring, while at the same time maintaining security. These regulations will undoubtedly add to the unhappiness of a great many people. It will certainly strain our leaders’ ability to lead, far beyond anything that is being seen today.
Rather than end on such a gloomy note, I would add that there are a few positive impacts that might be expected as well. These include:

8. Longer summers

This will not only provide more time for outdoor recreation, but more importantly, given the increasing population, a longer growing season. This could well prove to be critical in meeting the demands of feeding all these people.

9. Milder winters

According to some studies, warmer winters will mean lower mortality from disease. One Stanford study says, “Most people would enjoy higher temperatures, and the evidence supports the proposition that humans would live longer and avoid some sickness.”

10. Open trade route

A melted Arctic will provide an open trade route from the Atlantic Ocean to Asia. This will allow much shorter transit times and will, somewhat ironically, save energy.
It’s not too late to try and avoid the collision, or at least reduce its severity, and at the same time, it’s not too soon to start bracing for the impact, either. As Admiral Locklear said, “The ice is melting and sea is getting higher. I’m into the consequence management side of it.”

Who Should Control the World’s Water?2013 the International Year of Water Cooperation (IYWC).


Who Should Control the World’s Water?

As organizations around the world search for ways to ensure that impoverished communities have dependable access to drinking water, a new concern has surfaced: Just who will own the rights to managing that water access in the years to come?
In 2010, in what seemed at the time to be an awesome example of prescience, the United Nations labeled 2013 the International Year of Water Cooperation (IYWC). Of course, the branding wasn’t intended to recognize accomplishments the world has made in sharing its water resources, but to spur countries and communities around the globe to acknowledge that the potential for a global water crisis is real and that according to the UN, challenges such as “water diplomacy, transboundary water management, financing cooperation, national/international legal frameworks” need to be addressed.

Authorities on water management, like Canadian author Maude Barlow, point out that the problem may not necessarily be related to a lack of interest in water rights in the private sector, but in fact a struggle by private companies to grasp control of world water resources.
Barlow, who co-founded the Blue Planet Project to highlight the vulnerability of people who don’t have access to safe drinking water throughout the world, has contested the UN’s statement.
“We don’t need the United Nations to promote private sector participation under the guise of greater ‘cooperation,’” she said, “when these same companies force their way into communities and make huge profits from the basic right to water and sanitation.”
Safe_Drinking_Water_UK_Dept_Intl_DevCompanies like GE, Proctor and Gamble and Dow Chemical, Barlow says,  have already recognized their opportunities to manage water distribution and use through recycling of dirty water and control over when and how it is resourced. Others, like Nestlé, have proposed settling the world’s water resources by allocating a specific amount (1.5 percent) for the world’s most impoverished, and relegating the remaining amount to the open market to be managed by the world’s economy.
It’s easy to see how this suggestion might have put ecology and human rights activists off.  In September 2011, Nestlé’s CEO, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (to Wall Street Journal) suggested that an equitable way to both manage water resources and ensure that there was a portion left to public necessity would be to divvy up the resources in the way that they are actually used: human needs for washing, drinking and bathing, and agricultural/manufacturing, etc. needs, which consumes the world’s greatest portion, and is the most responsible for its squander.
“Take the emotion out of the issue,” Brabeck-Letmathe said, suggesting that the 1.5 percent be protected for “human need.” And then “give me a market for the 98.5 percent so the market forces are able to react, and they will be the best guidance that you can have.”
The only way for the world to manage water distribution properly, he said, was to make it something for which we actually had to pay out of pocket.
But while economic management of water resources may, in fact, temper its waste, the vote is still out as to whether it actually manages efficiency.
In France, where municipal water resources have been managed privately, cities assert that reclaiming that control by municipal governments has actually reduced distribution costs.  Some forty cities in France, including Nice, have reclaimed the rights in past years for this reason, according to the Council of Canadians.
The biggest test of this concept is yet to be fought in Barcelona, Spain, where water has been privately distributed and controlled since the late 19th century. It will be interesting to see how the battle between water giant Aguas de Barcelona and the municipal government plays out. It’s worth noting that both Aguas de Barcelona and Nestlé have stepped forward in recent years to answer the UN’s call for more attentiveness to water management issues during the International Year of Water Cooperation.


The issue of environmental protection has brought the consumers, the industry, and the government to a common platform where each has to play its own role. The government and legislatures are using their influence to reduce environmental and health hazards due to industrialisation and to stimulate the development of clean(er) technologies. However, the environment is under tremendous stress from rapid industrialisation, unplanned urbanisation and changing consumption patterns in the race to achieve better living standards. It is amply clear that regulatory actions by pollution control agencies alone can not restore the environment to its pristine state. Pro-active and promotional roles should also be geared up in harmony with the overall environmental protection strategy. The time has come for consumers to take the lead in prompting manufacturers to adopt clean and eco-friendly technologies and environmentally-safe disposal of used products, along with preventive and mitigative approaches.
To increase consumer awareness, the Government of India launched the eco-labelling scheme known as `Ecomark' in 1991 for easy identification of environment-friendly products. Any product which is made, used or disposed of in a way that significantly reduces the harm it would otherwise cause the environment could be considered as Environment-Friendly Product.

The criteria follows a cradle-to-grave approach, i.e. from raw material extraction, to manufacturing, and to disposal. The 'Ecomark' label is awarded to consumer goods which meet the specified environmental criteria and the quality requirements of Indian Standards. Any product with the Ecomark will be the right environmental choice.
The specific objectives of the scheme are as follow :
  • To provide an incentive for manufacturers and importers to reduce adverse environmental impact of products.
  • To reward genuine initiatives by companies to reduce adverse environmental impact of their products.
  • To assist consumers to become environmentally responsible in their daily lives by providing information to take account of environmental factors in their purchase decisions.
  • To encourage citizens to purchase products which have less harmful environmental impacts.
  • Ultimately to improve the quality of the environment and to encourage the sustainable management of resources. 
    A scheme on labelling of environment - friendly products An earthern pot has been chosen as the logo for the Ecomark scheme in India. The familiar earthern pot uses a renewable resource like earth, does not produce hazardous waste and consumes little energy in making. Its solid and graceful form represents both strength and fragility, which also characterises the eco-system. 

    As a symbol, it puts across its environmental message. Its image has the ability to reach people and can help to promote a greater awareness of the need to be kind to the environment. The logo for the Ecomark Scheme, signifies that the product which carries it does the least damage to the environment.

