Audit Checklist:
For Clause 7.4.1:
- From whom the organization can buy materials or services from?
- Is there an Approved List of suppliers?
- How does a Supplier get on the list? Any new ones added? How do Suppliers stay on the list? Is performance checked? How often are performance checked?
- Are criteria for selection & periodic evaluation defined?
- Are results of supplier evaluations & follow-up actions shall be recorded?
- Are types & extend of control to be applied to the supplier and purchased product dependent on the effects on subsequent product realisation process or the final product?
For Clause 7.4.2:
- How are orders placed to Suppliers? How is this information checked for accuracy?
- How do you ensure adequacy of specified purchase requirements prior to their communication to the supplier?
- Do purchasing documents contain information describing the product to be purchased, including where appropriate requirements for product approval, procedures, processes and equipment, qualification of staff and QMS requirements?
For Clause 7.4.3:
- How does the organization checks that what was received is exactly what was ordered?
- Are activities necessary for verification of purchased products established and implemented?
- Do the organization ever goes to a Suppliers premises to release a purchase order? Do Customers of organization ever do this with the Suppliers of organization ? If so, how is the Supplier made aware?