On June 5th, 1972, the United Nations General Assembly formed the United Nations Environment Programme (commonly referred to as UNEP). The organization was created to, "Provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations."
THE WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY ALPHABET 80 Ways to CelebrateAdopt a ‘green’ way of life
Art made of recycled materials
Auctions to benefit an environmental project
Award presentations for environmental competitions
Awareness campaigns
Bicycle parades/races
Broadcast of public service announcements (TV and Radio)
Buy a fuel-efficient car
Calculate your carbon footprint
Celebrity support
Clean-up campaigns
Competitions (banner, drawing, essay, painting, poster, poetry)
Conferences on the environment
Debates on environment issues
Dedicate your blog to World Environment Day on 5 June
Distribute leaflets, brochures and posters
Donate to an environmental cause
Environmental education programmes in schools
Excursions to nature sites
Exhibitions (drawings, posters, photos, paintings)
Film festivals on the environment
Give a gift membership of an environmental organisation
Guidelines to community-based environmental activities
Hoist banners at major road intersections
Help local environmental groups organise WED events
Inform all your friends about WED
Involve various partners (NGOs, ministries, youth groups, celebrities, private sector)
Issue First Day Covers (stamps)
Join an environmental group
Join UNEP’s carbon neutral network
Join the Billion Tree Campaign
Keep your neighbourhood clean
Kick-start an environmental campaign
Kick the CO2 habit!
Know your rights
Launch of government environment policies, books, reports
Lobby local authorities to adopt sound environmental policies
March for the environment
Media coverage and activities
Never litter
Offset your emissions
Organic farming/cooking
Organize a WED themed event in your neighbourhood
Performances (plays, songs, poetry)
Plant a tree
Plastic bags: avoid them!
Promotional material (t-shirts, stickers, bookmarks)
Puppet shows for children with an environmental message
Quizzes related to the theme for schools, youth groups, company staff, etc…
Rainwater harvesting
Ratify international environmental conventions
Reduce, re-use, recycle
Rehabilitate natural habitats
Replace your light-bulbs with energy saving ones
Save paper
Sort rubbish
Sponsorship from private sector
Sports activities
Switch off stand-by TV and computer
Take action
T-shirts for WED
Use sustainable modes of transportation (walking, jogging, cycling, skating, carpool)
Vehicle emission monitoring
Visits to botanical gardens and national parks
Volunteer for organizations such as Clean Up the World
Waste less!
Write plays, poems, songs
Write letters to civic leaders, members of parliament, government and newspapers
Xchange ideas
Xpect environmental responsibility
Youth-led activities
Zero emissions