Calibration system
The laboratory should implement and maintain a suitable calibration system. Procedures should be available for the calibration of test equipment and measurement standards, with appropriate analysis of the uncertainties introduced by the calibration procedures.
Calibration records
A separate record should be maintained for each in-house standard and item of test equipment. These records should be retained for the life of the equipment and should include the following information:
1. Description of equipment and unique identification.
2. Date received and placed in service.
3. Condition when received (new, used, reconditioned).
4. Current location, if appropriate.
5. Copy of the manufacturer's instructions, where available.
6. Dates on which the standards and calibration equipment were calibrated and, if in-house, the identity of personnel performing the calibration(s).
7. Calibration interval.
8. Calibration results and, for measurement standards, the data obtained.
9. Designated limits on the ranges or functions of the equipment.
10. Source of calibration.
11. The environmental conditions during the calibration.
12. A statement of the cumulative uncertainties in the data obtained in the calibration.
13. Details of any maintenance (servicing, adjustment, repairs) or modifications, malfunctions, or damage that could have affected the calibration status.
14. Any limitations in use.
15. Reference to calibration procedure(s) used, when done in-house.
This information will help us in future to monitor all type of equipment