    There are three committees involved with the criteria development for each product category and the award of the Ecomark : 
    • A Steering Committee, set up in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, to determine the product categories for coverage under the scheme and also formulate strategies for promotion, implementation, future development and improvements in the working of the scheme.
    1. Determine the product categories to be taken up under the scheme.
    2. Create mass awareness for promotion and acceptance of the scheme.
    3. Formulate strategies for future development of the scheme.
    • A Technical Committee, set up in the Central Pollution Control Board, to identify the specific product to be selected and the individual criteria to be adopted, including, wherever possible, inter-se priority between the criteria if there be more than one.
    1. Identify specific products for classifying as environmental-friendly.
    2. Set-up sub-committees for each product category, if required, to draft the Ecomark criteria.
    3. Recommend the most appropriate criteria and parameters to designate various products as environment-friendly.
    4. Review from time to time, the implementation of the scheme by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
    5. The Central Pollution Control Board has become the member of Global Eco-labelling Network (GEN) since March 2000.
    • The Bureau of Indian Standards to assess and certify the products and draw up a contract with the manufactures, allowing the use of the label, on payment of a fee.
    1. Identify specific products for classifying as environmental-friendly.
    2. Set-up sub-committees for each product category, if required, to draft the Ecomark criteria.
    3. Recommend the most appropriate criteria and parameters to designate various products as environment-friendly.
    4. Review from time to time, the implementation of the scheme by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
    The Central Pollution Control Board has become the member of Global Eco-labelling Network (GEN) since March 2000.

Criteria for Ecomark


The criteria are based on the cradle-to-grave approach, i.e. from raw material extraction to manufacturing and to disposal. The basic criteria cover broad environmental levels and aspects, but are specific at the product level. A product is examined in terms of the following main environmental impacts :
  • that they have substantially less potential for pollution than other comparable products in production, usage and disposal.
  • that they are recycled, recyclable, made from recycled products or bio- degradable, where comparable products are not;
  • that they make significant contribution to saving non-renewable resources including non-renewable energy sources and natural resources compared with comparable products;
  • that the product must contribute to a reduction of the adverse primary criteria which has the highest environmental impact associated with the use of the product, and which will be specifically set for each of the product categories.
Product General Requirements :
The product general requirements deal with the issues of compliance of the pollution control acts; raising environmental awareness among consumers etc., in addition to safety, quality and performance of the products.

Product Specific Requirements :
 While determining the product specific requirements, the following issues have been taken into account :
  • production process including source of raw materials;
  • use of natural resources;
  • likely impact of the environment;
  • energy conservation in the production of the product;
  • disposal of the product and its container;
  • utilisation of "Waste" and recycled materials;
  • suitability for recycling or packaging; and
  • biodegradability
  • effect and extent of waste arising from the production process;
Ecomark Criteria of the Product Categories covered under the scheme.
The Government of India has notified the final criteria for the following 16 product categories :

How to obtain the license to use Ecomark


The procedure for grant of a licence by BIS under the Scheme of Ecomark shall be the same as applicable for grant of licence by BIS under its Product Certification Marks Scheme. The salient points of the procedure are given below :
  • A prescribed application form is available from BIS Headquarters as well as its Regional and Branch Offices located all over the country and can be obtained from any of the office of the Bureau. At present, there is no fee for such an application form.
  • Application on the prescribed form duly completed with requisite fee, which is at present Rs.500/-, in the form of a demand draft drawn in favour of the Bureau of Indian Standards, payable at a place where the application is to be submitted, may be sent to the respective office of the Bureau for receipt, acknowledgement and further necessary action.
  • One application form is valid only for one product and one Indian Standard Specification. For each Indian Standard and each product, a separate application with requisite fee may be submitted to the Bureau.
  • Each application under the scheme of Ecomark shall be accompanied with a copy each of the following documents :
  • Consent/environmental clearance certificate from the concerned State Pollution Control Board.
  • Small-scale industries registration certificate if the application is from a small-scale unit who desires to avail the concessional rate of marking fee for the unit for the small-scale sector. This certificate may be issued either by the office of the Development Commissioner, Small-scale Industries, or Industries Department of the concerned State Government.
  • On receipt of the completed application form, the Bureau arranges a preliminary inspection of the unit of the applicant on a mutually convenient date for preliminary inspection and assessment of the manufacturing and quality control facilities and availability of testing personnel with the applicant for satisfactory operation of BIS Certification Mark Scheme for a product for which the application has been submitted to the Bureau.
  • The inspection officers of the Bureau draw samples for factory testing and independent testing for assessing the conformity of the product with requirements given in the specification including the requirements for Ecomark.
  • The applicant is given a copy of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection (STI) which is required to be followed by the unit in the production for the product covered under the application. The applicant is to give formal consent in writing regarding acceptance of the STI and also the marking fee payable for the product.
  • The charges for inspection and testing of samples in independent laboratory shall be paid by the applicant.
  • The preliminary inspection (PI) report, independent test reports of samples drawn during PI and acceptance of STI and marking fee schedule are verified at appropriate level within the Bureau. In case all documents are complete and found satisfactory, a licence is granted by the competitive authority of the Bureau permitting the unit to use the standard mark of the Bureau for a specified period.
  • In case a unit is already holding a BIS certification mark licence for a product and wishes to cover that product under the Scheme of Ecomark, separate application is not required to be submitted. In such a case, the unit may make a specific request to the respective office of the Bureau which will take steps to include the criteria for Ecomark on the product as per the existing provision for inclusion of new varieties/grades in the same licence. In such cases, however, the licensee has to accept the modified STI and revised rate of marking fee, wherever applicable.
  • Under the Scheme of Ecomark, the Standard Mark of the Bureau shall be single mark being a combination of the ISI Mark and the Eco-logo.
  • The licence is granted initially for the period of one year which is renewable for a period of two years at a time subsequently on the basis of performance of the unit in the preceding year(s).
  • The minimum marking fee applicable to the product and accepted by the applicant is payable to the Bureau in advance after the grant of licence but before initiation of the marking on the product. On calculation of the marking fee payable at the end of the year, the calculated amount alongwith minimum marking fee is required to be paid to the Bureau by the applicant along-with his request for renewal of the licence for further period.
  • During the period of validity of licence granted to a unit, the Bureau arranges a periodic unannounced visits to the manufacturing premises of the licensee to assess the operation of the BIS Certification Mark Scheme for the product. During the visit by BIS officer, samples are drawn for testing both in the factory as well as for independent testing. Samples are also drawn from the factory and tested in independent laboratory to verify conformity of the product in accordance with the requirements specified in the relevant Indian Standard.
  • The feedback received from consumer forums/organisations are also taken into account for assessing the performance of the licensee. If BIS officers observe deviations from the requirements of the standard and the scheme of testing and inspection, the same is brought to the notice of the authorised representative of the licensee to take corrective measures. In case of discrepancy of a serious nature/non-compliance with the provision of the grant of the licence, appropriate action as provided under the Bureau of Standards Act, 1986 Rules and relevant Regulations framed thereunder, are taken.

Nagarjuna Oil's Rs 22,000 cr refinery to start phase-I in mid 2014


 Project was delayed for 18 months due to damaged caused by a cyclone

Nagarjuna Oil Corporation Limited's Rs 22,000 crore petroleum refinery project is expected to commence its first phase of operations in 2014. The Project, which was to start operations 18 months earlier, go delayed due to cyclone-related damages.

