21 | 43 |
22 | 43 |
23 | 47 |
24 | 46 |
25 | 46 |
26 | 45 |
27 | 43 |
28 | 43 |
29 | 41 |
30 | 40 |
· What sources of energy does my winery use?
2. onsite nonrenewable fuels: natural gas, fuel oil, petroleum, distilled alcohol, etc. LINK 2
3. renewable: hydroelectric, solar, wind, biofuel, geothermal, etc. LINK 3
· What is the quality of the electrical power we use, its impact on voltage tolerances of equipment?
· What percentage of energy sources used is carbon neutral with lower environmental impact?
· Is the current utility fee schedule optimized for my current usage profile?
· How much of each energy source does my winery use?
· How much of each energy source does my winery use for each operation?
· How does my winery’s energy needs vary over time?
· How much energy is used for each gallon of wine produced?
· How does my winery’s energy use compare to industry standards? LINK 4
· Are we utilizing programs to optimize energy efficiency and control consumption?
1. assign an in house energy manager
2. develop an in house energy management program
3. establish baselines using appropriate measures of performance for each system and quantify current energy uses and losses LINK 5
4. set annual energy reduction goals
5. utilize local utilities to assist in energy audits and obtain tax incentive credits and rebates
· What are we doing to reduce and offset GHG emissions associated with the package we use?
1. reduced weight glass
2. reduced other packaging weight - cardboard, labels, capsules, print
3. utilizing alternative containers
4. CO2 equivalents offset practices
· Do we plan strategically to reduce fuels used for transportation?
1. optimize process flow to reduce unnecessary or redundant steps
2. schedule shipping to optimize efficient use of transport vessels
3. schedule purchasing to optimize transportation energy
4. use alternative to traditional fossil fuel road transport; i.e. rail, electric, hybrids
5. encourage company and employee ride share and carpools
6. utilize truly carbon neutral bio-fuels
· What have we done to optimize our refrigeration efficiencies?
1. replace Shaded Pole and Permanent Split-Capacitor (PSC) motors with Electronically Commutated (EC) motors LINK 6
2. optimize suction pressure to reduce compressor power and save energy LINK 7
3. variably adjust condenser set-point temperatures to optimize compressor pressure difference for varying ambient temperatures LINK 8
4. install a thermosyphon oil cooler to replace liquid injection oil cooling LINK 9
5. increase System Piping Diameter LINK 10
6. purge non-condensable gases LINK 11
7. reduced excess heat gain from: interior lights (replace with LED), inadequate defrosting, inadequate insulation, excessive air exchange, worn weather stripping, etc.
8. clean coils at recommended levels
9. perform cooling tower water treatment at regular intervals
10. shift electric consumption into less expensive Off-Peak times
11. replace air cooled condensers with evaporative condensers
12. oversize condensers where possible
13. utilize heat recovery from refrigeration processes when possible
14. insulate refrigeration lines
15. install a thermal ice storage systems
16. insulate jacketed and non-jacketed tanks
17. optimize tank volumes
18. utilize electro dialysis for tartrate removal
19. use R-404 or 507 ammonia refrigerants
20. utilize high efficiency heat exchangers
21. install variable speed control on condenser and evaporator fans
22. cycle evaporator and condenser fans
23. install computer controls for optimal compressor efficiency
24. optimize defrost control LINK 12
25. utilize absorption refrigerator systems which use a heat source to achieve cooling LINK 13
· Are we using the most efficient lighting sources and controls available?
1. replace HID fixtures with T5 or T8 fluorescent high bay fixtures
2. install T5 or T8 fluorescent fixtures with electronic ballasts in office, lab, and common areas
3. install compact fluorescent fixtures in bathroom and common areas
4. install LED exit signs
5. replace Compact fluorescent fixtures with LED white light fixtures or convert fluorescence fixtures to LED LINK 14
6. utilize lighting controls such as time clocks, by-pass/delay timers, photocells, and motion detectors
7. clean lighting fixtures once a year
8. eliminate unused ballasts and remove burned out lamps to avoid ballast damage
9. reduce lighting levels where appropriate
10. natural lighting ( i.e Daylighting - use of windows and skylights)
· Are we utilizing programs to maintain and operate all motors, belts, drives, fans, pumps and compressors for optimum energy efficiency?
1. install properly sized premium efficiency motors
2. utilize directly coupled drive systems rather than mechanical drive LINK 15
3. utilize high torque or synchronous drive V-belts or cogged belts
4. install timers and sensor controls to turn off during idle time
5. use an A System Approach for most efficient pump energy reduction LINK 16
6. install properly sized energy efficient pumps and fans LINK 17
7. install solid state variable speed drives on pumps and fans LINK 18
8. replace tower fill material with cellular film
9. install energy efficient spray nozzles, airfoil fans, and motors on tower fans and pumps
10. install 2 speed energy efficient motors on condenser fans
11. utilize floating head pressure control
12. utilize floating suction pressure control
13. replace reciprocating compressors with properly sized screw compressors LINK 19
14. PLC controlled equipment using external control of compressor cylinder loading and unloading
15. install automatic compressor sequencing controls and shut off timers
16. perform regular preventative maintenance
· Do we manage our water practices to reduce associated energy needs?
