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Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada Dated :Jun 30, 2017


Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada    Dated :Jun 30, 2017
Past 24 Hours Weather Data
Maximum Temp(oC) (Recorded. on 30/06/17)29.0
Departure from Normal(oC)-5
Minimum Temp (oC) (Recorded. on 30/06/17)25.6
Departure from Normal(oC)-1
24 Hours Rainfall (mm) (Recorded from 0830 hrs IST
of yesterday to 0830 hrs IST of today)
Todays Sunset (IST)18:39
Tommorows Sunrise (IST)05:31
Moonset (IST)23:53
Moonrise (IST)11:27
7 Day's Forecast
DateMin TempMax TempWeather
30-Jun26.030.0Generally cloudy sky with one or two spells of rain or thundershowers
01-Jul26.031.0Generally cloudy sky with one or two spells of rain or thundershowers
02-Jul26.031.0Generally cloudy sky with one or two spells of rain or thundershowers
03-Jul26.031.0Generally cloudy sky with one or two spells of rain or thundershowers
04-Jul26.031.0Generally cloudy sky with one or two spells of rain or thundershowers
05-Jul25.031.0Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
06-Jul25.031.0Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm

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