Hyderabad-based Nagarjuna Group has partnered with the Tamil Nadu Government and Tata Petrodyne Ltd to implement the refinery project. Last year, Singapore-based Trafigura Pvt Ltd picked up a 24 per cent stake for around Rs 650 crore in Nagarjuna Oil Corporation Limited (NOCL) and another Rs 600 crore was infused by Trafigura into the construction of storage facilities and associated infrastructure through another entity Portoil Ltd, an 80:20 joint venture between Trafigura and NOCL. This will come up on a 100 acre site near the refinery’s 2,500 acre facility.

According to the P Thangamani, Minister for Industries, Tamil Nadu Government, the proposed capacity of this petroleum refinery will be 12 million tonnes a year. The total investment in this project is estimated to be about Rs 22,000 crore. This is one of the Tamil Nadu's largest private sector project.

In the first phase, the implementation of six million tonnes a year capacity unit will be completed and operations are expected to commence by 2014, said the Minister, while placing the Department's Policy Note in the State Assembly.

The project will make Tamil Nadu self-sufficient in petroleum fuels. The refinery includes a captive port and a power plant. The refinery is designed to cater to the domestic needs of the state, 70 per cent of the total production is for the state marketing and the rest is for exporting,of the combined output of select petroleum products, namely High Speed Diesel, naphtha and Aviation Turbine Fuel.

According to company officials, the commencement of the project was delayed by 18 months due to damage to tanks and port structure from the cyclone Thane, which hit the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu.

The project was planned in July 2001 but work started in 2006 after getting all the clearance. Government of India has declared Nagarjuna's Cuddalore project as the anchor unit for its Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region in the Cuddalore-Nagapattinam region.

Located, 180 km south of Chennai on the Bay of Bengal, this project will refine 6 million metric tonnes of crude petroleum per year (MMTPA) in Phase-I, which is around 125,000 BPSD, and will primarily meet the growing energy needs of southern India. The project site is spread over an area of 2100 acres.

The refinery is designed for producing feedstock of EURO III and EURO IV standards.

Standard operating procedure to handle the glassware during analysis in Quality Control.


       To design a procedure for handling of glassware and to eliminate the usage of broken glassware.
2.0  SCOPE
       This procedure is applicable to all type of glassware which are to be used during analysis.    
3.1  Doing      : Technical Assistant
3.2  Checking : Executive/Manager
       Head of the Department
5.1  Receive glassware according to the indent.
5.2  Enter the details of receipt in the Annexure–I.
5.3  In case of any broken glassware found, return the same to the supplier.     
5.4  After receipt of Burette, Pipette and volumetric flask, calibrate the respective glassware.
5.5  In case, if results are not within limit during calibration, repack these glass wares in different box and return to the supplier.
5.6  Store the glassware in ‘Glassware store room’ in their allocated places.
5.7  Maintain the glassware stock in the computer as per format Annexure –II and get the print out at the end of month.
5.8  Issue the glassware when required and update the stock in computer.
5.9  In case of any breakage during analysis destroy the same.

Cleaning Validation Protocol for Sample Container


Cleaning Validation Protocol for Sample Container

Learn how to validate the cleaning procedure of sample container using spectrophotometer.
     This is to establish the documented evidence to verify the consistent performance of the Cleaning process of Sample Container for all Spectroscopy analysis.
2.  SCOPE: 
     This protocol is applicable to carry out the process validation of Cleaning to ensure the Sample Containers has no residues to mix up with other reagents used in QC Lab.

        NA                   -           Not Applicable
        NMT                -           Not More Than
        PPT                  -           Parts Per Thousand
        QA                   -           Quality Assurance
        QC                   -           Quality Control
        ·   It is the responsibility of Quality personnel to prepare the protocol and execute the validation process as per this protocol.
        ·   It is the responsibility of Quality Control Manager to review the protocol.
        ·   It is the responsibility of QA Manager to approve the protocol.
    Sample Containers used for Spectroscopy analysis are subjected to Cleaning to ensure that no mix-up of the reagents occurs.
        ·  Spectrophotometer
        ·  Sample Container
        ·  Conductivity Meter
        ·  pH Meter
        ·  Washing Solution
        ·  Distilled Water
        ·  Reagent (Coloured Reagent preferred)
     NEW SAMPLE CONTAINER (20mL / 50mL):
        ·   Take a fresh new Sample Container and Rinse with Distilled water twice (Holding Time 30 Seconds)
        ·   Fill 20 mL of Distilled water in 50 mL Sample Container and measure the absorbance at 505 nm, Conductivity, pH, TDS and Salinity.
1.  Take a fresh new Sample Container and Rinse with Distilled water twice (Holding Time 30 Seconds).
2.  Fill 20 mL of reagent in 50 mL Sample Container and measure the absorbance at 505 nm, Conductivity, pH, TDS and Salinity.
3.  After measurement, take the same Sample Container, Rinse with Distilled water twice (Holding Time 30 Seconds).
4.  Fill 20 mL of distilled water in Sample Container and measure the absorbance at 505 nm,   Conductivity, pH, TDS and Salinity.
5.  After measurement, take the same Sample Container, Rinse with washing solution and then rinse with distilled water twice (Holding Time 30 Seconds).
6.  Fill 20 mL of distilled water in Sample Container and measure the absorbance at 505 nm, Conductivity, pH, TDS and Salinity.
Absorbance at 505 nm
New Sample Container with distilled Water
NMT 0.000
5.0 to 7.0
1.3 µS/cm
0.5 to 1.5 mg/L
NMT 0.05 ppt
Used Sample Container with distilled Water
NMT 0.003
5.0 to 7.0
1.3 µS/cm
0.5 to 1.5 mg/L
NMT 0.05 ppt
Table 1: Result for New Sample Container containing distilled water.
New Fresh Sample Container(1)
Absorbance at 505 nm





Table 2: Result for used Sample Container containing reagent.
Used Sample Container(2)
Absorbance at 505 nm




 Table 3: Result for used Sample Container containing distilled water after washing (with distilled water).
Used Sample Container(2) after washing
Absorbance at 505 nm





 Table 4: Result for used Sample Container containing distilled water after washing (with distilled water and washing solution).
Used Sample Container(2) after washing
Absorbance at 505 nm





 Table 5: Summary report of Sample Containers
 Sample Containers
Absorbance at 505 nm
New Fresh Sample Container(1)

Used Sample Container(2)

Used Sample Container(2) after washing-1

Used Sample Container(2) after washing-2

11.  SUMMARY REPORT: Measured values of Absorbance at 505 nm, Conductivity, pH, obtained for fresh Sample Container (1 & 2) were meeting the acceptance criteria, where absorbance at 505 nm of fresh Sample Container 1 containing distilled water is 0.0000 and fresh Sample Container 2 containing distilled water after washing with distilled water and washing solution is  …………..
12.  CONCLUSION: The Sample Container has been validated as per the protocol and it is
The overall Cleaning process is Satisfactory  / Not satisfactory  

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India to have five rocket launches, including Mars mission, in 2013


CHENNAI: India's space agency is planning to have a total of five rocket launches in 2013 from its rocket launch pad at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, around 80 km from here. This will include a mission to Mars later this year.

Four of the launches are expected to happen between June and December, including the launch of communication satellite G-Sat 14 using heavier rocket - Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) - powered with a domestic cryogenic engine.