1. utilize high efficiency boilers
2. install stack thermometer and boiler make up water meter
3. install time clocks on boilers and aerators
4. perform recommended maintenance on boilers and aerators
5. employ time-of-use rates when possible
6. perform regular combustion analysis on boilers (air/fuel mixture)
7. water test and treatment at recommended intervals
8. insulate hot water and steam lines
9. heat recovery off of stacks to preheat in-take water
10. full modulating burners (varies burner based on demand)
11. base boiler blow down on the amount of total dissolved solids
12. install proper steam traps, condensate storage tanks and pressurized return systems
13. match steam load to boiler output
14. automatic pump shutoff on low/no demand
15. affective pre-screening of fluids into ponds
16. install premium efficiency motors
17. install variable speed motors to vary speed based on demand
18. install dissolved oxygen sensors in ponds
19. install fine bubble diffusion aerators
· What have we done to optimize our building envelope?
1. optimize insulation on building and tanks
2. utilize night air cooling
3. utilize solar screens to reduce heat gain
4. install strip curtains on conditioned buildings with high traffic
5. energy efficient timers and sensors for HVAC
· What have we done to optimize our process flow and building efficiency design?
1. gravity feed instead of pump
2. efficient equipment layout
· Are we using any forms of alternative and/or renewable energy?
1. solar
2. wind
3. bio-fuels
4. other
· What is my winery’s carbon footprint?
1. Quantify carbon footprint of all production components
2. WRI based green house gas protocol – International Wine Carbon Calculator
3. LIVE closure CO2 calculator and energy use summary
· Do we utilize any carbon sequestering practices?
1. grape marc composting
2. vineyards
· Do we employ any carbon offsets or credits?
1. bio-mass conversion to heat or fuels
· Does my winery educate and train employees in the use of energy efficient practices?
1. employees receive training in energy and water conservation
2. assigned an energy manager and team
· Do we notify employees of company energy programs and accomplishments?
1. inform employees and costumers about efforts to improve efficiencies
· Does my winery have an employee incentive program?
1. incentive and recognition programs for achievement of energy efficiency goals
· Do we have commitment from executive through all levels to improve energy efficiency?
· Is a continuous improvement system imbedded in your energy management program?
Best Winery http//
Bonneville Power Administration
Pacific Power
Benton REA
Benton PUD
Department of Energy
The World Resources Institute GHG protocol
The Wine Institute wine green house gas protocol
Winemakers Federation of Australia
Environmental Protection Agency
The Wine Institute winery water guide
Food Miles Calculator
American Association of Wine Economists
Integrated Production of Wines in South Africa
Energy Industries
Integrated Renewable energy
BioEnergy Washington
Central Washington Biodiesel
Special Thanks To The Following For Their Contributions:
Tom Osborn, Mechanical Engineer, Bonneville Power Administration
Bradley D. Miller, Agriculture Sector Lead, Bonneville Power Administration
Bill Clemens, Regional Community Manager, Pacific Power
Bruce Etzel, Community Development & Member Relations Manager, Benton REA
Kevin Fischer, Key Accounts Representative, Benton PUD
Washington Department of Ecology TREE team
Meryl Rickey, Enologist, Snoqualmie, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
Warren Kenney, Maintenance Supervisor Snoqualmie, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
Jeff Paeschke, Technical Specialist Projects, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
Electrical power provided over the grid is comprised of a majority of non-renewable and some renewable generation. Unless they specifically purchase renewable, it should be counted as nonrenewable. This is distinct from carbon neutral, since nuclear energy can be considered carbon neutral.
As distinct from power sourced from the grid. Alcohol conventionally distilled from corn is a net energy user and should not be considered renewable.
This can be generated on-site or purchased through the utility. It should be noted that each of these has various carbon footprints and environmental consequences that may need a prioritization scheme of its own. Hydroelectric can refer to hydroelectric dams, run-of-the-river low head turbines, wave, or tidal generation.
The Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Practices Self-Assessment Workbook suggests an industry standard of 2.9 gallons of water to every gallon of wine produced.
A thermodynamic energy balance is really the only way to get a handle on energy efficiency. This might be accomplished through heat signature measurement. Quantification of losses as thermodynamic energy balance is the best means of identifying unnecessary energy use.
