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Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada Dated :Jun 28, 2015


Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada    Dated :Jun 28, 2015
Past 24 Hours Weather Data
Maximum Temp(oC)36.0
Departure from Normal(oC)2
Minimum Temp (oC)27.6
Departure from Normal(oC)1
24 Hours Rainfall (mm)NIL
Todays Sunset (IST)18:38
Tommorows Sunrise (IST)05:31
Moonset (IST)02:11
Moonrise (IST)15:11
Today's Forecast:Sky condition would be Generally Cloudy. Rain/Thundershowers may occur in parts of city. Maximum & Minimum temperatures would be around 36 and 27 degrees celsius respectively.
Date Temperature ( o C ) Weather Forecast
Minimum Maximum
29-Jun 27.0 36.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
30-Jun 27.0 36.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
01-Jul 27.0 36.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
02-Jul 26.0 35.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
03-Jul 26.0 35.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm
04-Jul 26.0 35.0 Mainly or Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or Thunderstorm

Today's Forecast:Sky condition would be Generally Cloudy. Rain/Thundershowers may occur in parts of city. Maximum & Minimum temperatures would be around 36 and 27 degrees celsius respectively.

ActualAverage Record
Mean Temperature32 °C-
Max Temperature36 °C- - ()
Min Temperature27 °C- - ()
Cooling Degree Days24
Growing Degree Days38 (Base 50)
Dew Point25 °C
Average Humidity66
Maximum Humidity78
Minimum Humidity51
Precipitation0.0 mm- - ()
Sea Level Pressure
Sea Level Pressure1004.62 hPa
Wind Speed5 km/h ()
Max Wind Speed9 km/h
Max Gust Speed-
Visibility7.0 kilometers
T = Trace of Precipitation, MM = Missing ValueSource: Averaged Metar Reports

Daily Weather History Graph

Daily Weather History Graph

Max Temperature39 °C32 °C25 °C
Mean Temperature34 °C29 °C24 °C
Min Temperature29 °C26 °C23 °C
Degree Days 
Heating Degree Days (base 65)0000
Cooling Degree Days (base 65)282012560
Growing Degree Days (base 50)433527979
Dew Point 
Dew Point28 °C25 °C18 °C
Precipitation168.0 mm7.9 mm0.0 mm228.40 mm
Snowdepth - - - -
Wind144 km/h5 km/h0 km/h
Gust Wind - - -
Sea Level Pressure 
Sea Level Pressure1012 hPa1003 hPa996 hPa

Monthly Weather History Graph

Monthly Weather History Graph

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