"Between June 10 and 15 we are planning to launch the first navigational satellite, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System-R1A (IRNSS-R1A) and it will be followed by the launch of G-Sat 14 some time in July," a senior official at Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) told IANS, preferring anonymity.

According to officials, the assembling of two rockets is going on at a good pace at the rocket launch centre. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-XL (PSLV-XL) version that will carry the navigation satellite is being assembled at the first launch pad.

"The assembling of the first stage/engine and the strap on motors has been completed. The second stage is under preparation. The satellite is expected soon from the satellite centre in Bangalore," officials said.

The IRNSS-R1A satellite will be the first of seven satellites to be launched into earth orbit to provide real-time position, navigation and time services to multiple users. The space agency plans to launch the second navigation satellite three months after in-orbit tests of the first one and the remaining five satellites over a 14-month period by 2014-15.

These two launches will be followed by the mission to Mars later this year. The launch of one more remote sensing satellite is also being planned before the end of this year.

In February this year India launched the Indo-French Saral satellite and six other small foreign satellites using the PSLV rocket.

India started putting into space third-party satellites for a fee in 1999 on its PSLV-C2 rocket. Since then India has been successful in launching medium-weight satellites for overseas agencies. Initially ISRO started carrying third-party satellites atop PSLV rockets as co-passengers of its own remote sensing/earth observation satellites.

In 2007 ISRO for the first time launched an Italian satellite - Agile - as a standalone for a fee.

India has earned a revenue of $17.17 million and euro 32.28 million by launching 35 foreign satellites till date, parliament was told recently by V. Narayanasamy, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office.

"Some customers paid in dollars and some in euros and hence we are giving it separately," an ISRO official said.

Lock Out Accidents with an Effective Lockout/Tagout Program

Workplace accidents resulting in amputations are often severe, sometimes disabling, and always preventable.
OSHA’s rules and procedures for lockout/tagout are found at 29 CFR 1910.147.
The standard identifies three employee roles:
  • Authorized employees are those who service and maintain machinery and equipment.
  • Affected employees are the ones who operate machinery and equipment but do not service and maintain them.
  • Other employees are those who do not service or operate equipment, but who work nearby and need to know about energy hazards and control procedures for their protection.

When Lockout Must Be Used

Any machinery or equipment that contains or stores hazardous energy is subject to lockout/tagout. Examples include:
  • Presses
  • Power saws
  • Conveyors
  • Pumps
  • Production equipment
  • Trash compactors
Lockout/tagout devices must be used:
  • Whenever machinery or equipment is being serviced, maintained, or repaired
  • When hazardous energy exists, such as electricity from a service outlet, a generator, or a battery
  • Whenever unexpected start-up could occur, such as if a machine operator were to start up a machine without realizing it was being serviced by another worker
All lockout and tagout devices must be:
  • Durable and capable of withstanding the environment they’re in
  • Standardized by color, size, and shape so that they are more easily recognized
  • Substantial enough so that they cannot be accidentally removed
  • Identifiable as safety devices with a legend that uses phrases such as "Do Not Operate," "Do Not Start," or "Do Not Energize"

Special Situations

You will inevitably encounter special situations that may make your lockout/tagout program more difficult to administer.Shift changes are one such situation. If servicing lasts more than one shift, lockout/tagout protection CANNOT be interrupted. Original authorized employees will remove their lock and the incoming employees will place theirs on the isolating device. If the first employee leaves before the replacement's arrival, a supervisor may place the lock on to ensure safety. Additionally, the incoming authorized employee must verify that all energy sources are locked out before beginning work.
There are some other exceptions in the lockout/tagout process as well. For example, work can occur on a cord and plug of the equipment if it is unplugged, the plug remains within arms' reach during servicing, and the authorized employee has exclusive control of the plug.
The other exception is if guards aren't removed or bypassed and are effective in preventing worker exposure to hazards created by the unexpected energization or start-up of machines or equipment or the release of energy.
Additionally, many companies have equipment-specific lockout/tagout processes. Equipment-specific lockout/tagout forms must be completed by the supervisor and/or the authorized employee. All equipment-specific procedures must be easily accessible or posted directly on the equipment.
Procedures must be updated when new equipment is installed, new energy sources are added to a facility or individual equipment, the magnitude of an energy source changes, or when designated isolation points change.

Ozone decomposition


Ozone decomposition
When ozone is produced it will decay rapidly, because ozone is an instable compound with a relatively short half-life. The half-life of ozone in water is a lot shorter than in air (see table 1). Ozone decays in water under drinking water conditions (pH: 6-8,5), partly in reactive OH-radicals. Therefor, the assessment of an ozone process always involves the reactions of two species: ozone and OH-radicals. When these OH-radicals are in the dominant particles in the solution, it is called an advanced oxidation process (AOP). The decay of ozone in OH-radicals in natural waters is characterized by a fast initial decrease of ozone, followed by a second phase in which ozone decreases by first order kinetics [15]. Dependent on the quality of the water, the half-life of ozone is in the range of seconds to hours. Factors influencing the decomposition of ozone in water are temperature, pH, environment and concentrations of dissolved matter and UV light. Here, the main influence factors for ozone decomposition will be discussed.
Influence factors

1. Temperature

Temperature has an important influence on the half-life of ozone. Table 1 shows the half-life of ozone in air and water. In water the half-life of ozone is much shorter than in air, in other words ozone decomposes faster in water [1]. The solubility of ozone decreases at higher temperatures and is less stable. On the other hand, the reaction speed increases with a factor 2 or 3 per 10 °C [5,6]. Principally, ozone dissolved in water cannot be applied when temperatures are above 40 °C, because at this temperature the half-life of ozone is very short.
Table 1: half-life of ozone in gas and water at different temperatures
Temp (°C)
Half live
3 months
18 days
8 days
3 days
1,5 hours
1,5 seconds
Dissolved in water (pH 7)
Temp (°C)
30 min
20 min
15 min
12 min
8 min
2. pH

As mentioned above, ozone decomposes partly in OH-radicals. When the pH value increases, the formation of OH-radicals increases. In a solution with a high pH value, there are more hydroxide ions present, see formulas below. These hydroxide ions act as an initiator for the decay of ozone:
1 O3 + OH-→ HO2- + O2
2 O3 + HO2- → OH + O2•- + O2
The radicals that are produced during reaction 2 can introduce other reactions with ozone, causing more OH-radicals to be formed.

In addition the pH influences acid/base equilibriums of some compounds and also the reaction speed of ozone. This applies also to the reaction with scavenger CO32-, which is also pH dependant (Pka HCO32-/CO32- = 10,3).

