$ 0 0 Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada Dated :May 22, 2017Past 24 Hours Weather DataMaximum Temp(oC) (Recorded on 21/05/17)38.1Departure from Normal(oC)-1Minimum Temp (oC) (Recorded. on 22/05/17)28.9Departure from Normal(oC)-124 Hours Rainfall (mm) (Recorded from 0830 hrs ISTof yesterday to 0830 hrs IST of today)NILTodays Sunset (IST)18:28Tommorows Sunrise (IST)05:28Moonset (IST)14:58Moonrise (IST)02:317 Day's ForecastDateMin TempMax TempWeather22-May29.039.0Rain or thundershowers would occur towards evening or night23-May29.038.0Rain or thundershowers would occur towards evening or night24-May29.038.0Rain or thundershowers would occur towards evening or night25-May28.037.0Rain or thundershowers would occur towards evening or night26-May29.037.0Rain or thundershowers would occur towards evening or night27-May29.037.0Rain or Thundershowers28-May28.037.0Rain or Thundershowers