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Mock drill report AN EXAMPLE


Mock drill report

What is mock drill?

Mock drill is a rehearsal of the real emergency situation. The Mock drill is exercise to monitoring response of the peoples, behavior of people during emergency & evacuation practice for real emergency in organization

Why required Mock drill?


What is purpose of mock drill?

The following are reasons below for conduct mock drill:

  1. To test the company emergency management procedures, Policies and emergency management plan
  2. To Test of the effectiveness of response of people & groups with communications, reporting & improvements.
  3. To calculate response times of the peoples within company premises, response time of rescue team to control on situation.
  4. Identify weak portions, gaps & resources requirements during emergency situation.
  5. Satisfaction of present emergency management plan to concern regulatory requirements of government bodies.
  6. identify further requirements of training to groups, individuals, rescue teams
  7. Rehearsal of trained personnel & elucidate roles & responsibilities to trained peoples & rescue team.

How to do mock drill report prepared?

As per standard procedures & company prepared emergency plans that on site emergency plan are conduct the mock drill in company, actually there is two parts reporting as below:

Part – I:


As you can see picture below:
Mock drill report part 1
1. Planning of Mock drill
  1. Decided to mock drill rehearsal on which locations
  2. which type of mock drill
  3. Date, Time, Location & Type of Drill is basic requirement
  4. Name of Participants for mock drill rehearsal
  5. Assign duties individually for mock drill rehearsal

2. Expecting Alarm for mock drill planned emergency situation in organization
3. Safety Equipment Planning
A. Planning of PPEs, Fire extinguishers, all safety equipment on its locations.
B. Plan distance of safety equipments to drill locations for possible reach on time frame.
4. Drill Scenario: information of the mock drill, planning situations, emergency planning.
5. Priority information provided for the arrangements of mock drill & grants the permission of mock drill on & at time, location.

Part – II



See Picture Below:

Mock drill report part 2
Mock drill report part II is prepared after the perform mock drill in company, this part is a data collection part which all the concern information are put down in the frame that you can see picture above, on base of the performance and inputs of observers, non observers are mentioned in this part of the mock drill report. The following information is collect and need to fill up in report are below:
  1. Drill observation time frame: During drill observation, response of the people, rescue team is very important that need to frame in the reports. For the each activities recording are considering in time frame like when the activity started & ended on time that total time was taken for the individual activities, for the same consider each activities with total time taken for response during the emergency situation.
  2. Observations by deployed observers: as per planning of mock drill & emergency plans, procedures, observers are note down on situation to present and deployed at places that deployed as part of planning. All the observer’s observations are collected data are filling up in the part of the mock drill, as same non observers are also gives the feedbacks and input for the improvement are also consider to improvements.
  3. Improvement points: on base of the seconds part of mock drill, all the weak points are take for the improvement as same on time frame that responses are achieved during mock drill. Improvements points can be mechanical changes, trainings that need to prepare action plan to improvement for next exercise.

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