Figure 1 shows that the decay of ozone in a basic environment is much faster than in an acid environment.
Figure 1: effect of the pH on the decay of ozone (T = 15 °C)
3. Dissolved solids concentration

Dissolved ozone can react with a variety of matter, such as organic compounds, viruses, bacteria, etc. As a result, ozone decomposes to other matter; see figure 2. This figure illustrates that the half-life of ozone in distilled water is much shorter, compared to tap-water.
Figure 2: Ozone decomposition in different types of water at 20 °C. 1 = double-distilled water; 2 = distilled water; 3 = tap water; 4 = groundwater of low hardness; 5 = filtered water from Lake Zurich (Switzerland); 6 = filtered water from the Bodensee (Switzerland)
Ozone decomposes in water in OH-radicals. Dependent on the nature of the dissolved matter, these can accelerate (chain-reaction) or slow down the decay of ozone. Substances that accelerate this reaction are called promoters. Inhibitors are substances that slow down the reaction.

When water is ozonized, one often uses the term 'scavenging capacity'. Scavengers are entities that react with OH-radicals and slow down the chain-reaction. The scavenging capacity can be defined as follows [16]:

kOH-DOC[DOC] + kOH-HCO3-[HCO3-] + kOH-CO32-[CO32-]

4. Carbonate and bicarbonate

Scavengers slow down the chain-reaction. This is because after the reaction of scavengers with OH-radicals, the reaction products do not react with ozone any further. Carbonate is a scavenger with a strong effect. The addition of carbonate (CO32-) can increase the half-life of ozone [5,6]. The effect on the reaction speed is highest at low concentrations. Above 2 mmol-1 for ozonisation and 3 mmol l-1 for advanced oxidation process (AOP), the decrease in the reaction speed is negligible [6].

When a solution mainly undergoes indirect reactions (with OH-radicals), for instance in a solution with a high pH value or an AOP-process, the presence of scavengers is undesired. The scavengers react very fast with OH-radicals and lower the oxidation capacity. For this kind of processes a low scavenging capacity is required.

Carbonate (CO32-) ions are a much stronger scavengers than bicarbonate (HCO32-) ions (reaction speed CO32-: k = 4,2 * 108 M-1s-1 and reaction speed HCO3-: k = 1.5 * 107 M-1s-1). That is why in an ozone process under drinking water conditions, the bicarbonate concentration is less important [6]. Figure 3 illustrates the relation of the carbonate ratio, bicarbonate ratio and pH.
Figure 3: equilibrium carbonate, bicarbonate and carbon dioxide
5. Natural Organic Material

Natural organic material (NOM) exists in every kind of natural water and is often measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). NOM reduces the quality of the water with regard to color and odor. Ozone can be used in water treatment, for the reduction of the concentration of NOM. The concentration of NOM in natural waters can vary from 0,2 – 10 mg l-1 [6]. The influence of NOM on ozone is twofold. Dependent on the type of NOM, it can be oxidized directly by NOM. This is the case for compounds which easily react with ozone, such as double bonds, activated aromatic compounds, deprotonated amines and sulphide [15]. On the other hand, OH-radicals can react with NOM (indirect reaction) and act as a promoter or as a scavenger.
In natural waters, it is difficult to determine the stability of ozone as a result of the indefinite effect of NOM. That means it is not possible to estimate the fraction that accelerates or slows down the reaction [15].

Nowadays, desalination* has become a very affordable solution to cope with fresh water shortage typically in tropical as well as of off-shore areas.


Nowadays, desalination* has become a very affordable solution to cope with fresh water shortage typically in tropical as well as of off-shore areas.

The desalination core process is based on Reverse Osmosis Membrane technology, but stand alone, it doesn't provide safe drinking water, nor does it guarantee an efficient plant.
The pretreatment includes all the necessary treatment step ahead of the reverse osmosis plant. It is determining for plant life time and to minimise chemical cleaning and membrane replacement. It has a direct impact on the plant performance.
There are as many membrane types as applications. They range from "high rejection" to "ultra low energy" or " high boron rejection".
The reverse osmosis process can also be built with one or two passes, depending on the product water requirements and the seawater salinity and temperature. In most cases, 1 pass is sufficient to reach the EU drinking water standards, specially regarding the boron content (1 mg/L). To reach WHO boron guideline (0.5mg/L), a second pass might be necessary (Boron removal process)
The energy recovery device is the key factor that determines the plant electrical costs. It must be chosen carefully based on the local energy costs and environment policies.
Post-treatment and/or polishing steps are required to condition the water after the reverse osmosis membrane process to make it suitable to your application.
Brine disposal can be an environmental and economical issue in some areas where the fauna and flora are sensitive to local seawater salinity increase. Brine disposal should be studied and engineered case by case.
The art of desalination is to determine and combine available technologies to optimize water production costs and quality.
To adapt our Desalination Plants to your local needs, we offer containerized mobile units from Intake to Distribution up to a production capacity of 200 m3/h of desalinated water.

All type of water can be produced from a desalination plant:

- WHO or EU drinking water
- Irrigation water
- Process water : boiler feed water, cooling water
- Demi or Ultrapure water

All type of natural seawater source can be treated

- Shallow Surface seawater
- Deep seawater
- Brackish river water
- Beach well seawater

All essential process steps in desalination plants

30 Days to Alkalinity!

30 Days to Alkalinity!

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It's simple! The scientific literature is chock full of evidence showing that sickness and disease thrive in an acidic environment. Becoming more alkaline by adding plant based "Green" foods into your diet leads to a healthier body and mind. The problem is that if it were easy, everyone would do it! The truth is that most of us don't have the time and money to shop, prepare and eat all of the greens we really need in order to optimize our health. This is why we created SevenPoint2 and our "simple & easy" line of products.

Simple Steps To

Becoming Alkaline
30 days to alkalinity30 days to alkalinity

Before and After

Acid to Alkaline

Water quality method: the pH


pH and alkalinity

Water quality method: the pH

Water quality and pH are often mentioned in the same sentence. The pH is a very important factor, because certain chemical processes can only take place when water has a certain pH. For instance, chlorine reactions only take place when the pH has a value of between 6,5 and 8.

The pH is an indication for the acidity of a substance. It is determined by the number of free hydrogen ions (H+) in a substance.
Acidity is one of the most important properties of water. Water is a solvent for nearly all ions. The pH serves as an indicator that compares some of the most water-soluble ions.
The outcome of a pH-measurement is determined by a consideration between the number of H+ ions and the number of hydroxide (OH-) ions. When the number of H+ ions equals the number of OH- ions, the water is neutral. It will than have a pH of about 7.
The pH of water can vary between 0 and 14. When the pH of a substance is above 7, it is a basic substance. When the pH of a substance is below 7, it is an acid substance. The further the pH lies above or below 7, the more basic or acid a solution is.
The pH is a logarithmic factor; when a solution becomes ten times more acidic, the pH will fall by one unit. When a solution becomes a hundred times more acidic the pH will fall by two units.
The common term for pH is alkalinity.
The word pH is short for "pondus Hydrogenium". This literally means the weight of hydrogen. De pH is an indication for the number of hydrogen ions. It consisted when we discovered that water consists of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).
The pH does not have a unit; it is merely expressed as a number. When a solution is neutral, the number of hydrogen ions equals the number of hydroxide ions. When the number of hydroxide ions is higher, the solution is basic. When the number of hydrogen ions is higher, the solution is acid.
Did you know that the pH of Coca-Cola is about 2? And did you know that it is useless to measure the pH of RO-water or demiwater? Both demiwater and RO-water do not contain any buffer ions. This means that the pH can be as low as four, but it can also be as high as 12. Both kinds of water are not readily usable in their natural form. They are always mixed before application!

