Channel: EHSQL Greenko -AMGreen Group (Env-Energy ,Health,Safety, Security , Social Ac. Quality-Lab) Tec.Ser.
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1. Can we use Petroleum-based Cleaners to clean Helmet? If not, why?
(The Petroleum-based Cleaners can weaken the chemical composition of the helmet shell. So it is always safe and better to use the soap water solution for cleaning the helmet.)

2. Which is the safe way to carry a spare Helmet while you ride a motor cycle?
(If you are carrying a spare helmet, use the special helmet attaching points on the motor-cycle instead of hanging them down on the handle bar, where bumps can destroy the helmet’s padding and shock-absorbing value)

3. If a member of your family swallows caustic soda based cleaner, what is the best first-aid?
(We should not induce vomiting. Because this may further burn on the way out. Give the victim quantities of water or milk to dilute the chemical)

4. What is the best first-aid for dog bite?
(We should immediately wash the wound and the surrounding area with soap and water, making sure we wash all saliva. Then irrigate the wound by running very warm water on it)

5. What could be done to keep the children from splitting their foreheads by hitting against sharp corners of furniture- (table, etc.)
(With simple rubber device that fits on the table, Desk and corner tops, we can guard the corners)

6. Which is the safe way to open an aerated water bottle?
(It is better to put a towel over the top of the bottle and gently ease the cork into the towel. We should hold the bottle pointing away from anyone)

7. What is true of the right of way in every situation?
(It is always given, never taken)

8. When should one take a break from continuous driving?
(About every 2 hours or 100 miles which ever comes first)

9. Can we sling a long bag in the bicycle handle bar? Why and what is the best way?
(No. The bag may slip off from the shoulder and may entangle in the front wheel which may lead to fatal accident. The best way is to put the long bag across the chest)

10. Which one is safe foot wear high-heeled or medium-heeled?
(Low –healed, because the wearer can feel the ground very well through the heel. The changes and slip is reduced.)

11. Whether a hard or medium-soft foot sole – which one is the best?
( The hard bottom foot wear does not afford traction and it absorbs shocks generated while walking fast as a result of which your knee gets sore. So the medium of sole is the best one)

12. Is it good to buy and wear footwear with waxed, shiny and polished bottom?
( No. It makes them more slippery)

13. What are the minimum requirement for safe and comfortable shoes?
(Flexible, soft sole, a wide toe)

14. What should you do if your small child starts choking?
(If the child cannot breathe or is unable to speak or cough, the child should be held with the head down and should be given several sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of the hand)

15. Whether porcelain wares can be kept inside the Pressure cooker to hold things to be cooked, why?
( Earthen ware things may crack)

16. When you pour accidentally hot water on your hands, what should you do?
(Stick your hand in cold water immediately . Keep for 10 minutes. If it is small burn, apply burn ointment other wise, do not apply anything and go to the hospital)

17. What should one do to make a person vomit he had taken some poisonous things?
(Give him a glass of concentrated salt water)

18. Some one slipped off and bruised his / her leg / hands. The wound is bleeding, but not serious. What should you do?
( Wash the wound with soap and water. Then bandage it. Do not apply any medication)

19. What is to be done when nose bleeding?
(Sit on a chair, Head tilted forward and insert moistened cotton ball. If the bleeding continues, meet a doctor)

20. Mention 5 common causes of domestic accident death?
(Fall, fire, burn and death associated with fire, poisoning by liquid or solid, suffocation- ingested objects, due to electrical shock)

21. Canned food left in the same tin can spoil quickly. Is it true? Why?
(Actually, food left in an opened tin can is less likely to spoil than it is if you transfer it to clean the container. Because the tin can is sterile, the dish probably is not.)

22. While running or immediately after you have run a distance, you should not drink water, is it true ?Why ?
(Just the opposite – water loss by body through perspiration needs to be replaced)

23. Is watching TV bad for your eyes?
(No. that is a myth)

24. What is the minimum TV viewing distance?
(Five times the width of the screen should be the minimum viewing distance)

25. Is washing immediately a burned wound area with a soap is good? Why?
(Rubbing with soap could damage the burned skin. So, wash it carefully with soap water)

26. Which is the best way to induce vomiting?
(Give large quantity of salt- saturated water)

27. Is it good giving Ice-cubes to children to suck?
(No, Because, accidentally swallowed ice-cube may lodge in the throat may not melt soon enough to prevent suffocation)

28. Why potatoes are to be pricked before frying?
(Potatoes may burst and splash when it is backed or fried with out pricking the skin as a result of the moisture inside it expands and bursts. At times it also splashes the masala with the hot oil)

29. Can we open pressure cooker immediately after cooking?

30. What are the things that should not be cooked in pressure cooker? Why?
(Apple sauce, Rhubarb, Split peas, cranberries, Spaghetti and Cereal can foam and clog the steam vent)

