21 Safety Engagement Tools & Techniques

Have you used any of these or are there others you could recommend – tell us your tips, successes and pitfalls.
21 Safety Engagement Tools & Techniques
- Acorn Test – a test to check on a safety mission statement to determine if it is well-defined
- Affinity Diagram – organises a large of hazards or near misses into their natural relationships
- Benefits and Barriers Exercise – helps individuals see benefits of a proposed change
- Round Robin Brainstorming – Use this when dominant members stifle other people’s ideas
- Double Reversal Brainstorming – Use this when people are running out of ideas
- Starbursting – Identifies issues that must be considered before implementing ideas
- Charettes – When a large group must develop ideas about various facets of a problem
- Brainwriting – A nonverbal form of brainstorming
- Hazard Concentration Diagram – Plots physical locations of hazards and links common traits
- Contingency Diagram – Uses brainstorming and fault finding to identify how incidents occur
- Continuum of Goals – Shows groups how to devise a general or specific mission statement
- Battelle Filtering – Prioritises a list of health and safety options
- Design for Safety – a method for carefully planning safety checks on a process
- Effective-Achievable Chart – a two dimensional chart for prioritising safety choices
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis – a step by step for identifying failures in a safety process
- 5W2H – a method for asking questions about a safety process or problem
- Safety Importance-Performance Analysis – studies people’s perceptions of safety goals
- Is-Is Not Matrix – guides the search for the causes to a safety problem
- PMI – structures a discussion to identify the pluses, minuses and interesting points on a idea
- Storyboard – a visual display of safety thoughts
- Why-Why Diagram – identifies the root causes of a problem