Methods to determine the pH

There are several different methods to measure the pH. One of these is using a peace of pH indicator paper. When the paper is pushed into a solution it will change colour. Each different colour indicates a different pH-value. This method is not very accurate and it is not suitable to determine more exact pH values. That is why there are now test-strings available, which are able to determine smaller pH-values, such as 3.5 or 8.5.
The most accurate method to determine the pH is measuring a colour change in a chemical lab experiment. With this method one can determine pH values, such as 5.07 and 2.03.
All of these methods are not suitable to determine a pH development in time.

The pH-electrode

A pH electrode is a tube that is small enough to put it in sample jars. It is tied to a pH-meter by means of a cable. A special type of fluid is located within the electrode; this is usually "3M Kalium Chlorine". Some electrodes contain a gel that has the same properties as the 3M-fluid. In the fluid there are silver and platinum wires. The system is quite fragile, because it contains a small membrane. The H+ and OH- ions will enter the electrode through this membrane. The ions will create a slightly positive charge and a slightly negative charge in each end of the electrode. The potential of the charges determines the number of H+ and OH- ions and when this is determined the pH will appear digitally on the pH-meter. The potential is co-dependent on the temperature of the solution. That is why the temperature is also presented on the pH-meter.

Acids and bases

When acids enter the water, the ions will separate. For instance, hydrogen chloride will separate into hydrogen and chlorine ions (HCL à H+ + CL-).
Bases also undergo separation of their ions when enter the water. When sodium hydroxide enters the water it will separate into sodium and hydroxide ions (NaOH à Na+ + OH-).

When an acid substance ends up in water, it will give up a hydrogen ion to the water. The water will than become acid. The number of hydrogen ions that the water will receive determines the pH. When a basic substance enters the water it will take up hydrogen ions. This will lower the pH of the water.
When a substance is strongly acidic it will give up more H+ ions to the water. Strong bases will give up more OH-.

Here we have summed up a list of products and their pH:
14sodium hydroxide
8.3backing powder
7.4human blood
7.0pure water
2.0lemon juice
0hydrochloric acid

Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/ph-and-alkalinity.htm#ixzz2SZnQk31V

Article 0


Frequently used definitions in freshwater pollution theories

Abiotic: nonliving. Compare biotic.Acid deposition: the falling of acids and acid-forming compounds from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. Acid deposition is commonly known as acid rain, a term that refers only to wet deposition of droplets of acids and acid-forming compounds.

Acid solution: any water solution that has more hydrogen ions (H+) than hydroxide ions (OH-); any water solution with a pH less than 7.

Acute toxicity: the short-term toxicity of a product in a single dose. Can be divided into oral, cutaneous, and respiratory toxicities.

Adsorption: adsorption is a surface phenomenon that some products exhibit, whereby they form a physicochemical bond with substances. Not to be confused with absorption.

Aerobic respiration: complex process that occurs in the cells of most living organisms, in which nutrient organic molecules such as glucose (C6H12O6) combine with oxygen (O2) and produce carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and energy. Compare photosynthesis.

Alkaline: sometimes water or soils contain an amount of alkali (strongly basic) substances sufficient to raise the pH value above 7.0 and be harmful to the growth of crops.

Ammonia: a pungent colorless gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen that is very soluble in water and can easily be condensed into a liquid by cold and pressure. Ammonia reacts with NOx to form ammonium nitrate.

Anion: atom that bear a net negative charge, because it contains more electrons than protons; a negatively charged ion.

Artificial eutrophication: (see cultural eutrophication)

Benthic: located on the bottom of a water body or in the bottom sediments, or pertaining to bottom-dwelling organisms

Bioaccumulation: an increase of a chemical in specific organs or tissues at a higher level than would normally be expected. Compare with biomagnification.

Bioconcentration: the increase in concentration of a chemical in an organism resulting from tissue absorption levels exceeding the rate of metabolism and excretion.

Bioconcentration Factor (BCF):
the ratio of chemical concentration in the organism to that in surrounding water. Used to describe the accumulation of chemicals in organisms, primarily aquatic, that live in contaminated environments.

the susceptibility of a substance to be decomposed by microorganisms; specifically, the rate at which bacteria and/or natural environmental factors may chemically break down compounds.

Biodegradable: a product in wastewater is biodegradble if it can easily be broken down or digested by, for example, sewage treatment.

Biodiversity: the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecosystems in which they occur. Biodiversity includes the number of different items and their relative frequencies; these items are organized at many levels, ranging from complete ecosystems to the biochemical structures that are the molecular basis of heredity. Thus, biodiversity encompasses expressions of the relative abundances of different ecosystems, species, and genes.

Biocide: an additive that destroys biological contaminants.

Biomagnification: increase of concentration of DDT, PCB’s, and other slowly degradable, fat-soluble chemicals in organisms at successively higher trophic levels of a food chain or web. Compare with bioaccumulation.

Biomarker: any parameter that can be used to measure an interaction between a biological system and an environment agent, which may be chemical, physical or biological (WHO 1993).

Biomonitoring: the use of living organisms to test the suitability of an effluent to be discharged into receiving waters and to test the quality of such waters downstream from a discharge.
Biotic: living organisms make up the biotic parts of ecosystems. Compare abiotic.

BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms.

Buffer: a solution that minimizes changes in hydrogen ion concentration that would otherwise occur as a result of a chemical reaction.

Buffering agent: drives an acidic or alkaline solution to neutral.
Chemosynthesis: process in which certain organisms (mostly specialized bacteria) extract inorganic compounds from their environment and convert them into organic nutrient compounds without the presence of sunlight. Compare photosynthesis.

Chronic toxicity: the long-term toxicity of a product in small, repeated doses. Chronic toxicity can often take many years to determine.

COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand, a test that measures the potential capacity for a microorganism to react with oxygen.

Compound: combination of atoms, or oppositely charged ions, of two or more different elements held together by attractive forces called chemical bonds.

Cultural (or artificial) eutrophication: eutrophication of lakes caused by humans.

Degradable: that which can be reduced, broken down or chemically separated.

Desalinization: the removal of salts from saline water to produce freshwater. This method is becoming a popular way of providing freshwater to populations.

Discharge: the volume of water that passes a given location within a given period of time. Usually expressed in cubic feet per second.

Dissolved oxygen (DO): the oxygen dissolved in sewage, water, or other liquid, usually expressed in milligrams per liter or percent of saturation. It is the test used in BOD determination.

Dissolved solids: the total amount of dissolved material, organic and inorganic, contained in water or wastewater. Excessive dissolved solids make water unpalatable for drinking and unsuitable for industrial use. Measurements are expressed as ppm or mg/L.

Domestic water use: water used for household purposes, such as drinking, food preparation, bathing, washing clothes, dishes, and dogs, flushing toilets, and watering lawns and gardens. About 85% of domestic water is delivered to homes by a public-supply facility, such as a country water department. About 15% of the Nation's population supply their own water, mainly from wells.

