Channel: EHSQL Greenko -AMGreen Group (Env-Energy ,Health,Safety, Security , Social Ac. Quality-Lab) Tec.Ser.
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1. What would you do before working on a pipeline?
(Isolate it. Drain and burgee it of fume or liquid)

2. If a person is heavily splashed with corrosive liquid .What will you do?
(Get him quickly under running water and remove clothing)

3. How will you neutralize split acid?
(Use an alkali or plenty of water)

4. What must be provided where corrosive fluids are being used?
(Means of drenching persons with cold water. Eye wash bottles)

5. What are best and safe method of decanting acid from a carboy?
(The siphon type of pumping is the best method)

6. What type of construction is required for laboratory?
(Fire resistant on non-combustible construction)

7. What are the basic requirement to prevent build-up of highly flammable or toxic gases?
(Adequate ventilation)

8. How do you cut large size tubing’s?
(By means of a nichrome wire looped around the piece at the point of severance)

9. How do you identify samples in the bottles?
(By means of labeling clearly)

10. What type if tools should be used on drums containing flammable liquids?
(Non-sparking tools)

11. What are the hazard resulting from lighting Bunsen burner?
(Burn injury)

12. What is meant by flash point of a liquid?
(Flash point of a liquid is the temperature at which it gives off vapor sufficient to form an ignisible mixture with the air near the surface of the liquid or with in the vessel used)

13. What do you mean by the term explosive range?
(The range between lower and higher explosive limits expressed in terms of percentage of vapor or gas in air by volume is called explosive range)

14. What are the different hazards in the Chemical Laboratory?
(a. Fire b. Health c .Handling hazards(handling storage)

15 What is MAC?
(Maximum allowable concentration)

16. What is acute toxicity?
(Acute toxicity is defined as that which is manifest on short exposure)

17. What is chronic toxicity?
(Chronic toxicity is defined as that which is manifest over a long period of time)

18. What are the sensory effects that warn of the exposure to many toxicants?
(Small and pain)

19. What is TLV?
(Threshold Limit Value)

20. Give four precautions when storing flammable liquids?
a. Fire proof building
b. Fire proof electrical fitting
c. Means of escape
d. Fire appliances
e. Warning notice.

21. When handling flammable solvents give four points to observe
a. No smoking or naked light
b. Wear protective clothing.
c. No spillage.
d. Use of proper safety appliances and carriers.

22. Why earth metal equipment when dealing with flammable liquids?
(To reduce the risk of build-up of static electricity which might cause a spark)

23. How would you dispose of flammable waste?
(Put in a metal bin with a lid and empty bin regularly)

24. Your overalls have become soaked with flammable solvents what action do you take
(Remove them at once)

25. When the quantity of flammable liquid does not exceed 50 Ltrs. where may it be kept?
(In a closed vessel or a fire-resisting cup board or bin)

26. How many persons may be employed in a room with two exits, only one of which open out wards?
(Nine or less)

27. Describe a form of eye - wash bottle?
(Glass bottle with gravity feed. Squizable plastic bottle)

28. If the skin comes in contact with corrosive liquids, What should you do/
(Flush with large amount of water)

29. How should adequate ventilation be provided?
(By circulation of fresh air)

30. Where there is dust or fumes given off, where should the exhaust hood be placed?
(Where the dust or fume originate)

31. If the fume is flammable, what precautions are necessary concerning the fan motors?
(They should be of flameproof type or not be in the exhaust stream)

32. Why we use barrier cream?
(To prevent direct contact of chemicals with skin)

33. What are the four chemical criminals?
a. Hydrogen sulfide
b. Nitrogen oxide
c. Benzol
d. Carbon tetra chloride

34. What is the well known property of Hydrogen Sulphide?
(Odor of rotten egg)

35. What is the name of the gas emanated from sewage pipelines?
(Hydrogen Sulphide)

36. What is the name of the gas emanates from Carbon tetra chloride getting contact with Oxygen?

37. What is the best antidote for a majority of industrial chemical injuries?

38. What is an explosion?
(Explosion is a sudden release of pressure regardless of the source)

39. What is an asphyxiant?
(asphyxiant is the substance which deprives the body tissues of oxygen causing oxygen) starvation)

40. What is the most frequent form of industrial injury due to chemicals?

41. How can we remove a hazard caused by absorption of chemicals through the skin?
(Frequent washing of the hands with soap and plenty of water)

42. What are the common materials cause serious poisonings to children?
(Kerosene and Aspirin)

43. What is an explosive?
(An explosive is a substance that can produce in thousands or millionths of a second; high pressure gas capable of destroying the surroundings)

44. What is an autogenous ignition temprature?
(The autogenous ignition temperature is the temperature at which a small amount of a substance will spontaneously ignite in a given atmosphere and burn without further heat input)

45. Give an example for most common source of ignition.
(Acetylene welding)

46. What are aerosols?
(Aerosols are substances present in the as minute particles (dusts) as fumes (metal fumes) or as mists (chromic acid mists))

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