There are two primary reasons you should consider using EC motors: Regulatory Compliance and Energy Efficiency. First, effective January 1, 2008, California Energy Commission (CEC) Title 20 will require all new unit coolers used in walk-in coolers and freezers to be equipped with EC motors. Other states are also considering this legislation and will likely adopt similar language within the next few years. Secondly, EC motors are much more efficient than PSC or Shaded Pole motor offerings. EC motors by InterLink are up to 75% efficient—that’s a 51-59% increase over shaded-pole motors and a 30-35% increase over permanent split-capacitor (PSC) motors. Additionally, these motors run cooler than PSC or shaded pole motors, introducing less heat into the refrigerated space and further increasing energy savings.
Raise suction temperature to the highest possible for particular loads at any time. Drop suction (low-side) pressure/temperature to maintain colder loads. Raising suction pressure decreases compressor work.
A useful guideline says you can expect the efficiency of your system’s compressors to improve by 1.3% for each degree F in lower saturated condensing temperature.
Oil seals, cools, and lubricates screw compressors, liquid-refrigerant injection cooling uses 5-15% of compressor power to recompress refrigerant.
Small piping diameter requires higher pressure to overcome friction losses.
Non-condensable gases, such as air or CO2, reduce the effective surface area of the condenser that could condense refrigerant vapor, thereby decreasing heat exchanger efficiency.
Evaporator coils must be free of ice to maximize heat transfer. Use hot gas or water defrost instead of electric defrost. High-pressure refrigerant uses less energy than electric heaters. Reduce defrost time by using airflow sensors and thermocouples can stop the defrost system as soon as the ice has melted.
These use a heat source to achieve cooling and can reduce the electricity requirement by 80 to 90%. This technology has found good acceptance in locations having waste heat or access to cheaper alternative fuels.
Some facts about converting to LED lighting:
- Save money – low temp and low voltage
- Ultra strong and robust – no glass or filaments to break
- Zero maintenance – lifetime = 75,000 hours
- Environmentally friendly – no mercury
- Superior light quality – mimics sunlight, no flickering/buzzing
Existing Watts Hours per day Cost per KWH ANNUAL ENERGY COST Hourly Rate Replacement Time Yearly Replacements ANNUAL LABOR COST # of Lamps # Times Replaced ANNUAL LAMP COST TOT. ANNUAL COST SAVINGS: | ![]() | Incandescent 40 24 $0.10 $3,504.00 $25.00 30min. 2.9 $3,625.00 2@$3.25 ea 2.9 $1,885.00 $9,014.00 $8,804.00 | ![]() | Fluorescent 17 24 $0.10 $1,489.00 $25.00 30min. 0.9 $1,125.00 2@$4.86 ea 0.9 $875.00 $3,488.00 $3,278.00 | ![]() | LED 2.4 24 $0.10 $210.00 $25.00 30min. 0 $0.00 0 0 $0.00 $210.00 |
Directly coupled drive systems are more efficient than mechanical drives and take up less space. New permanent-magnet synchronous motors can generate sufficient speed and torque without necessitating an intervening gearbox.
To design an energy efficient pump system all of the following criteria should be taken into account:
a. Basic plant layout
b. Pipe work configuration and restrictions
c. Liquid velocity in pipe work
d. System characteristics and pump selection
e. Pump/System control
Look for symptoms associated with inefficient energy consumption:
• Throttle-valve control for the system
• Cavitation noise or damage in the system
• Continuous pump operation to support a batch process
• Constant number of parallel pumps supporting a process with changing demands
• Bypass or recirculation line normally open
• High system maintenance
• Systems that have undergone change in function.
Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT) Saves Energy
The Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT) software uses data that is typically available or easily obtained in the field (e.g., pump head, flow rate, and motor power) to estimate potential energy and dollar savings in industrial pump systems. The software, developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) is available at no cost for evaluating industrial pump systems.
Smoothing the outer front and back shroud of the impeller can be a cost-efficient procedure to improve pump efficiency and reduce the clearance of the sealing gaps to the smallest possible value in order to increase the volumetric efficiency. From investigations based on statistically evaluated data it is known, that the largest potential regarding an improvement of efficiency exists at low specific speeds.
Various conditions that decrease the efficiency of your pump should be checked for and corrected. These include:
- Packing generates approximately six times as much heat as a balanced mechanical seal. Carbon film, polymeric composite, or Ultrananocrystalline-Diamond (UNCD) mechanical seals demonstrate generally higher efficiencies.
- Wear rings and impeller clearances are critical. Anything that causes these tolerances to open will cause internal recirculation that is wasting power as the fluid is returned to the suction of the pump. If the wear ring is rubbing, the generated heat is consuming power.
- A bypass line installed from the discharge side of the pump to the suction piping. The heat generated from this recirculation can, in some cases, cause pump cavitation as it heats the incoming liquid.
- A double volute design pump restricts the discharge passage lowering the overall efficiency.