Ecological niche: total way of life or role of a species in an ecosystem. It includes all physical, chemical, and biological conditions a species needs to live and reproduce in an ecosystem. See fundamental niche, realized niche.

Ecosystem: a self-contained interacting community of organisms, considered together with the environment in which these organisms live and react.

Effluent: a liquid that has passed through a processing operation.

Endocrine disruptors: substances that stop the production or block the transmission of hormones in the body.

Epilimnion: an upper layer of warm water with high levels of dissolved oxygen.

Eutrophication: the enrichment of waters by inorganic plant nutrients. These nutrients are especially nitrogen and phosphorus and are a result of an increase in nutrients due to human activities.

Freshwater: water that contains less than 1,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of dissolved solids; generally, more than 500 mg/L of dissolved solids is undesirable for drinking and many industrial uses.

Fundamental niche: the full potential range of the physical, chemical, and the biological factors a species can use if there is no competition from other species. See ecological niche. Compare with realized niche.

Fungicide: chemical that kills fungi.

Habitat: place or type where an organism or the organisms of a population lives. Compare with ecological niche.

Heavy metals: a general term given to the ions of metallic elements such as copper, zinc, chromium, and aluminum. They are removed from wastewater by forming an insoluble precipitate (usually a metallic hydroxide).

Herbicide: chemical that kills a plant or inhibits its growth.

Influent: sewage, water or other liquid, either raw or partly treated, flowing into a reservoir basin, or treatment plant or any part thereof.

Inland wetlands: lands covered with water all or part of the time (excluding lakes, reservoirs and streams) and located away from coastal areas.

Insecticide: chemical that kills insects.

Intercropping: growing two or more different crops at the same time at a plot. For example, a carbohydrate-rich grain that deplets soil nitrogen and a protein-rich legume that adds nitrogen to the soil may be intercropped. Compare with monoculture, polyculture, polyvarietal cultivation.

LC50: the concentration of a material in air that will kill 50 per cent of a group of test animals with a single exposure (usually 1 to 4 hours). The LC50 is expressed as parts of material per million parts of air, by volume (ppm) for gases and vapors, or as micrograms of material per liter of air (g/l) or miligrams of material per cubic meter of air (mg/m3) for dusts and mists, as well as for gases and vapors.

LD50: a single dose of a material expected to kill 50 per cent of a group of test animals. The LD50 dose is usually expressed as miligrams or grams of material per kilogram of animal body weight (mg/kg or g/kg). The material may be administered by the mouth or applied to the skin.

Lentic: pertaining to standing (not flowing) waters such as lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and swamps.

Lotic: flowing waters, including creeks, streams, and rivers.

Mesotrophic: lake that falls between the two extremes of nutrient enrichment level (oligotrophic and eutrophic). Also described as lakes with intermediate characteristics.

Metal: an element which has a characteristic lustrous appearance, is a good conductor of electricity and generally enters chemical reactions as a positive ion or cation. (E.g. nickel, copper, cobalt, zinc, cadmium, lead, mercury)

Monoculture: cultivation of a single crop, usually on a large area of land. Compare with polyculture, polyvarietal cultivation.

Natural eutrophication: results from an increase caused by a nonhuman

Nonpoint source: large or dispersed land areas such as cropfields, streets, and lawns that discharge pollutants into the environment over a large area. Compare with point source.

Nutrients: materials that are considered essential to the support of biological life.

Oligotrophic: lentic water body with a small supply of plant nutrients and having a large amount of dissolved oxygen throughout.

Ore: part of a metal-yielding material that can be economically and legally extracted at a given time. An ore typically contains two parts: the ore mineral, which contains the desired metal, and waste mineral material (gangue).

Oxyradical: a unstable form of oxygen containing an unpaired electron.

Pathogen: organism that produces disease.

Pest: unwanted organism that directly or indirectly interferes with human activities.

Pesticide: any chemical designed to kill or inhibit the growth of an organism that people consider to be undesirable. See fungicide, herbicide, and insecticide.

pH: positive Hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale is used to express the concentration of hydrogen ions in a liquid. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acid, and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are alkaline. Thus, the lower the pH, the greater the acidity of the solution. Each whole number change on the pH scale represents a tenfold change in the concentration hydrogen ions in a water solution.
Photosynthesis: complex process that takes place in cells of green plants. Radiant energy from the sun is used to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) to produce oxygen (O2) and carbohydrates (such as glucose, C6H12C6) and other nutrient molecules. Compare aerobic respiration, chemosynthesis.

Point source: single identifiable source that discharges pollutants into the environment. Examples are the smokestack of a power plant or an industrial, drainpipe of a meatpacking plant, chimney of a house, or exhaust pipe of an automobile. Compare with nonpoint source.

Pollution: the introduction by man into the environment of substances or energy liable to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and ecological systems, damage to structure or amenity, or interference with legitimate uses of the environment.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s): group of 209 different toxic, oily, synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds that can be biologically amplified in food chains and webs.

Polyculture: complex form of intercropping in which a large number of different plants maturing at different times are planted together. See also intercropping. Compare monoculture, polyvarietal cultivation.

Polyvarietal cultivation: planting a plot of land with several varities of the same crop. Compare intercropping, monoculture, polyculture.

Realized niche: parts of the fundamental niche of a species that are actually used by that species. See ecological niche, fundamental niche.

Sewage: the total of organic waste and wastewater generated by residential and commercial establishments.

Speciation: the creation of a species through the splitting of one species into two or more, through descent.

Surfactant: a surface-active substance, such as a detergent or soap, that lowers the surface tension of a solvent (usually water).

Thermal pollution: harm to lakes and rivers resulting from the release of excessive waste heat into them.

Thermocline: zone of gradual temperature decrease between warm surface water and colder deep water in a lake, reservoir or ocean.

Toxic substances/material: chemical compounds that are poisonous, carcinogenic, or otherwise directly harmful to plants and animals.

Water pollution: any physical or chemical change in surface water or groundwater that can harm living organisms or make water unfit for certain uses.

Tulsi --"The Incomparable One", "The Mother Medicine of Nature", and "The Queen of Herbs".