31. Before opening aerated water bottle it must be shaken well. Is it correct? Why?
(Wrong, Because many if the bottles are used a number of times and they may give way when the bottles are shaken or roughly handled)

32. What is the maximum safe length of a ladder?
(Less than 8 meters)

33. There is a belief that it is inauspicious to walk under a ladder. Is it scientifically true?
(IT is indeed so, because it may slip off)

34. What is ignition distance if LPG?
(Ignition as far as 200 meters from the source of gas leaking is possible)

35. Which is the best first-aid for burns?
(The first and best first-aid to burn is water, colder the better as long as burning sensation persists)

36. What is the roll of Fluorine in our health?
(Fluorine promotes the formation of dental enamel and protects teeth against tartar. Excess Fluorine causes the destruction of enamel)

37. How long must the water be spoiled to make it safe for drinking?
(Ten minutes boiling destroys microbes)

38. Mention some methods used to sterilize drinking water?
(Addition of chlorine and its derivatives (Bleaching powder, Chlorineperoxide Addition of Ozone Application of ultra- violet rays Boiling Application of silver (Adding by electrolysis))

39. What are the common things that generate a domestic pollution?
(Home heating, Cooking, Pesticides, drainage’s and pets)

40. What are all the effects of air pollution?
(Air pollution corrodes metals, weaker fabric, soil clothing, cause building stone to crumble, paint to discolor, it destroy leather, cracks rubber, damages vegetation, kills human and livestock and reduces visibility)

41. Why air pollution should be controlled?
(Because it has been estimated that a man can live for 5 days without water, but for only 5 minutes without air. Air is essential to the sense of sight, smell and hearing)

42. What is an Asphyxiate?
(The material that takes away oxygen)

43. Why the glass door should have decoration?( especially plain, white/glass)
(To make then obvious, so somebody does not crash)

44. Is it safe to jumble all the sharp kitchen tools in a drawer with other things?
(No. It is not safe because you have a good chance of cutting yourself while reaching for something else)

45. It is always safe to change the container of disinfectant, cleaner and insecticide so that the wastage can be minimized. IS it correct? Why?
(Not correct. It is because identification becomes very risky and difficult)

46. Which is the best way to store matchbox?
(The matches must be stored in a tightly closed metal container)

47. It is always better to close the doors of garage tight while doing running test of car engine. Is it correct?
(It must be opened wide. Otherwise the exhaust smoke will engulf you and this may result In fatal accident)

48. What is the name of the condition developed In our body by our taking food and drink that contain excess fluorides?
(The excess fluoride intake gives raise to a condition known as Mottled Enamel, characterized by te3eth that appear to be stained brown)

49. The cause of the highest rate of death are ………
(Heart disease, Cancer, Accident)

50. Which creature on earth is the ultimate source of almost all infections?
(The ultimate infection-carrier is man himself, although animal may share a few of the Bacterial and fungal infection)

51. What is the best method to avoid spreading of infection while you cough in the middle of other person?
(Close your mouth with a small kerchief)

52. Which is the best way that will minimize the prepared food contamination?
(The food contamination hazard can be minimized by carefully protecting the prepared food by refrigerating them)

53. Which two common food items require special care? Why?
(Milk and meat deserve special attention, because they deteriorate very fast)

54. Is it always correct to make a poisoned person to vomit?
(It is not advisable always)

55. Can we use water-soaked cloth or aerosols for cleaning TV? Why?
(No, Because the moisture may leak in and cause short circuit. The best way to clean is use a dry cloth)

56. How does good House keeping help?
(By preventing accidents caused by tripping, slipping, falling or jumping)

57. Why domestic insects are considered as health hazard?
(Because some of these insects sting/ bite which may be poison or allergic and most of them carry and spread infection)

58. Maintain a few best ways to keep all insects away from your house.
(*Plug all holes, cracks and crevices
*Avoid spillage of food
* Every night, clean the kitchen and dining table, (especially the bottom of the sink)
*Keep clean the surrounding area of your kitchen garden
*Every night sprinkle some antiseptic solution in the kitchen)

59. Is it safe to put the bag dangling from the handle bar while riding a bicycle?
(Nothing should be allowed to dangle from the handle bar. Everything should be kept in basket or carrier)

60. Why leaky taps (especially in the Bath/ Latrine should be repaired immediately?
(Because the leaky taps contribute to the dampness and help the growth of mosses, which may lead to accident due to slipping)

61. Is it very safe to install electrical gadgets (viz., electrical heater) inside the bath room? Why?
(Incase of any accidental leakage of current and subsequent contact by any one it may prove fatal because of the damp condition of the floor)

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