- Running the pump with a throttled discharge valve.
- Eroded or corroded internal pump passages will cause fluid turbulence.
- Any restrictions in the pump or piping passages such as product build up, a foreign object, or a stuck check valve.
- Over lubricated or over loaded bearings.
- Rubbing is a major cause of energy loss. It can be caused by:
· Misalignment between the pump and driver.
· Pipe strain.
· Impeller imbalance.
· A bent shaft.
· A close fitting bushing.
· Loose hardware.
· A protruding gasket rubbing against the mechanical seal.
· Cavitation. (5 kinds)
· Harmonic vibration.
· Improper assembly of the bearings, seal, wear rings, packing, lip seals etc..
· Thermal expansion of various components in high temperature applications. The impeller can hit the volute, the wear rings can come into physical contact etc.
· Solids rubbing against the rotating components, especially the seal.
· Operating too far off of the best efficiency point of the pump.
· Water hammer and pressure surges.
· Operating at a critical speed.
· Dynamic, non o-ring elastomers that cannot flex and roll, but must slide, eventually fretting the shaft or sleeve.
· A build up of product on the inside of the stuffing box rubbing against the mechanical seal.
· Grease or lip seals rubbing the shaft next to the bearings.
· Over tightening packing or improper seal installation.
Comparison of energy losses for throttling/on-off/VSD drive control![]()

Fitting VSDs will enable you to control the motor speed in order to match the speed need
from the equipment it is driving.
• A 20% speed reduction can result in a power reduction of close to 50%.
• VSDs are relatively simple to install or retrofit.
Utilizing an Electrical variable speed drive is the simplest and most economical way of
controlling the pump and matching it to the pump system, providing it is mainly frictional.
1.Excellent individual full-load and part-load efficiency.
2.Chillers operating with multiple compressors on common refrigeration circuits provide better partload efficiency (IPLV) than chillers with a single large screw compressor and capacity controls.
3.Very few moving parts (three).
4.Proven reliability.
5.A single compressor failure in a chiller with multiple refrigeration circuits results in loss of capacity, but the chiller can remain in service.
6.Very quiet operation.
7.Very low vibration.
8.Continuous compression process with almost no pulsation or vibration.
9.Precise machining permits sealing vane flanks with a thin film of oil.
10.Non-compliant designs (where there is no contact between the scrolls) have very low friction, which improves efficiency.
1.Compressor cannot be disassembled in field for maintenance.
2.Incrementalcapacity control on systems with multiple compressors.
Posted 6th June 2012 by Dr. Amar Nath Giri-NAGARJUNA-GROUP-NFCL
Local Weather Report and Forecast For: Kakinada Dated :May 20, 2015
![]() |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Today's Forecast:Sky condition would be Partly cloudy. Maximum & Minimum temperatures would be around 42 and 30 degrees Celsius respectively. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
Actual | Average | Record | |
Temperature | |||
Mean Temperature | 35 °C | - | |
Max Temperature | 42 °C | - | - () |
Min Temperature | 29 °C | - | - () |
Cooling Degree Days | 30 | ||
Growing Degree Days | 46 (Base 50) | ||
Moisture | |||
Dew Point | 27 °C | ||
Average Humidity | 62 | ||
Maximum Humidity | 79 | ||
Minimum Humidity | 33 | ||
Precipitation | |||
Precipitation | 0.0 mm | - | - () |
Sea Level Pressure | |||
Sea Level Pressure | 1002.88 hPa | ||
Wind | |||
Wind Speed | 2 km/h () | ||
Max Wind Speed | 7 km/h | ||
Max Gust Speed | - | ||
Visibility | 7.0 kilometers | ||
Events |
T = Trace of Precipitation, MM = Missing Value | Source: Averaged Metar Reports |
Daily Weather History Graph
Max | Avg | Min | Sum | |
Temperature | ||||
Max Temperature | 42°C | 37 °C | 30 °C | |
Mean Temperature | 35 °C | 32 °C | 28 °C | |
Min Temperature | 30 °C | 27 °C | 24 °C | |
Degree Days | ||||
Heating Degree Days (base 65) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cooling Degree Days (base 65) | 30 | 25 | 19 | 524 |
Growing Degree Days (base 50) | 46 | 40 | 34 | 838 |
Dew Point | ||||
Dew Point | 28 °C | 26 °C | 22 °C | |
Precipitation | ||||
Precipitation | 14.0 mm | 0.7 mm | 0.0 mm | 14.20 mm |
Snowdepth | - | - | - | - |
Wind | ||||
Wind | 11 km/h | 1 km/h | 0 km/h | |
Gust Wind | - | - | - | |
Sea Level Pressure | ||||
Sea Level Pressure | 1011 hPa | 1007 hPa | 1001 hPa |