 Tulsi has been revered in India for over five thousand years, as a healing balm for body, mind and spirit, and is known to bestow an amazing number of health benefits

Holy Basil

In India, the herb Tulsi also called holy basil (sometimes spelled "Tulasi") has been widely known for its health promoting and medicinal value for thousands of years. Commonly called sacred or holy basil, it is a principal herb of Ayurveda, the ancient traditional holistic health system of India. holy basil is known as "The Incomparable One", "The Mother Medicine of Nature", and "The Queen of Herbs".
Ayurveda, in Sanskrit , means "knowledge of life". Herbs lie at the very heart of Ayurvedic practice. Ayurvedic knowledge was born from the wisdom of the ancient rishis (sages and healers) and yogis (ascetics practicing yoga) of India, and was first passed on from healer to healer as an oral tradition for untold generations before the earliest known texts were written around 5000 BC. The Rigveda is the first documented scientific record of Ayurveda (Griffith, 1963). Rig means "in verses" and veda means "book of infinite knowledge". The Rigveda emphasizes the great importance of herbs for optimal health and well-being. The main verse ( sloka ) of this book states:
"The sun should be a giver of happiness, the sky should be a giver of happiness, all trees and plants should be givers of happiness. All these should give us peace of mind ( shanti ) and even the peace should give us peace".
The Ayurvedic approach is highly respectful towards all creation and sees the whole universe as one divine unity. Hinduism is generally viewed in the West as the main religion of India. However, it is not a religion in the ordinary sense; it is rather known as dharma , which in Sanskrit means "way of life". Hinduism is a way of being which respects the delicate balance between all forces of nature, especially the coexistence of humans and nature, and Ayurveda is the practical expression of this dharma. Ayurveda has evolved since its early beginnings into one of the most comprehensive and respected holistic approaches to health and well-being.
The knowledge of Ayurveda, first written down in the ancient Vedas, was further described 2000 years later (2700 to 600 BC ) in the Ayurvedic samhitas (textbooks). Especially important are those by Carak ( Carak Samhita , 1949) and Susrut ( Susrut Samhita , 1938) who documented the medical knowledge of their time with the help of their disciples.The Carak Samhita is primarily a book on medical therapeutics, describing herbal health tonics and rejuvenators for longevity and prevention of disease, as well as daily regimens for better living, including diet which varies for different body types and different diseases. The text integrates the art and science of living. It is impressive to see how much knowledge currently taught in modern sciences, such as botany, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology (including the circulation of blood and lymph), is described in detail in the Carak Samhita .
In reading these ancient scriptures, we become aware of the utmost importance of herbal medicine for maintaining well-being, preventing disease, restoring health and prolonging life. In such scriptures as
Vagbhata (Godbole et al., 1966), Nighantu Adarsha ( Vaidya, 1985), Agnipurana (Vedavyasa, 1966), Vishnupurana (Garg, 1982), Padmapurana ( Vedvyasa, 1960), Garudapurana (Vedavyasa, 1964; Shastri, 1968) and Tulsi Kavacham (Dymock et al ., 1893), written between 500 BC and 1200 AD, the plant Tulsi is continuously mentioned as one of the main pillars of herbal medicine. Early references describing Ayurvedic, Unani and folklore uses of Tulsi are noted by Dymock et al., (1893); Nadkarni, (1908-revised, 1982); Kirtikar and Basu, (1935); Varier, (1996); Sharma, (1999) and Chopra et al., (1996).

Tulsi use in daily life and worship

In the ancient scriptures, Tulsi holds the supreme place among the various medicinal herbs. The Padma purana and the Tulsi Kavacham describe Tulsi as a protector of life, accompanying the human being from birth up till death (Dymock et al , 1893). The Pauranic mythology calls Tulsi Vishnu Priya , "Beloved of Lord Vishnu" . In the Bhagavata and Mahabharata (ancient holy epics and scriptures), it is described how Tulsi, a goddess and devotee of Lord Vishnu, was ultimately re-incarnated as the plant Tulsi. It is said that in order to express her devotion to her beloved Lord, she took this form as a herb which would be offered in worship and service to Him (Garg, 1982).
The ancient rishis insured the integration of Tulsi into daily life by incorporating it in religious rituals. Hindus perform pujas (religious rituals) several times a month on auspicious occasions. The rishis included leaves of the primary three varieties of Tulsi (Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi) in the Charanamrita of the puja . In this way people at all levels of society routinely consumed Tulsi to their health benefit during worship in their temples and households. As a sacred plant and goddess, Tulsi is worshipped and venerated daily by traditional Hindus, and is part of all such households today. It is typically grown in an earthen pot in the family home or garden.

A mythological example from the scriptures

Various passages of the Padmapurana reveal the importance of Tulsi in Indian mythology. Lord Shiva described the power of Tulsi to the rishi Narada (the omnipresent and eternal rishi and devotee of Lord Vishnu) , saying:
" Oh, Narada! Every house, every village, every forest, wherever the plant of Tulsi is grown, there misery, fear, disease and poverty do not exist. Tulsi in all aspects and places is holier than holy. Where the breeze blows through Tulsi plants, it spreads Tulsi's fragrance making the surrounding area pious and pure. Lord Vishnu and other gods shower their blessings on the people who worship and grow Tulsi. Through the worship of Tulsi, the souls of all our ancestors are pleased and our path to the heavens is opened. Oh Narada! The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra reside in the roots, middle parts of the plant and in the flowering tops respectively. This is why the plant of Tulsi is the most holy plant of the earth. Those who plant and nurture Tulsi in the Shiva temple or in any other place of worship, such as Naimisharayana and Prayag, are twice blessed by the gods. The offering of Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu/ Krishna should be considered the best way of worshipping Him. "

Introducing Tulsi

After this, rishi Narada requested Lord Shiva to tell him about the Triratri Vrata (three nights fast) Tulsi Vrata ( Tulsi fast). Lord Shiva described then the details of this vrata to rishi Narada in several holy mantras. He said:
" Oh, Narada! You have to keep awake for three nights, worshipping Vishnu and Laxmi with flowers, fruits, Ganga water and Tulsi leaves. This vrata helps one to learn the art and science of music and dance if those are practiced during this period of fast. "
The Padmapurana states:
Leaves, flowers, fruits, root, branches and the main stem and everything about Tulsi is sacred; even the soil under the Tulsi plant is holy. ( Padmapurana 24/2)
Even one plant of Tulsi put into the fire of the funeral pyre is capable of providing salvation ( moksha) to an individual. ( Padmapurana 24/2)
In Sanskrit Tulsi is known by many names, including Surasah, Ajaka, Parnasa, Manjari, Haripriya (the beloved of Lord Vishnu) and Bhutagni (the dstroyer of demon). Hindu denominations defer in how they regard the Tulsi plants as the Goddess. Generally worshipers of Lord Vishnu revere Tulsi as Lakshmi or Vrinda, devotees of Lord Rama honor Tulsi as Sita , while followers of Lord Krishna vernerate Tulsi as Vrinda, Radha and Rukmani . There are many other different names of Tulsi in the various languages and dialect of India.
Sanskrit is considered the oldest recorded language.
The Vedas are the most ancient scriptures of the Hindus.
Vishnu is one of the three supreme gods of Hindus. Brahma represents the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer.  
Literally, "Nectar from the feet of God". When the devotee forgets his ego and touches the feet of God, he receives the blessings in the form of the Charanamrita . It traditionally consists of cow's milk, yogurt, honey, Ganga water and Tulsi leaves, and is offered by the worshipper to the deity, blessed during the ritual and, returned afterwards by the Hindu priest. This prasad (offering) is later consumed by the devotee.
Rudra is the destructive aspect of Lord Shiva.
Naimisharayana is a holy place near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, where many revered rishis resided, such as Vedavyash, the writer of the Mahabharata , which contains the Bhagvad Geeta .
Prayag is the confluence of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati.
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