Channel: EHSQL Greenko -AMGreen Group (Env-Energy ,Health,Safety, Security , Social Ac. Quality-Lab) Tec.Ser.
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  1. Does the organization has a health and safety policy? (if yes, please attach one copy)
  2. Do you have any corporate safety policy? (if yes, please attach one copy)
  3. Who has signed the health safety policy? (indicate his position)
  4. Whether it is prepared as per guidelines of the statutory provisions?
  5. When was the safety policy declared and adopted?
  6. How many times it has been updated till now?
  7. Whether the policy is made know to all?
  8. Whether the safety policy was scrutinized by outside expert agency?
  9. What was the last date of updation?
  10. Does it find a place in the annual report?


(A) Safety Department

  1. Does the factory has a safety department?
  2. If yes, furnish the following information:
    1. Head of the safety department:
      1. Name
      2. Designation
      3. Qualification
      4. Experience
      5. Status
    2. Strength of the safety department including safety officers and staff.
  3. Does the head of safety department/safety officer report to the chief executive?
  4. How often are the safety officers retrained in the latest techniques of total safety management? What is the frequency of retraining?
  5. What additional duties the safety officer is required to do?
  6. What is the power of safety officer vis-a-vis unsafe condition or unsafe act?

(B) Safety Committee (s)

  1. Does the factory has a safety committee(s)? Give details of their types, structures and terms of reference.
  2. Is the tenure of the safety committee(s) as per the statute?
  3. How are the members of safety committee (s) selected? (elected/nominated)
  4. How often are the meetings of safety committee(s) held?
  5. What are the subjects? Are the problems discussed in the meetings? (Attach a copy of agenda and minutes of the last meeting)
  6. How are the recommendations of the committee(s) implemented?
  7. Are the minutes of the safety committee(s) meetings circulated among the members?
  8. Are the minutes forwarded to the trade union(s) and chief executive and occupier?
  9. How the management and trade union play their active roles in supporting and accepting the committee(s) recommen- dations?
  10. How are the safety committee(s) members apprised of the latest developments in safety, health and environment?

(C) Safety Budget

  1. What is the annual safety budget?
  2. How much percentage is this budget of the total turnover of the company.
  3. How much budget has utilized till date?
  4. Is the safety budget adequate?
  5. How is the safety budget arrived at?
  6. What is the pattern of expenditure for the last five years?
  7. What are the approved sanctions for the expenditure in this budget?
  8. Does this budget get reflected in the annual report of the company?


  1. Whether the accident data for the last three years for reportable and non-reportable accident available?
  2. Is there any system of classifying and analyzing the near-miss incidents and accidents? Give the details.
  3. Are all near-miss incidents and accidents reported and investigated?
  4. For how many years are the investigation reports retained?
  5. By whom the accident statistics and data are maintained? 8
  6. How is the top management apprised of these data?
  7. Is the accident statistics effectively utilized? If yes, how?
  8. What nature of injuries occurred during the last three years?
  9. How do you ensure implementation of the recommendations to avoid the recurrence of the incidents and accidents?


  1. What type of safety inspections are carried out and what are their frequency?
  2. Is there any system of internal inspection?
  3. Who does the inspections?
  4. Are the check-list prepared for these inspections? (Specify item-wise, for example, housekeeping, fire protection, etc).
  5. To whom the recommendations are submitted?



  1. Is there any training department?
  2. Is there any programme of induction training?
  3. Mention the duration of induction training for each category of employees.
  4. Whether the assessment of the trainee worker is done or not?
  5. What infrastructural facilities with audio-visual support are available for training?
  6. Do the programmes cover the plant safety rules, hazard communication and any other special safety rules or procedures unique to the plant or specific departments?
  7. Whether the training programmes are conducted in the local language?
  8. Whether visits to safety institutions/organizations are arranged?

Periodic Training/Retraining

  1. Are all the employees trained and what is the frequency of such training?
  2. Do the training programmes cover safety and health aspects and if so how much (in terms of number of sessions/hours)?
  3. Do the trained supervisors train their own employees in safety and health aspects?
  4. Is the retraining performed whenever new hazards/process changes are followed/introduced?
  5. How are the senior management personnel trained in safety and health?
  6. How many employees have been trained in safety and health in the last five years? Give break up with details.
  7. How many man-days/hours are used in training the employees?
  8. How do you ensure that the training is put to use by the employees trained in safety and health.
  9. What is the training plan for the next two years? Give details.
  10. What documentation system has been established regarding safety and health training?

Safety Communication/Motivation/Promotion

  1. Does the factory has safety suggestion schemes? Give details.
  2. Does your factory participate in National Awards/Suggestion schemes?
  3. Has your factory been awarded during last five years?
  4. Are safety contests organized in the factory? Give details.
  5. What are the publications of your organization? Do they include information on safety and health subjects?
  6. Is the literature on safety and health made available to the employees?
  7. How is the safety and health publicized in your factory?
    1. Bulletin boards?
    2. Post serious accidents?
    3. New letter?
    4. Others? Specify
  8. Does the organization celebrate safety day/week or organize safety exhibition?
  9. When was the last safety day/week celebrated?


  1. Are adequate number of first aid boxes provided? Give location details?
  2. Is there any first aid/ambulance room?
  3. Are qualified/trained first aid’s available in each shift?
  4. How many qualified/trained first aide’s are available at each plant/department?
  5. How many persons are trained/given refreshers training in first aid in a year?


  1. Whether occupational safety and health center is provided or not?
  2. Does it conform to the provisions of the existing legislation? 9
  3. Are the Medical Attendants/Doctors available in each shift?
  4. Is ambulance van available in each shift?
  5. Any liaison with the nearest hospital(s)? Give details.


(A) Housekeeping

  1. Are all the passages, floors and the stairways in good condition?
  2. Do you have the system to deal with the spillage?
  3. Do you have sufficient disposable bins clearly marked and whether these are suitably located?
  4. Are drip trays positioned wherever necessary
  5. Do you have adequate localized extraction and scrubbing facilities for dust, fumes and gases? Please specify.
  6. Whether walkaways are clearly marked and free from obstruction?
  7. Do you have any inter-departmental competition for good housekeeping?
  8. Has your organization elaborated good housekeeping practices and standards and made them known to the employees?
  9. Are there any working conditions which make the floors slippery? If so, what measures are taken to make them safe?
  10. Does the company have adequate measures to suppress polluting dust arising out from road transport?

(B) Noise

  1. Are there any machines/processes generating noise? Specify.
  2. Was any noise study conducted?
  3. Which are the areas having high-level noise?
  4. Have engineering and administrative controls been implemented to reduce noise exposure below the permissible limits?
  5. Is there a system of subjecting all those employees to periodic audiometric test who work in high level noise areas?
  6. Whether the workers are made aware of the ill-effects of high noise.
  7. Whether any personal protective equipment along with ear muffs/plugs are provided and used.

(C) Ventilation

  1. Whether natural ventilation is adequate or not?
  2. Whether dust/fumes/hot air is generated in the process? Give details.
  3. Is there any exhaust dilution ventilation system in any section of the plant?
  4. Whether any ventilation study has been carried out in the section(s) to check the record?
  5. Are periodic/preventive maintenance of ventilation system carried out and record is maintained?
  6. Does any ventilation system recirculate the exhausted air in work areas?
  7. Is the work environment assessed and monitored?
  8. Whether personal protective equipment are given to workers exposed to dust/fumes and gases? Give details.


  1. Was any study carried out for the assessment of illumination level?
  2. Is there any system of periodical cleaning and replacing the lighting fittings/lamps in order to ensure that they give the intended illumination levels?
  3. Are the workers subject to periodic optometry tests and records maintained? Give details.


  1. Are all the hazardous areas identified?
  2. What are the types of hazards (physical- noise, heat, etc, and chemical-fire, explosion, toxic release, etc)?
  3. What steps have been taken to prevent these hazards? Give details.
  4. Are there any safety inter-locks, alarms and trip system? Give details.
  5. Are these tested periodically? How often? Please specify.
  6. Are there any ambient monitoring devices with alarms for leakage of hazardous materials? Give details.
  7. Are safety audit or HAZOP or any other studies carried out and the recommendations implemented? Give details.
  8. What has been the major modification done in plant/process and has the approval of the competent authority concerned?
  9. What decision and monitoring equipment are available and used for checking the environmental conditions in and around the plant? Give details.


Safe Operating Procedures

  1. Are written safe operating procedures available for all operations?
  2. Whether the written safe operating procedures displayed or made available and explained in the local language to the workers?
  3. Whether the safe operating procedures are prepared jointly by the plant and safety departments?
  4. What system is used to ensure that the existing safe operating procedures are updated? Give details.
  5. Have the workers been informed of the consequences of failure to observe the safe operating procedures?
  6. Are contractor workers educated and trained to observe safety at workplace?
  7. Whether contractor’s workers are permitted on process/operations? Give details.


  1. What necessary type of work permits exists in your factory? Give details.
  2. What are the hazardous chemicals handled?
  3. Are the keys kept for individual locks which are used for electrical lock outs with the supervisor concerned?


  1. Is identification done for various types of wastes? Give details.
  2. Are these quantities less than those specified by the hazardous wastes. (Management & Handling Rules, 1989)?
  3. What are their disposal modes?
  4. What are the systems/measures adopted for controlling air/water/land pollution?
  5. What is the system of effluent treatment plant and whether it is approved by the competent authority?
  6. How are the treated effluent used?


  1. Has a list of required PPE for each area/operation been developed and the required PPE is made available to the workers?
  2. Are the safety department and the workers consulted in the selection of PPE?
  3. Have the workers been trained in proper use of PPE?
  4. What is the system of replacement/issue of PPE?
  5. What are the arrangements for safe custody and storage of PPE provided to the workers?
  6. Are the contractor’s workers provided with the required PPE? Who is responsible? Give details.
  7. Are the PPE conform to any standard? Give details.
  8. Give the details of PPE and also specify the responsibility for their inspection and maintenance?


  1. Indicate on a plant layout the location, number (Quantiy) and types of portable fire extinguishers available.
  2. Are the fire fighting system and equipment approved, tested and maintained as per relevant standard?
  3. What is the inspection and maintenance schedule of the above extinguishers? Who performs these functions?
  4. Which areas of the plant are covered by fire hydrants? Indicate the locations of the hydrant points and how the required pressure maintained in the system and ensured.
  5. What is the capacity of dedicated water reservoir for supply to the hydrants? What is the source of water?
    1. How is the power supply to the fire hydrant pump ensured?
    2. What is the Alternate source of supply in case of power failure? Give details.
  6. Are all personnel conversant with the fire prevention and protection measures? Give details.
  7. What percentage of plant personnel and staff and officers, have been trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers? Give details.
  8. Do you have fixed or automatic fire fighting installation(s) in any section of your plant?
  9. Are the fire alarms adequate and free from obstruction?
  10. Do you have fire department? If yes, give details.
  11. What is the system for conducting mock drills? Give details.
  12. Do you have any mutual aid scheme with any of your neighbouring industry or any local organization(s)?
  13. Give details of the existing fire resistant walls and doors.
  14. Do you have any system of colour coding for all the pipelines for hazardous chemical? Give details including marking of flow directions.
  15. Are there any safe containers for the movement of small quantities of hazardous chemicals? Give details. 11
  16. Are all self-closing fire doors in good condition and free from obstructions?
  17. How many major and minor incidents/fires were there in the factory during the last five years? Give department/plant-wise.
  18. Have all the fires/incidents been investigated and corrective actions taken? Give break up.


  1. Is there an on- site emergency plan for your factory? (attach a copy of the plan)
  2. What is the frequency of conducting mock drills of on-site emergency plan?
  3. What are the number and location of emergency control centre, assembly points?
  4. Whether emergency team or the key personnel identified?
  5. Are suitable and adequate protective and rescue equipment available? How is the emergency rescue team trained to use these equipment?
  6. How is the emergency communication with local bodies and other organizations ensured? Give details.
  7. Is any alternate power source identified? Give details.
  8. What is the medical emergency response system? Give details.
  9. Are you a member of any MUTUAL-AID-SCHEME of your area? If so give details.
  10. How many emergency alarm system(s) is/are available? Give details.


  1. What is the system of classification of hazardous zones in the plant for electrical installations? Please specify.
  2. Whether periodic inspection and preventive maintenance of electrical installations is done by a qualified person and record is maintained?
  3. Whether plant layout with area classification has been displayed at appropriate place (s)?


  1. Whether the process(s) and equipment generate and accumulate static charge have been identified? Give details.
  2. Whether all such equipment are properly bonded and earthed?
  3. How is electrical resistance for earthing circuits maintained? Are periodic inspections done and recorded?
  4. Are adequate earthing arrangements made at the terminal points where hazardous chemicals are handled through pipes?
  5. Are anti-static charge devices fitted wherever necessary?
  6. Whether these devices are periodically checked and maintained by a qualified person?


  1. Give details of the plants, piping and vessels which are operated at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure?
  2. How is it ensured that the working pressure inside the pressure vessels/pressure plants will not exceed their maximum working pressure for which it is designed?
  3. What means of isolating the pressure vessels or means to prevent rise in pressure are installed?
  4. What standards/codes of practice are adopted for design, fabrication, operation and maintenance of the pressure vessels and records maintained?
  5. How are the pressure vessels tested? Give details.
  6. Is there any competent person for testing these pressure vessels? Give details.
  7. How are the recorded results verified?
  8. Give details of safety devices available for these pressure vessels?
  9. Whether log book for pressure vessel and pressure plant has been maintained?


  1. What is the system for effecting any change in the existing plant, equipment or process? Whether it is approved by the appropriate competent authority?
  2. Whether the P & I diagrams and other related documents are updated accordingly?


  1. Whether all the lifting machines are marked with their S. WL.?
  2. Are all the examinations and tests documented in the prescribed form?
  3. Are all the examinations and tests carried out and certified by competent person(s)? Give details.
  4. Are adequate lifting tackles provided at all the places where it is required? Give details.
  5. Are the trained operators engaged for operating the equipment? Give details. 12
  6. What is the system of training such operators?
  7. Are all the lifting machines and tackles maintained in good conditions and record maintained?


  1. Are all the mobile equipment in good condition?
  2. Are trained drivers engaged for fork-lift trucks?
  3. What is the system for identifying these drivers from other drivers?
  4. What system do you adopt to assess their standard of driving as poor/fair/satisfactory/good?
  5. Are there adequate number of warning signs/signals?
  6. Are the hazards associated with transportation within the plant identified and safety measure taken? Give details.


  1. Is adequate safe access provided to all places where workers need to work?
  2. Are all such access in good condition?
  3. Are portable access platforms necessary? If yes:
    1. Are these sufficient?
    2. Are these regularly inspected?
    3. Are these readily available?
    4. Are these provided with toe-boards and railings?
  4. Oiling and greasing points:
    1. Are these located and extended to safe place clear of moving parts?
    2. Are these easily accessible?
    3. Are these liable to drip into walkways?
    4. Whether such workers were trained and whether they are provided with fit-tight clothings and register is maintained?
  5. Are all drain covers in good condition and fitting flush?


  1. Are there adequate storage facilities available?
  2. Are these areas clearly defined?
  3. Are all racks and steel ages in good condition?
  4. Have you adequate equipment for handling materials?
  5. Do the workers know the hazards associated with manual material handling?
  6. Where manual handling is necessary, are the workers been trained?
  7. Do they practice this?
  8. Do workers follow safe procedures for storage of materials?
  9. Whether contractor workers are trained in safety?
  10. What is the system for handling over plant to the maintenance department and receiving back?
  11. Is the system consistently applied?
  12. What is the system for the preventive and predictive maintenance and how do you ensure its effectiveness? Give details.


  1. Whether it is pressure vessel or not.
  2. Give storage vessels designation (exceeding threshold quantities specified in MSIHC, Rules 1989).
  3. Give the names of storage materials in each of them.
  4. What are the vessel sizes (capacity in tonnes)?
  5. What is the material of construction for each vessel and what standards followed in designing/fabricating the vessel?
  6. What are the operating pressure and temperature?
  7. What are the vessels location? (Please indicate on-site plan or plot plan)
  8. Indicate whether vessels are above ground/underground.
  9. If any of the tanks storing flammable material, whether electrical installations are flameproof or not?
  10. Are these storage vessels bunded/dyked?
  11. If yes, what is the capacity of the bunds/dykes?
  12. Are the vessels properly bonded and earthed and whether periodically checked and record maintained?
  13. How are vessels isolated in the event of a mishap?
  14. Are the vessels fitted with remotely controlled isolation valves?
  15. Are vessels provided with emergency vent, relief valve, bursting disc, level indicator, pressure gauge, overflow line?
  16. Where do such vents discharge?
  17. Are the vessels provided with alarms for high, level, high temperature and high pressure?
  18. Are stand by empty tanks provided for emptying in case of emergencies?
  19. What are the provisions made for firefighting/tackling emergency situations around the storage vessels?
  20. Has any consequence analysis been carried out for these vessels? (If yes, give details) 13
  21. What periodical testings are carried out on the vessels to find out the integrity of the vessels?
  22. Whether these tests are certified by the approved competent persons?
  23. Whether log sheets are filled up on daily basis for recording the parameters of these vessels?


  1. What are the various gas cylinders used in the plant? (give details).
  2. What are the storage facilities?
  3. What are the measures taken for combating any emergency in the cylinders storage area?
  4. Are valid licenses available for storing all these cylinders?
  5. Whether integrity test certificates are obtained from the suppliers of the cylinders?


  1. Are public address system available in all plant areas?
  2. Are public address systems provided with uninterrupted power supply?
  3. Whether public address system is checked periodically for its proper functioning?
  4. Is there any hot line provided to fire station?
  5. What is the means of communicating emergency in the plants?


  1. What potentially hazardous materials are transported to or from the site (including wastes)?
  2. What modes of transport are used:
    1. Road?
    2. Rail?
    3. Pipelines?


  1. Does the company employ licenced vehicle of its own/outside sources?
  2. Are the loading/unloading procedures on- site and safety precautions displayed?
  3. Are loaded tankers or trucks parked in a specific area on-site?
  4. Do all truck and tanker drivers carry TREM card or instruction booklet?
  5. Do all truck and tanker drivers get training in handling emergencies during transport?


  1. What hazardous materials are transported by rail?
  2. Does the company have a direct siding on site?
  3. Are tankers or others wagons used in transportation?


  1. What materials are transported to and from the site by pipeline?
  2. Are the pipelines underground or overground?
  3. Are corrosion protection measures employed in pipelines?
  4. Whether intermediate booster pumps are used?
  5. What is the maximum, minimum and average transfer rates?
  6. Are the pipelines extended in the public domain?
  7. Are the pipelines dedicated for each type of chemicals?
  8. Are the pipelines fitted with safety equipment such as leak detectors, automatic shut-off valves, etc?
  9. What is the frequency and method of testing of the pipeline?
  10. Is there written procedure for tackling leakages in pipeline?

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