- Soils in cotton growing areas have a low organic matter i.e., 0.5 to 1.25%, albeit cotton shed residues like burs, leaves, flowers etc., It responses to organic matter addition. In tropics and sub-tropics addition of 10-12 tones of farm yard manure annually is preferred. Application on seed lines is advantageous.
- The mineral nutrition of cotton depends on both the cotton roots ability to explore the soil and on the soils ability to supply N,P & K nutrients. The physico - chemical and biological conditions around the roots and their close interaction with organic matter in the soil & also play an important role in mineral nutrient uptake by plants. Nutrients play a role in the two major yield elaboration's process i.e., Growth, which involves quantitative modifications. With an increase in size and development or differentiate which involves quantitative modifications resulting in the acquisition of new morphological or functional properties. These processes are governed by various substances whose synthesis is indirectly linked to the supply of N, P & K to the plant. In tropical India, cultivar MCU-5 yielding 3.2 t/ha seed cotton removed 190 Kg N, 61 Kg P2O5 and 195 Kg K2O. The role of major, MicroNutrients and Nutrient deficiency as well excesses symptoms are as follows: