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Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada Dated :Oct 27, 2015

Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada    Dated :Oct 27, 2015
Past 24 Hours Weather Data
Maximum Temp(oC)33.1
Departure from Normal(oC)2
Minimum Temp (oC)22.4
Departure from Normal(oC)-2
24 Hours Rainfall (mm)NIL
Todays Sunset (IST)17:33
Tommorows Sunrise (IST)05:57
Moonset (IST)05:30
Moonrise (IST)17:37
Today's Forecast:Sky condition would be generally cloudy.Rain or thundershowers may occur in parts of city. Maximum and minimum temperatures would be around 33 and 23 deg celcius respectively.
Date Temperature ( o C ) Weather Forecast
Minimum Maximum
28-Oct 22.0 33.0 Mist
29-Oct 22.0 33.0 Mist
30-Oct 22.0 33.0 Partly cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
31-Oct 23.0 32.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
01-Nov 23.0 32.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
02-Nov 23.0 32.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm

Today10/2840% / 1 mm Partly cloudy early followed by scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. High 31C. Winds E at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 40%.
Today10/2840% / 0 mm Mostly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms mainly during the evening. Low 24C. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.

TimeTemp.Feels LikeDew PointHumidityConditionsPrecip.Liquid Precip.WindCloud CoverPressure
6:00 am27 °C30 °C24 °C85%Mostly CloudyMostly Cloudy0% 0 mm 0 km/h ENE69%1013hPa
7:00 am28 °C32 °C24 °C79%Mostly CloudyMostly Cloudy0% 0 mm 8 km/h ENE66%1014hPa
8:00 am29 °C33 °C23 °C74%Mostly CloudyMostly Cloudy0% 0 mm 10 km/h ENE61%1014hPa
9:00 am27 °C32 °C24 °C84%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy0% 0 mm 5 km/h E59%1014hPa
10:00 am29 °C34 °C23 °C71%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy0% 0 mm 13 km/h E58%1014hPa
11:00 am29 °C34 °C23 °C72%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy17% 0 mm 14 km/h E55%1014hPa
12:00 pm30 °C36 °C25 °C73%Chance of a ThunderstormChance of a Thunderstorm30%0 mm 6 km/h E53%1013hPa
1:00 pm28 °C33 °C24 °C75%Chance of a ThunderstormChance of a Thunderstorm37%0 mm 13 km/h E53%1012hPa
2:00 pm28 °C33 °C24 °C79%Chance of a ThunderstormChance of a Thunderstorm39%0 mm 11 km/h E54%1011hPa
3:00 pm31 °C37 °C25 °C71%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy22%0 mm 5 km/h E53%1011hPa
4:00 pm27 °C31 °C24 °C83%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy22%0 mm 11 km/h E50%1011hPa
5:00 pm27 °C31 °C24 °C84%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy19%0 mm 10 km/h E55%1011hPa
6:00 pm29 °C35 °C24 °C73%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy10%0 mm 3 km/h E57%1012hPa
7:00 pm27 °C31 °C24 °C87%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy16%0 mm 8 km/h E56%1013hPa
8:00 pm27 °C31 °C24 °C88%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy22%0 mm 8 km/h E51%1013hPa
9:00 pm28 °C33 °C24 °C77%Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy24%0 mm 2 km/h E57%1014hPa
10:00 pm26 °C30 °C24 °C88%Chance of a ThunderstormChance of a Thunderstorm35%0 mm 8 km/h ENE56%1014hPa
11:00 pm26 °C29 °C24 °C88%Chance of a ThunderstormChance of a Thunderstorm36%0 mm 8 km/h ENE60%1014hPa

Country HighsCountry Lows

Month of October, 2015

Max Temperature37 °C33 °C27 °C
Mean Temperature31 °C29 °C27 °C
Min Temperature26 °C25 °C22 °C
Degree Days 
Heating Degree Days (base 65)0000
Cooling Degree Days (base 65)222016557
Growing Degree Days (base 50)383531980
Dew Point 
Dew Point28 °C25 °C20 °C
Precipitation15.0 mm1.1 mm0.0 mm31.00 mm
Snowdepth - - - -
Wind6 km/h1 km/h0 km/h
Gust Wind - - -
Sea Level Pressure 
Sea Level Pressure1015 hPa1011 hPa1005 hPa

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